In Wellington, New Zealand, the Tawa Islamic Center managed by the Wellington Islamic Association has been offering Friday and daily five prayers for a long time, but the direction of the Qibla is slightly away from the Holy Kaaba ۔ ) it should be clear that it is still within 45 degrees)

Now it has been decided to build a Sunni mosque by adding the same existing center in it.

If the direction of the new mosque is directed towards the exact Qiblah, there is a strong fear of a great persecution /Fitna that people will worry about their past prayers performed.

Mufti Sahib is requested to issue a fatwa in the light of Hanafi jurisprudence that the new mosque can be built towards the current direction or not.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم۔۔۔ الجواب بعون الوھاب

One of the most important conditions for performing the prayer is facing the Qiblah ۔ The author of Bada'i al-Sana'i has described its importance as follows ۔

ومنها استقبال القبله لقوله تعالى فول وجهك شطر المسجد الحرام وحیث ما كنتم فولوا وجوھكم شطره وقول النبي صلى الله علیه وسلم لایقبل الله صلاۃ امرئ حتى یضع الطهور مواضعه ویستقبل القبله ویقول الله اكبر۔۔ الخ

And one of the conditions of prayer is to face towards the Qibla, as Allah Ta'ala says:, turn your face towards Masjid Haram wherever you are.

And the Holy Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) says that Allah does not accept the prayer of a person until he does not perform ablution and does not face the Qiblah and does not say Allahu Akbar.

کتاب الصلاۃ۔۔۔ باب شروط الصلاۃ جلد ١ صفحہ ١١۷

And one of the conditions of prayer is to face the Qibla while having ability. There are two ways of facing the Qibla, one is to face the exact direction of the Kaaba and the other is to face the direction of the Kaaba. The Writer of Al-Bahar Ur Raiq wrote,

فللمکی فرضہ اصابۃ عینها ای عین القبلۃ بمعنی الکعبۃ للقدرۃ علی الیقین

It is obligatory for those who live in Makkah to face the Kaaba exactly when there is opportunity (sight of it) .

و فی التجنیس: من کان بمعاینۃ الکعبۃ فالشرط اصابۃ عینها ومن لم یکن بمعاینتها فالشرط اصابۃ جهتها وھو المختار

And it is written in Tajnis that whoever sees the Kaaba, it is a condition for him to face the Kaaba exactly, and for him who cannot see the Kaaba due to the distance, it is a condition for him to face the direction of the Kaaba, (preferred quote)

وجهه الكعبه تعرف بالدلیل والدلیل في الامصار والقرى المحاریب التي نصبها الصحابه والتابعون فعلینا اتباعهم فان لم تكن فالسؤال من اھل ذلك الموضع واما في البحار والمفاوز فدلیل القبله النجوم ھكذا في فتوى قاضیخان

And the dimensions of the Kaaba are known through signs, and the evidence for this is the mihrabs that the Sahaba and the Tabaeen have installed in the cities and villages, and we should follow them, then if those signs are not found then ask the residents in the area. and the proof of direction of Qibla in seas, deserts, forests etc. will be stars ۔

And, There is further explanation in Bahr Ur Raiq.

قوله ولغیره اصابه جهتها اي لغیر المكي فرضه اصابه جهتها وھو الجانب الذي توجه الیه الشخص یكون مسامتا للکعبۃ او لهوائها اما تحقیق بمعنى انه لو فرض خط من تلقا وجهه على زاویه قائمه الى الافق یكون مارا على الكعبه او ھوائها واما تقریبا بمعنى ان یكون ذلك منحرفا عن الكعبه او ھوائها انحرافا لا تزول به للمقابله بالكلیه بان بقى شيء من سطح الوجه مستامتا لها ۔ ۔۔ الخ

That is, it is obligatory for a Non-Meccan to face the direction of the Kaaba and it will be valid if a person faces the Kaaba in front of it or its atmosphere, if it is in real, like if a line is drawn across its face. Making a right angle to the horizon on the alignment of, then he will be going towards the Kaaba, or almost close to Kabaa in such a way that it is not away from the Kaaba or its atmosphere that it does not face it at all, i.e. there is something facing the Kaaba"

From the above explanation, it was found that it is necessary for a non-Meccan to face towards the direction of the Kaaba, and there is also room for slight deviation from the direction of the Kaaba, that is, even if there is a slight deviation from the direction of the Kaaba for some reason, the prayer will be permissible without any issue.

حاشیہ ابن عابدین علی الدر المختار کتاب الصلوٰۃ باب شروط الصلاۃ استقبال القبلۃ

صفحہ ١۲۸ -جلد ١ طبع سعید کراتشی

And Naheer Al Taftazaani Said In The Explanation Of Book Al Kashaaaf.

فیعلم منه انه لو انحراف لا تزول منه المقابلۃ الكلیۃ جاز ۔ ویؤیده ما قال في الظهیریه۔ اذا تیامن او تیاسر تجوز لان وجه الانسان مقوس لأن عند التیامن او التیاسر یکون احد جوانبہ الی القبلۃ

This text is further explained by a book called Al Tajnees

اذا حول وجهہ لا تفسد صلاتہ و تفسد بصدره

That is, when the face of a person who prays turns away from the direction of the Qibla, the prayer will not be invalid, but if the chest turns away from the direction of the Qibla, then the prayer will be invalid.

