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I think it is not so. A happy society can only be one, where there is peace and order. The lives, property and honour of the people are protected. A peaceful society can be built on justice instead of equality. Equality is somewhat unnatural & unnecessary. Are all five fingers equal? No, they aren’t equal, nor do they need to be equated. Yes, every finger should be assigned a right or suitable task, what it is made for, or what it can do. In that case, our hand can become a strong & powerful hand.

In the same way in human beings, there are many differences in colour, race, height, language and culture etc. It is not monotonous and nor can it be desired. Human beings should be assigned tasks according to their individual-differences, health, stature, ability and strength, and they should be rewarded accordingly. A better environment should be created where everyone has a chance to move forward and reap the fruits of their labour. In any case, instead of equality, justice is the hallmark and glory of a successful society.

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