Asmaa Bint Yazeed (Scholar of Renown)


Asmaa bint Yazeed ibn Al-Sakan was a woman from the Ansar, and a companion of the Prophet. She was distinguished for her sagacity and eloquence.


Indeed, she was nicknamed the "Orator of all Women". But she was also a woman of learning, and she reported the Prophet's Hadith. She was clearly reliable as a reporter, Abu Dawood, Al-Tirmidhi, Al-Nassaie and Ibn Majah, as well as other major scholars of Hadith, related a total of 81 Hadiths of her reporting. As such, she ranks among the best learned of the Prophet's women companions.


Asmaa was also keen on jihad, joining Muslim armies on several occasions. She accompanied the Prophet on his expedition that led to the fall of Makkah to Islam. She also participated in the great Battle of Al-Yarmook, against the Byzantines, during the reign of Umar ibn Al-Khattab. She is reported to have killed nine enemy soldiers, using the pole of her own tent.


In order to appreciate her knowledge we may relate the following story. One day she came to the Prophet as he was sitting with a number of his companions. Addressing him, she said: "Messenger of God, may both my parents be sacrificed for you.’This was a traditional phrase of endearment, used mostly figuratively.' I am an emissary from women to you. God has sent you as His messenger to both men and women. We believe in you and your Lord. Yet we, women, are restricted, home bound. We stay in your 'i.e. men's' homes, give you your pleasure, and bear your children. You, men, have been favored over us with attending Friday prayer and congregational prayers in mosques, visiting the sick, attending funerals, offering the pilgrimage repeatedly, and with what is more than that: fighting for God's cause.


When a man goes out intending pilgrimage or jihad, we take care of your property, sew your clothes, and bring up your children for you. Do we have a share of your reward?


The Prophet turned to his companions asking them: “Have you ever heard a better statement by a woman than this one who is asking about matters of her faith?” They said: “We would not have thought that a woman would ever be able to express such meanings as this lady.” The Prophet turned to Asmaa and said: “Listen woman, and inform other women who sent you that a woman who is a goodly wife, keen to please her husband and doing what he likes is equal to all that.” As she left, she was glorifying God and repeating statements of His oneness.


May God be pleased with Asmaa, the Prophet's companion, who obtained from him this definitive statement that women are in no way less than men in their faith or their reward. It should be added that the Prophet's words stress that the woman should always try to ensure that the atmosphere in her home is always relaxed and pleasant, so that she leads a happy marital life and her children grow up in a homely environment. As she takes care of the future generation, she earns as much reward as man who is assigned the task of looking after the present generation.

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