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Before talking about fear, I think it is important to mention that there are two types of emotions, negative and positive. Negative emotions are harmful to human health while positive emotions have a positive and healthy effect on the body and intellect. Some of the negative emotions are fear, anger, hatred, etc. While positive emotions like love, happiness, sympathy etc.

Without further delay, I return to the question, "Is fear sometimes good for human beings".

Yes, of course, on a different occasion, it is the element of fear that saves man from disaster. For example, the fear of going to prison prevents a person from taking bribes. The fear of accidents prevents a person from over-speeding. And there are many other factors where fear prompts a person to be cautious to avoid major dangers.

Now the question arises, if fear is so good then why not practise it for the rest of the life.

As mentioned above, fear is a negative emotion and has extremely harmful effects on human health. Unnecessary use of it brings man to the brink of destruction. For example, camouflage is extremely necessary for war situations, but if a country sits with camouflage all the time, it is difficult to estimate the poor condition of the economy of the state.

Similarly, I think the fear of the coronavirus has unduly spread to the level that it was not needed. Other than a lockdown, any other solution should have been considered. Lockdown & for the longest indefinite period I think is the aspect of negative emotions that brings more destruction. Unnecessary fear is extremely harmful to the human psyche, mental health and physical health and if this process takes a long time in a society, it is enough to hollow out the foundations of that society.

In short, fear is only good to the point, caution is better than cure. To this extent, it is necessary. But unduly fear, always hit and hurt a person even if he is safe on his bed, as said by Hanna Heath

Fear is the strangest thing,

As it comes from within our heads

But that don't stop it tucking us in

When we're safe within our beds

Try to avoid unnecessary fear as they have a very negative impact. If not impossible, still it would be very difficult to cope with it.

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