Plato ----------------- Father of Idealism
ü According to
Plato, Ideas are the only true reality
ü Two world
exist(Duality of Mind & Body)
§ Mental or Spiritual world(Eternal, Permanent, Orderly, regular
& Universal)
§ World of Appearance (Experience via touch, sight, smell, taste &
sound; that is changing, imperfect & disorderly.
ü Soul is fully
formed prior to Birth; & birth process checks its perfection, therefore
education requires bringing latent ideas to consciousness.
ü The aim of
education is to discover & develop each individual’s ability & full
moral excellence in order to better serve the society.
ü Teaching methods
focus on holding ideas through lectures, discussions, & Socratic dialogues(
a method of teaching that uses questioning to help students discover &
clarify knowledge).
ü Introspection,
intuition, insight & whole-part logic are used to bring to
consciousness/concepts which are latent in the mind.
ü Character is
developed via imitating examples & heroes.
ü Plato was the
earliest most important Greek Philosopher & Educational thinker & born
in upper-class family.
ü He was the
student of Socrates; & perused philosophy after Socrates death.
ü He thinks
education as a KEY for a society.
ü He wants to
search for intelligent & gifted children in the whole society.
ü He doesn’t believe
that talent belongs to a limited class; all talented children should be
provided the chance to shine.
ü Plato
contributed a lot in the form of IDEAS.
ü He did not directly
contribute to the science & Mathematics, but his philosophy influenced the
development of these subjects in centuries to come.
ü He shown his
ability of writing in different field; ethics, drama, poetry, metaphysics,
dance architecture.
ü He doesn’t only
consider better education for men but also believe on strong body & sound
mind . For body he recommend sports & for sound mind music.
ü No man should
bring children into the world, who is unwilling to persevere to the end in
their nature & education.
ü To develop
leaders amongthe future rulers.
ü To develop hard
& competent workers.
ü To produce
leaders with Military skills among the warriors.
ü To produce
future Civil Servants of the State.
ü Education is the
knowledge of GOOD; to nurture a man to a better human being it is not merely an
awareness of particular benefits & pleasures.
Father of Realism
ü Realist believes
that reality exists independent of human mind.
ü Focus is on
ü To understand an
object, its ultimate form had to be understood, which doesn’t change.
ü He was the first
to teach ‘logic’ as a formal discipline (to be able to reason about physical
events & aspects).
ü The exercise of
‘Rational Thought’ is viewed.
ü Curriculum
emphasizes the subject matter of the physical world (Science & Maths.)
ü The teacher
organizes & presents content systematically within discipline.
Scientist & Philosopher
Aristotle & Education:
ü He believed on
purposefulness of Education
ü Education’s aim
is to attain knowledge plus happiness or goodness in life.
Goodness has two categories;
§ Goodness of
§ Goodness of
ü Goodness of
intellect can be produce & increased by teaching, training &
ü Goodness of
character is the result of habits, & it can be attained by the formation of
good habits.
ü He defined
‘Education’ same as his teacher(Plato);
‘The creation of sound
mind in a sound body’.
ü Like his
teacher, he stresses on ‘Gymnastic’ to develop the spirit of sportsmanship
& above all to develop good habits for the control of passion &
ü He considers
music & literature useful for the moral & intellectual development at
an early stage of education.
ü Teaching of
Maths at Higher level education & & teaching of Physics & Astronomy
is also necessary at higher level of education.
ü ‘The difference
between an Educated & Uneducated men is like a difference between the Living & the Dead.
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