Today insha allah ta’ala we want to
discuss a goal that if i and you are able to achieve it at the end of ramadan
if we are able to graduate from the school of ramadan with that goal wallahi
We are set in the dunya and akhira what
is that goal is to leave ramadan with qalb salim is to finish ramadan and me
and you have a sound, pure heart. Why? The ayah that we all know allah subhanho
wa taala said :
لَا یَنْفَعُ مَالٌ وَّ لَا بَنُوْنَۙ(۸۸)اِلَّا)الشعراء
Allah said on that day on the day of
judgment, no wealth no children will benefit us except except
مَنْ اَتَى اللّٰهَ بِقَلْبٍ سَلِیْمٍؕ(الشعراء:89)
Except the one who come on the day of
judgment with a pure sound heart.
Allahu akbar what is the sound heart? A qalb
salim is sound heart is a heart that has that associate no partners with allah
azza wa jal has no shirk in it. The sound heart is a heart that is obedient to
allah azza wa jal. It is a heart that submitted to allah subhanho wa taala and
stay away from everything that allah has prohibited. It is a heart that all its
concern is the pleasure of allah azza wa jal, it is it is a heart that
constantly remembering allah azza wa jal it is a heart that is makhmoom
Now what is a makhmoom heart?
قیل یارسول اللہ ای
الناس افضل ۔قال: كل مخموم القلب صدوق اللسان،
قالوایارسول اللہ :صدوق اللسان نعرفه فما مخموم القلب؟ قال:ھو التقي النقي،الذی لا إثم فيه ولا بغي ولا غل ولا حسد".
Ya rasool allah who among the people is
the best, the best? He said every makhmoom il qalb and the one with a truthful
tongue. Yani he's always telling the truth. They said ya rasool allah telling
the truth, we know this one, what does it mean to have a qalb that is makhmoom.
He said that qalb is the qalb that is pure. Pious has no sin in it. No
transgression, no deceit, no malice and no envy. A heart that is pure, no
transgression, no envy, no jealousy, no malice, no rancor. That is the owner of
that heart is among the best of people. If you notice the ones the first
characteristics we mentioned, the heart has no shirk that how that is obedient
to allah the heart staying away from the haram all these are relationships with
the creator. This one here is the relationship
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