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Yes, it is better to lose by fighting instead of losing without it.

1. In fighting a person has a chance to win. Sometimes, even a weak person or a weak team overcomes an opponent on his day. There are many examples, in history, where a weak team has beaten the strong opponent. For example, Bangladesh has beaten Pakistan in World cup 1999. If they do not accept the challenge they can't win, the inevitable result was a defeat, but they fought with great courage and hard work, in the end, Pakistan lost the match due to their own mistakes.

2. Secondly, a person who competes doesn’t regret later. He could fight, could win, etc., try, try, try, enter the battlefield and face the challenge.

One who loses by competing, he learns some important things, which helps in his life. He boosts his moral that I have fought. There was a little difference, otherwise, I had got him. Gradually this man gets better.

I can remember the story of Hussain Shah, a Pakistani boxer. When he was a child, a boy used to tease him. Hussain forbid him a thousand-time, but he never headed. When the boy did not stop, Hussain made his mind to take revenge. He started learning boxing and work-hard. When he thought that he got enough strength, he took his revenge in a fashion. The boy was in the same tune, this weak boy could not say anything to me when he teased Hussain, he beat him in a high profile way as a boxer can do & showed him the stars during the daytime. In this way he took revenge. If Hussain Shah had not dared to come up and fight in the field, then he has to face the bad behaviour of that guy. And the Pakistanis would never have been proud of him.

In short, whenever a person intends any task, first he should draw the sketch or make planner of the work, as a famous proverb, "Look before you leap". If the work is not crying for the spilt milk, I mean doable he should start the work and never look back because, where there is a will there is away. If you had made up your mind to do work, then with eagerness, passion, enthusiasm, make all your efforts. Do not worry about the consequences, work hard with skill, planning & good techniques & pray to the Lord, one day you will be victorious.

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