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This is a practical life, changing constantly. One cannot live in dreams, but he can interpret his dreams according to his desires. How to get the interpretation of dreams? By working hard, very hard, and just working hard.

For example, if a person wants a magic pen that has invisible powers and writes the most eloquent answer to any question in any language. Read the text written in any language and explain its meaning to a reader in a simple way, no matter how complex and intricate the text. Draw flexible lines that can be easily twisted in any style and paint the best pictures.

So for that, I would say, this is practical life. There are no such pens, but you can make. How does? As I said in the beginning, by hard work, hard work, and just hard work. But how will they become magic pens? If you work hard very diligently in your education, groom your ability, competence, work with intellect and wisdom, acquire awareness and be conscious, then no matter what a pen you have in your hand, that will be like a magic pen. If you have wide knowledge then you will write fluently on whatever subject you pick up. It means you will also get such a pen if you use the weapon of hard work, you will definitely succeed,

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