Message on the Occasion of the Birthday of The Holy Prophet ()

from His Eminence Muhammed Fazl-Ur-Rahman Ansari Al-Qaderi,

Patron of "The Muslim Digest", Durban, and President of the World Federation of Islamic Missions, Karachi, Pakistan.

1382 A.H.; 1962 A.C.


The month of Rabi-ul-Awwal has come-the month which forms the most memorable land-mark in the history of mankind inasmuch as it witnessed the birth of the Bearer of Abiding Truth and the Repository of the Light of Divine Guidance, God's Last Prophet and Islam's Final Messenger, Muhammad ()!

This sacred month comes every year and goes. Every year it reminds us of the birth of the Sun of Righteousness and Virtue which shone from the valley of Faran fourteen centuries ago and which has lent it the halo of sanctity and bestowed upon it the mark of distinction. Every year it revives for us the august memories of the noble and the ennobling life of the Most Perfect Man whose advent raised the progeny of Adam to the highest pinnacle of honor and glory.

Every year it recalls to our mind's eye the great and glorious struggle waged heroically and successfully in the desert of Arabia by the Final and Absolute Leader of mankind – a struggle for the banishment of darkness and the establishment of Light, a struggle for the elimination of vice in all its forms and the promotion of virtue in all its facets, a struggle for the cure of every disease of mankind and the creation of healthy existence in all the spheres of life: social, political, moral and spiritual — a struggle which was waged in that Spring of Human History to form the nucleus and the model for entire humanity and for all time to come.

This memorable month comes every year, but do we who claim to be the followers of him who came in this month — not to speak of human beings in general, for all of whom he came as much as for us — do we, do all of us, or at least most of us, even understand the real significance of this month.

And, of course, deriving the requisite inspiration, renewing and reinforcing it from year to year and making it the bed-rock for building up an ever-progressing life of virtue and goodness, in personal as well as social spheres, are matters only of advanced stage of religious consciousness.

Ceremonial observances have a meaning – quite a deep meaning – in the domain of Group Dynamics. Properly organized and intelligently executed, they are helpful in an appreciable measure in keeping the, torch of faith burning and in bringing inspiration to the multitude.

But if they are soul-less, partially or wholly, or meagre, they are bound to fail in nerving their true purpose and in achieving their real goal. We have to keep this very important fact constantly in view. Behind the ceremonial observances, however, is the spirit which is basic in its importance and which, so long as it re-mains alive, keeps the flame of the group burning. Very unfortunately, this spirit appears to be departing from us.

Thus, we are gradually becoming a people without ideals, although Islam made us the richest ideological group on earth. We profess to believe in Islam, but the behavior of many of us betrays hypocrisy in this regard.

The root-cause is the absence of Islamic missionary Endeavour in the manner and on the scale required by the ugly situation. And the result is that not only is the Muslim society suffering from different types of ills but humanity itself seems to be moving steadily towards a cataclysmic end.

Indeed, this is so to relate just one phase of the dangerous situation: Ever since the first atom-bomb presented the picture of appalling destruction and devastation in the unfortunate city of Hiroshima, the menacing scope of the destructive powers of Modern Science has been progressively expanding, causing an ever increasing anxiety in the minds of all those who love and cherish the higher values of life.

The evil of the situation does not lie in the scientific quest as such. For, the pursuit of Science as science cannot be regarded as an evil by any stretch of imagination and on any ground. It is, rather, a positive good, and for Muslims it has been prescribed by their religion as a sacred obligation. Testimony to this effect is not only theoretically borne by the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith but is also grounded in the- practical achievements of Muslims in the past.

The actual source of trouble is man himself. It is the perverted outlook of the possessors of scientific knowledge, or of those who employ and control them, which is evil. It is the misuse of science which is bad.

