“Unity and Solidarity” (Ittihad)


Islam is the religion of Unity par excellence, and the concept of unity finds its expression on different levels and in different departments of thought and action. On the social level Islam stands for the unity of mankind, and in this respect it tries to eliminate the factors of conflict and disunity in two ways. Firstly, it condemns all ideas of superiority and inferiority based on the distinctions of race and colour. Secondly, it lays down a fundamental law of Cooperation in the following words: “Cooperate (with all human beings) in (all matters of goodness and piety”. (Holy Qur’an V: 2) These two principles ensure positively and negatively the promotion of the idea of the unity of mankind.


Within the human family Islam creates a special community for the establishment of virtue and the eradication of vice, namely, the community of Muslims.  For this community Islam has laid down the law once for all in the words of the hadith which says: “All Muslims form together an indivisible organism  or a solid body and if any affliction comes to any part of this organism the other parts must feel the pain in consequence, just as it happens in the case of the body of the individual.” The Holy Qur’an has built up its appeal on the basis of this fundamental concept of the organic unity of Muslims. It says: “Hold fast to the Cable of Allah and be not divided.” (III: 103) At another place the Holy Book says: “Do not quarrel among yourselves because that would waken you and take away your prestige. (Rather), observe forbearance (in all you dealings with one another). (VIII:46)


Islam has not only given the general principles of unity but has also laid down definite laws which assist in the maintenance and promotion of unity among Muslims. For instance, it has been laid down: “The act which God loves most is that which is most beneficial for the Muslim community, and the act that God hates most is that whose consequences are injurious for Muslims.” Also, different moral maxims have been given which enhance the cause of unity and destroy the grounds of disunity. These moral maxims uphold such virtues as tolerance, fellow-feeling, sacrifice, forgiveness, showing respect and bestowing mercy and condemn such vices as back biting, slandering, insulting, abusing and doing other forms of injury.



The principle of social unity has been enforced by Islam in the Muslim society by condemning the distinctions of high and low, and rich and poor, on the one hand, and by making it an obligation for the Muslims to pursue all their activities on the basis of consultation among themselves and not in an arbitrary manner. It is despotism which creates bad blood in all the phases of human life and once despotism has been replaced by mutual consultation and understanding, there is cooperation and love which promotes the true grounds for unity. It is the duty of all Muslims to keep in mind the ideal of Islamic Unity and to keep a stern eye on all those forces which aim at the destruction of this Divine Blessing.

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