(1) What is the relation between Religion and Morality?

(2) What are the distinguishing features of the Moral and the Juristic points of view?"






Religion, in strict sense, is the attitude of the subject towards God to be in communion with Him,—to be in His co-presence; while, in general sense, it comprehends a metaphysical view of Reality and an adequate mode of life including all morals and rituals.

Morality, in strict sense, is an action out of respect for the Moral Law,—an action which consists in the performance of Duty without any reference whatsoever to its consequences or consideration of any other kind; while, in the general sense, it consists in the attitude of man towards a Personality whether that personality is that of the moral agent himself or of anyone else.

Religion, taken in the general sense, comprehends Morality, taken in the strict sense; and Morality, taken in the general sense, comprehends Religion, taken in the strict sense. The two are inseparably related to one another thought, they can be distinguished from each to the more definite, religion in the sense relation between man and God furnishes the ground of all moral struggle. Indeed the whole moral struggle becomes absolutely meaningless and loses all its enthusiasm if con from religion.




(1)     Moral Law is an end-in-itself, while Jurisprudence is a means devised for moral perfection.

(2)     In Morals, it is the spirit which primary concern, while in Juristic the letter of the law is primary.

(3)     In Morals, the judgment is either by the Court of Law or by the Legal Expert (Jurist).

(4)     The Moral Code is logically prior to the Juristic Code because the former is the end the latter the means.

(5)     The Moral Code is absolute, while the Juristic Code is relative.

(6)     The Moral Code is un-conditional, while the Juristic Code is conditional.

(7)      The Moral Code is strictly universal, while the Juristic Code admits of exceptions, which find their outlet in the form of casuistic.

(8) The Moral Code is more genuine and human, while the Juristic Code is rather artificial.





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