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To prove the existence of the soul with physical evidence is quite impossible. We can not see it as it doesn't have any physical body. By this, I do not mean the soul has no existence at all. It exists certainly.
Then there is a question, "How it exists?" It exists in the form of a word of God. Byword I mean an order of God that has no physical body. Further, we can elaborate it with a currency note.
Take an example of a US Dollar, "a currency note" which has purchasing power in it. Government of the USA has its supremacy to cancel this purchasing power at any time if it wills. If she cancels it that currency note loses its purchasing power. In the same way, God can cancel our soul at any time. Then the body will be good for nothing. The demise is proof of its existence.

Separation of a soul from the body either for long sleep or travelling to another world that is heaven.

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