Why is Fasting Necessary

Maulana Dr. Waffie Muhammad

Fasting is an institution in Islam, prescribed for Muslims during the month of Ramadan. It is designed to develop a unique type of culture among Muslims. It strengthens the bond of their relationship as believing brothers and sisters.

Because the basic components of every individual are common and similar, the institution of fasting has been universally prescribed. Allah says to Muslims that: Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you. Proper observance of it will have a special cultural impact.

When Islam came and fasting was ordained as a pillar of the Faith, Allah explained in the Holy Qur’an that it is meant to develop “Taqwa”. He says:

In order that you may (develop) taqwa. The term taqwa is normally translated as piety. But according to the Arabic /English Lexicon, this term has the following meaning:

be on guard against committing sins,

be cautious, so as to thread on the correct path,

prepare to resist the temptations of sins, have a reverential and pious fear of Allah,

try to avoid those things which can be the cause of punishment,

become righteous, virtuous, just and honest

It is not easy to cultivate good, righteous and pious qualities; likewise, it is very difficult to break off bad habits. Perhaps this is one reason why fasting is for one whole lunar month, i.e. either twenty nine or thirty days. As during this long period of time a person can overcome some of the undesirable habits, like smoking, as it is not permissible to smoke while one is fasting.

Islam teaches that Satan took a vow to mislead the progeny of Adam away from the Straight Path. He searches continuously for a person’s weak point and attacks him from it. Ramadan because of the restrictions connected to it, helps those who fast, to stay on guard against the tricks of Satan's evil calling. In this way a more religious attitude will be cultivated as the fasting person will be required to establish restraints, when tempted. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why Prophet Muhammad () is reported to have said that, during the month of Ramadan, Satan is chained.

Ramadan teaches the believers to be very cautious when saying anything, as some things said may reduce the benefits of the fast; or may even render it null and void. For example, backbiting breaks the fast.

Human beings are not animals, they are a special species in creation, and as a result while our bodies may have animalistic desires and tendencies, each person is required to cultivate the “higher ideals and values of life”, identified in religion. This, when developed will enable the individual to fell, on one hand, closeness to Allah, and on the other, make him a better unit in society; as he learns to love for his brother what he would like for himself. This is because fasting would have taught him what it is to feel hungry and thirsty.

Every person knows that physical actions do have consequences; unacceptable ones can even result in punishment. The month of Ramadan is beneficial to those who observe it as it help them to avoid committing the things that can have negative consequences to themselves as well as to others.

Many people look upon Muslim fast as a scaly thing. There is no doubt of the fact that it is a challenge for a lot of people, especially those who have to do difficult jobs, or those who reside in hot climate or where the days are much longer than the nights. Allah in His Wisdom knew about this when He was ordaining Ramadan to be a Pillar of the Final Religion. Yet He says that, if you fast it is better for you.

It is perhaps because fasting is unique and challenging that Allah told the Prophet () that Ramadan is My month, and l shall reward the fasting person as l deem fit. There is a special gate in Paradise reserved for the persons who kept the fast solely for the sake of Allah.

Fasting to the human body is like the thermostat to the engine, it regulates ones temperature and helps him to cultivate patience. It helps him to stay calm and avoid abusive words. It helps him to avoid being aggressive and prevents him from seeking revenge. It gives a person an opportunity to reflect upon the negative actions of others, as if and when attacked, he is supposed to let the attacker know that he is fasting.

If every unit in a society should cultivate the ideals prescribed in the institution of fasting this world will definitely be a better place in which to live. May Allah bless all those who fast this month.




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