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Your question "Where did the time go?" is very interesting. I can tell you where it goes, but first, you must tell me where it comes. We do not get this time from the clocks, or rising of the sun, nor is it taken away from us by the sunset. It is something very difficult to understand. The sun rises, but a person is dead, for him, the sun brings nothing, on the other hand, a sunset but a person enjoys his life (time).

Here I’ll tell you a short story, I have derived this answer from that. Once, a child was travelling in the dark of night with a candle in his hand. There a man saw him. He considered the child innocent, simple and asked, "Dear, where is this light coming from and where is it going?" The child immediately lit the candle off and replied that if you tell me where it has gone, I’ll tell you where it was coming from and where it was going. The man was stunned. He had no answer.

Now the question, what the time is. It is wealth, property, strength, power, prosperity, happiness, dignity, honour, leisure, health, etc. The loss of these things make a person like a dead, some people wish for death in life (they want to throw their time) if they are helpless and nothing.

Once, a man was selling ice. He was crying o people buy my ice. I am losing my wealth. From this, a wise man concluded that we are all selling ice (we all have time as capital which is melting in every second). If we use it we’ll be successful and get all we need otherwise, ice in the shape of time will melt & become water, our Capital (time) will be wasted and we’ll continue to rub our hands helplessly. So make the best use of whatever time you have before it is too late.

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