The Reformer
The Holy
Prophet ﷺ
the life of the Pagan Arabs. He restored God and man to their proper Positions-
God as the one only, man such as his Creator intended him to be.
Whenever he
required his followers to adopt a course of conduct, he himself set an example.
He prayed because he wanted men remember the Lord and rely on Him; he fasted
because he wanted men to illumine their hearts by subjugating their passions.
Power made no change in him; poverty remained, as ever, his pride. Such was his
munificence that he pawned his belongings to relieve the needs of the indigent.
He was kind to the bird and the beast because he wanted the Muslims to share
his tenderness. He liberated slaves present to him because he wanted men to
follow in hi footsteps. He worked with his own hands; kindled the fire; swept
the floor; milked the ewes, patched his garments and cobbled his shoes because
he wanted to establish the dignity of labour. He kept his promise when he made
one because he wanted his men to tend well their trusts and covenants. He was
calm in time of stress because he wanted his men to bear calamity with
fortitude. He championed the cause of woman and raised her from the status of a
chattel to complete legal and spiritual equality with man because he wanted his
followers to relies that “the same is due to her as is due from her”. He
stopped effectually drunken orgies, gambling, fornication, female-infanticide
and blood-feuds; breathed a free spirit of inquiry; and for the first time in
history made Universal Brotherhood a fact and principle of Common Law. He
prescribed zakat, small enough in proportion to income, but ample enough to
maintain the poor. He enjoined on his followers to use a full measure and a
just balance; prohibited usury totally. “Henceforth, the debtor shall return
only the principle; and the beginning will be made with the loans of my uncle
Abbas, Son of Abdul- Muttalib.” And his support in all his reforms was the
Qur’an. Such was Muhammad the Reformer –always admired and desired.
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