Because the deviation of the face is minor and it is forgiven because the Holy Shariat has forgiven a minor thing in order to remove the harm.

And the movement of the chest is a lot of deviation, which invalidates the prayer ۔ And in the issue of the direction of the Kaaba, the slight deviation is considered to be 45 degrees to the right and 45 degrees to the left, as this was quoted from Zahiriya previously.

And It Is Written By Faqih Ul Asar Mufti Amjad Ali Aazmi In BahareShariat That

It is common to face the Qiblah, to face the Holy Kaaba exactly, as for the people of Makkah, or to face it's direction, as for others, that is, the reason is that when a person can Find the specific direction of the

Kaaba, even though the Kaaba is hidden. Like in the houses of Makkah, while for example one can see from the roof and can look at the Kaaba, then it is obligatory to face the Kaaba and the dimension is not enough and that the one who can not determine the Kaabah, even if it is in Makkah. It is enough to face the direction of the Kaaba ۔

افادا ت رضویہ--بہار شریعت جلد اول حصہ ۳ صفحہ ۴۸۷ مکتبہ المدینہ کراتشی

Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Hanfi Says That The Validity of every direction (right or left) remains the same while varying to 45 degree, as the proper direction towards kaabaah.

فتاوی رضویہ جلد ۴ صفحہ نمبر ۶۰۸ رضا فاؤنڈیشن لاہور

Imam Ahmed Raza Khan says that the problem here is to know how much the mihrab of the mosque deviates from the wall ۔ If This Deviation is within the 45 degrees varying then the prayer is acceptable without any issue towards Mihrab and the Leaving of This Slight Deviation is Appreciable /Mustahab Only.

He further states that as long as the deviation is not 45 degrees or more, the prayer is undoubtedly permissible and that facing the confirmed direction of the Qiblah is neither fard nor wajib, but only Sunnah Mustahab.

And States Further that it is written in Hilyaa That:

ھذا استحباب والاول للجواز یرید ان عدم الانحراف مهما قدر مستحب۔۔الانحراف مع عدم الخروج عن الجهه بالكلیه جائز

That It Is Basically better and The First one is for Permission, This is for recommendation and the first one is for justification. It means that no matter how much deviation there is, it is recommended, and no matter how much deviation does not leave the dimension of the Kaaba, it is also permissible.

In the light of the above-mentioned proofs, it is clear that for the non-Meccan people, the only way to face the Qiblah is to pray facing the direction of the Qiblah. While constructing a mosque, the search of dimension of Qibla should be kept in mind.

But when there is a Shariah requirement or a correct recognition is not possible or there is a fear of fitnah which is based on affirm information, then due to this there is a slight deviation from the direction of Qibla which is within 45 degrees, then praying with it,Or building a mosque is right without any issue.

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Khan Barilvi says that the scholars have stated this order that if the prayer is completely out of the direction, then the prayer is invalid and if the prayer is within the limits of the direction, i.e. 45 degrees, then it is permissible that the Qibla of the non-Mecca is the dimension only and not exactly finding the Kaaba.

Imam Ka'aSaani Says in his book Al Hilya, :

قبلته حاله البعد جهه الكعبه وھي المحاریب لا عین الكعبه

In the case of distance from the Kaaba, the direction is the Qibla and that is the Mihrab Mosque and not the Kaaba at all. Yes, if it is impossible to find it, then it is mustahab to be near it, and leaving the mustahab does not cause even the slightest displeasure, so the haram is very great thing.

And It is written in Bahr Ur Raiq Baab Ul Eedyn that:

لا یلزم ترك المستحب بثبوت الكراھه اذ لا بد لها من دلیل

Abandonment of the better does not require disapproval because there must be special evidence to prove it

فتاوی رضویہ، جلد 6 صفحہ 64

If people are explained by explaining the above arguments that the direction of the Qibla should be researched, then it is better and Appreciateable , as the same method is used in general mosques. And even if the direction is within 45 degrees of deviation from the Qiblah, the prayer is valid without disapproval. Those who have prayed earlier are also correct and those who will pray now will also be correct, so this method is better that the Qiblah of the mosque should be in the direction of research, otherwise if people do not understand and there is a belief or suspicion that fitnah will spread. prevail because sedition is a more serious crime than murder and it is obligatory to avoid it, then the direction of the mosque will be correct even with a deviation within 45 degrees.

Those who have prayed earlier are also correct and those who will pray now will also be correct, so this method is better that the Qiblah of the mosque should be in the direction of research, otherwise if people do not understand and there is a belief or suspicion that fitnah will spread. prevail because sedition is a more serious crime than murder and it is obligatory to avoid it, then the direction of the mosque will be correct even with a deviation within 45 degrees and the prayers offered in it will be correct ۔

ھذا ما عندي والله ورسوله اعلم بالصواب

وصلى الله على خیر خلقه ونور عرشه محمد واله واصحابه واتباعه الى یوم الدین

امین بحرمۃ النبي الامین وخاتم النبیین صلى الله علیه وسلم

حرره--المفتي عابد علي السیفي العلیمي غفر له

الجامعۃ العلیمیۃ الاسلامیۃ

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