PROPHET MUHAMMAD  In Major World Scriptures

Mufti Muhammad Yusuf bin Yaqoob Danka


Allah (Most High) has stated in the Holy Qur'an: Muham­mad is no more than a Messenger and indeed many Mes­sengers have passed away before him. (3:144)


The final Prophet Muhammad's () personality was incomparable and his name was also unique. Before his birth, no person had ever thought of naming their child Muhammad or Ahmad, be they Arab or non Arab. This is due to the fact that Allah (Most High) had already re­vealed the glad tidings of the final Messenger and Prophet to mankind in the previous scrip­tures, and that his name would be Ahmad. It was due to this Divine decree and revelation that Allah (Most High) had silenced the tongues and minds of creation from realising the name of Muhammad and Ahmad with which to name their children. It was also a means of safeguard­ing 'false pretenders' to the claim of being the fi­nal Prophet sent to mankind. (Fathul Bari, vol. 6, p404/ Jami'ul Darari Sharah Bukhari)


The names Muhammad and Ahmad are both names of Prophet Muhammad. Both of these names are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an and both were known to the previous Prophets - Mo­ses and Jesus (peace be upon them). (Torah, Deut, 18: 15; Matt, 21: 42-43)


Both of these names are also mentioned in the Torah together with many praises of Prophet Mu­hammad, and the excellence of his followers (Ummah), to the extent that a Prophet of Allah like Moses expressed a desire to be part of the nation of Muhammad.


Abdullah bin Salam (may Allah be pleased with him), a great scholar, and Jew, prior to ac­cepting Islam, related: “There is mention of Prophet Muhammad in the Torah together with Prophet Jesus, who will return to this world once again before passing away and will be buried next to the Prophet Muhammad ()  in Madinah.” (Jami Tirmidhi)

The name 'Ahmad' means, the most praising of the Creator (Allah Most High). The meaning of the name 'Muhammad' is (The Praised One), that person who is most worthy of being praised in the entire of mankind.


Allah (Most High) says in the Holy Qur'an: Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write whom they find written in the Torah and Injeel (Gospel).. (7:157) And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. (Bible, Isaiah, 29:12) (And mentions in the Holy Qur'an: 62:2; 2:129-151; 3:164)

Allah says: 'And when Jesus the son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! I am a Messenger of Allah to you, confirming that which came before in the Torah, and giving glad tidings of a Mes­senger to come after me whose name will be Ah­mad...'(61:6)

A few characteristics of the final Prophet to mankind are mentioned in the Bible: (1) He will not come until Jesus himself departs; (2) He will speak what he hears from God; (3) He will glori­fy Jesus; (4) His (Prophethood) will stay with the believers forever. (John 14:6, 15:26, 16:7. 16:12-14)


Prophet Muhammad is mentioned in the Bible (Song of Solomon 5:16) using the Hebrew word 'Muhammadim' which translates as 'altogether lovely' or 'the praised one and is the direct meaning of the name 'Muhammad' in Arabic.

The final Prophet is also mentioned in Hindu­ism (Sanatam Dharam) in Sanskrit authoritative books, by alluding to his name, signs of events to occur and much mention of his noble character.


There is mention of 'Narashangsa' which translates as 'the praised one' found in Bhavishya Purana, Parva 3, Khand 3, adhyay 3, shaloka 5-8. 'Sushrama' which translates as 'the most prais­ing' in Arabic (Ahmed) found in Atharvaveda, Bk20, Hymn l26,vl4.

Muhammad (peace be upon him) is prophesied as 'Ahmed' in (Samaveda Uttrarehika Man­tra 1500).


Kalki Awtar is mentioned by Prof. Pundit Vaid Prakash as being the personality of the Prophet Muhammad. The name of the Prophet's father has been mentioned as 'Vishnu Bhagat' which translates as Abdullah (the slave of Allah). The Prophet's mother's name is found as ‘Somanib’ which translates as the one of peace and tranquillity which in Arabic is Aminah. It is also mentioned that the final Prophet will be a teacher for the entire world (Qur'an, 34:28), he will be helped by four Companions (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali (may Allah be pleased with them all) and he will also be helped by the Angels (Qur'an, 8:9 & 3:125). (Kalki Purana, Ch 2, v4,5, 11,15/ Yajurveda, Ch 20, v37, 57 & Ch 21, v31/ Rigveda, Bk 1, Hymn 13, v3 - Bk 1, Hymn 106, v4-Bkl,Hymn53,v9-Bk5,Hymn5,v2)


Allah (Most High) says that every Prophet that was sent to a nation was sent to propagate the message of God in his native tongue. 'And we sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make the mes­sage clear for them.' (14:4)


Allah says: 'And there never was a nation but a Warner has passed among them.' (35:24) Fire worship was a very old religion (Zoroastrian) that was practised in Persia (Modern day Iran). There are two main scriptures for this religion: Wasatar and Zindawasta; within these books, the teachings and beliefs of Islam are mentioned, to­gether with clear signs of the coming of the last Prophet Muhammad.

It is written: "When the people of Persia will drop to the lowest degree of immorality, then in the land of Arabia there will be an individual born who will bring to an end this immorality. He will purify the place of worship (Kaaba) of idols and idolatry, people will face that direction to pray. The scholars and common folk of Persia will join with the people who follow him." (Wasatar, Ch 14)

There is also mention of the final Prophet to mankind (Muhammad) in the Buddhist scrip­tures. The disciple of Buddha, Anan related: "During the last moments of the life of Buddha, Anan asked: 'After your passing, to whom do we turn to for guidance and rectification?' Bud­dha replied: 'I am not the first Buddha (a guide) to come in this world, nor am I the last. At his appointed time, another Prophet will be sent to the earth and he will be a very merciful and blessed individual. He will be very knowledgea­ble, full of wisdom and will have an understanding of the entire creation (heavens and earth). He will be a complete guide for mankind. He will always preach the truth to the people. He will preach to mankind a religion that will encom­pass religious ordinations (orders of Allah) and also social etiquettes and practises (the Sunnah). He will be called by the name 'Materiya' which translates as 'the one who is merciful to crea­tion" -- a Mercy for Mankind in Qur'an (21:107)

All these qualities and characteristics are only to be found in the personality of the Prophet Muhammad.

Allah says: 'And we did not send any Messen­ger before you (O Muhammad) but we revealed to him: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah' so worship me (Allah Most High) alone and no other besides me' (21:25) It was the message of every Prophet of Allah that the crea­tion should worship Allah alone. After the pass­ing of their Prophets, the people of that nation were lead astray from the pure teachings of their Prophet and in some cases even started worship­ping their Prophets in place of Allah (the Crea­tor) Most High. It is also a saying of Prophet Muhammad: "before me (Muhammad) there have been 124,000 Messengers and Prophets sent to Mankind". It has also been made obliga­tory upon the Muslims from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad that they respect all the Messengers and Prophets of God equally, and that they do not distinguish any excellence be­tween them. It is necessary for Mankind today, in this day and age to review the teachings and sayings of the final Prophet Muhammad with a clear mind and heart, about whom the previous scriptures are testifying as to his coming and the greatness of his message.

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