For, science, being a means to the harnessing of the forces of nature, places a power in. the hands of its votaries; and "this power", in the words of a Soviet scientist, "Could be used for man's benefit or to his detriment". It is, indeed, the materialistic bias introduced into the field of sciences which is playing havoc with the life of mankind today and which tends to outweigh the advantages that the world may have derived from science with regard to technical efficiency and the advancement of human knowledge.

 The truth is that although science Concerns itself mainly with matter, it cannot at all be regarded as necessarily wedded to materialism.

Most unfortunately, however, it is also a truth that, ever since science was deprived of the ennobling and balancing influence of Islam – due to the apathy and neglect on the part of the latter generations of Muslims and modern West came to monopolize it, materialism and science have gone hand in hand simply because of a wrong outlook born of a wrong attitude of the Christian clergy against the scientists. Thus, materialism feasted on science and grew fat, causing on the other side, and the emaciation of humanity as regards spiritual values.

This tragic situation has been in existence for centuries now, with the result that science is regarded today as nothing more than a handmaid of materialism and it is being asserted against all canons of scientific thinking that science cannot exist without a materialistic philosophy of life. Thus it was that Professor Nuzhdin of the Soviet Union proclaimed:

"There is a complete clarity (now) with regard to its philosophical outlook: throughout its history science has been successful only on the basis of a materialistic outlook, although scientists have not always been aware of it. All the attempts that are being made to replace the materialistic foundations of science by various forms of idealism have never promoted scientific progress." (Dawn, Karachi).

A greater untruth, and an untruth couched in more clever words, could have been hardly uttered by anyone. And yet this untruth is, for all practical purposes, being regarded as truth and, being acted upon by a vast and powerful mass of humanity consciously or unconsciously.

The modern Western civilization fell a prey to this fallacious line of thought and has been trying for quite a long time past to drag the rest of the world with it. With great energy and with all the resources at its command, it has been digging the spiritual foundations of human life and substituting them with the fleeting sands of materialism. And thus it has been heaping one tragedy upon another and inviting its own doom and that of humanity at large, which, alas! seems to be quite near, unless the Grace of God comes to the rescue in an extraordinary manner.

The only way to salvation lies in dethroning science from its falsely conferred and blasphemous position as the substitute for the belief in God, in giving to it the place it really and naturally deserves in human life and in affirming and establishing all the human values in their pro per places.

There is no denying the fact that Science does constitute "trustworthy knowledge" to a considerable extent. But in the first place, it is not infallible. Secondly, it cannot grasp and comprehend Reality as a Whole.

It can only give, in the words of Sir Muhammad Iqbal, "a mass of sectional view of Reality — a fragment of total experience . . . Naturally, Science deals with matter, with life, with mind. But the moment you ask the question how matter, life and mind are mutually related, you begin to see the sectional character of various sciences that deal with them."

The answer to the question raised by Iqbal lies in Religion. Religion alone can answer it. Let the world, therefore, recognize the limitations of Science, side by side with its usefulness. Let the world also recognize the proper function of Religion and Morality. And let the world realize before it is too late that the true foundations of human happiness and genuine progress can be built up only on a harmonious establishment of all the values of life, including the religious and moral values, which it might be declared without any fear of contradiction, is possible only within the Islamic discipline.

Thus Muslims have a vital role to play, not only in the domains of religion and morals but also in the field of Science — even as their forefathers did in the heyday of Islamic civilization. Humanity is heading towards destruction. It is groping in the dark. Let the Muslims, therefore, lift the torch of Islam high to save humanity and to save themselves.

The task is stupendous and Muslims of the present day are suffering from different short-comings. But in is never too late to, mend and there is no obstacle which cannot be conquered by men of will and perseverance. Let us, therefore, rise to the height of the opportunity and show to the world the true Path to Harmonious Existence and Fullness of life.

This is the Light of Truth towards which this month of the birth of the Apostle of Light invites us. May Allah, the Light of the Heavens and the Earth, enable us to acquire it. Amen!

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