بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

الْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ وَالصَّلٰوۃُ وَالسَّلامُ علیٰ رَسوُلِلّٰہِ

وَعَلٰی آلِہٖ وصحبِہٖ اَجۡمَعِیۡن

اَمّا بَعد فَاَعُوذُ بِاللّٰہِ مِنَ الشَّیۡطٰنِ الرَّجیۡمِ بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡم

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالًا كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاءً ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءَلُونَ بِهِ وَالْأَرْحَامَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا O(النّساء:۱)

صَدَقَ اللّٰهُ الْعَظِیْمُ

اللَّهُــمَّ صَلِّ وَسَـــلِّمْ وَبَارِكْ على سَیدِنا  مُحمَّدﷺ وَعلیٰ آلہٖ وَصَحبِہٖ

-----------اَلسَّلامُ علیکم وَ السَّلامُ علینا وعلیٰ عِبَادِ اللّٰہِ الصّٰلِحیۡن

اَلۡحَمۡدُلِلّٰہ by the Fadl of Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ وجل مجدہ.  We are in the month of shawwal, and the month of shawwal is the month, as you know, which just follows, the month of Ramadhan, and in Ramdhan we are supposed to, purify and develop ourselves in order, that we may, perform and we may live out, and we may perform, according to, the purpose of existence, for which Allah جل مجدہ created us…. and amongst the major parts and themes of life and specially on this face of the earth, this our earthly live.  An important and major aspect in the social relationship and living with people, is marriage, and, coming together of two, human-beings, as husband and wife.  In such a way, that they, perform, and they live, and fit in, the bigger picture, of human existence.  It can never be, seen, as an isolated, relationship or something separate from the actual purpose of existence because it is supposed to be, part of that.  If someone, will look, towards it, with a different view, with a different, view in relation to the marriage, contrary to the overall purpose of life and existence, that person has very, simplistic and superficial view.  It is as though they have placed, or they have started building their house of their marriage on sand, on a beach, on  a sand base, where there is no foundation, and it is just a matter of time, that person will be disappointed, in one way or the other. 

The loss can happen and take place in two dimensions.  One is the bigger loss, the major loss, the real loss and one is the lesser.  If two people come together, a man and woman, husband and wife, and their coming together, causes them, to lose, their real purpose and their real capital, then even though they might consider themselves successful on some level, they will lose.  (In that a person think cannot) build something good, or something strong on a ship which is sinking.  So, no matter how good quality, construction that is.  Let’s take the example of the Titanic ship, so many levels or you may say parts and different parts of the ship were built very strongly very beautifully, they had first-class second call, others, specials cabins, special floors.  So no matter how much, good they were, there were, in one of the servant quarters where the servants and the workers used to live or you were in the executive suite, but because the ship sank, they both failed.  It would be utter foolishness for the executive suite people, or the first-class traveller to think, that yes, we are very successful at least we are in first class because the overall function of the ship was, to stay afloat and actually take the people and passengers to their destination and if it failed, it doesn’t matter how good, the place was where you had or the drinks and the food and the relationship and friendship you made with friends all that actually, collapsed….. and if a person, likes some, to some it happened, they were sitting not on the ship, very luxurious ship,  but actually on a lifeboat where only one person, where one person could sit, and without any other protection under the sky, without food and facilities, but they were, they reached their destination.  They will be considered successful, who are travelling on a small boat, and hit the shore, or reached the shore.  Compared to those who were travelling in the luxurious high-class ship because they didn’t reach their overall purpose.  So similar to this, marriage, has an overall purpose to fit in with the higher-level purpose for what human being exists for, what they have been created.  The second is just temporal enjoyment and things.  So, if the person, is successful living simply, but in compliance, in conformity with the higher-level purpose, that person will be considered successful and he is, she is successful.  The others, they might live and have all the luxurious things but if the overall purpose is not achieved, then they will be deemed unsuccessful. 

I will give another example, a second example, now let’s take an example from a marriage.  A person, two people get married, husband and wife, they are living in a palace and they are not sincere to each other and always there is chaos and calamity and fights and disputes.  Whilst the other couple, are living in a hut and they are living happily, so they will be considered successful.   So, for marriage, also, there is an overall purpose of how it fits in, the overall purpose of human existence and then there are secondary things.  So, we here, the teachings, we have, through Prophet علیہ الصلوٰۃ و السلام  and before him, all the انبیاء علیہم السلام, the teachings which they gave.  There is a higher purpose and a person who will have a concept contrary to that, they will definitely be disappointed because it will not fit, as I say it, as I say then there is, it is a sinking ship, then. 

So, lets examine that this, the marriage, is part of this earthly life, and the Creator of this earth and earthly life is Allah (جل مجدہ).  What has He said about this life?  So that we may, in that light, we can understand marriage, otherwise, we are going to have, an unrealistic fairy tale and a kind of a superficial, a meak, idea and concept and no wonder, then actually, divorce rates and separation rates, they are increasing day by day and especially in the past two, three months, two months, during the lockdown and now before the lockdown and now there as been much increase, because those who were having a good relationship was mostly, sometimes, because of, they met each other very less.  So they were never able to know the other personality even though they were husband and wife’s.  But now that work has finished, if the wife was working or the husband was working, now they both have to stay at home, and now they become more aware of their personalities and when more and more personalities are known, and we are not the world of angels we are a world of human beings, and majority are sinners, they make mistakes, we make mistakes, we are sin…, like the Prophet علیہ الصلوٰۃ و السلام said كلُّ بني آدم خَطَّاءٌ All of the Human beings they commit mistakes, meaning they somewhere they disobey, somewhere they do wrong things.  So, when we are living in the world of sinners and people who will forget people who will make mistakes, majority will do that.  Then coming together very much closer to know more, most likely the majority will obviously have negative sides, and when they have negative sides, the other person will react to it.  Similarly, they will have a negative side or some flaw and the other person does not know how to deal with it, so it will be a disaster.  So that is why, recently it has increased, domestic violence, divorce, separation, disputes, quarrels and all these things.  Why?  Simple reason, there is nothing with the lockdown or anything, it is, their wish was to live together, all their life, but it is to now they have become closer.  So now you know, how difficult is it to know people?  When we say we know someone or that person is good, we are saying it actually from our outward, we say husband and wife know each other, well they don’t know each other as well, as much as now they have the chance to know each other, and they obviously found flaws that is why these things increase.  Plus, moreover, they do not know how to deal with it which makes it more worst.  So, this is the situation.  So, Allah جل مجدہ ,(19.04) the overall purpose, let me mention, says who is Creator of earth creator of Human Beings, giver of the concept of marriage.  Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ the overall purpose He mentioned

تَبَارَكَ الَّـذِىْ بِيَدِهِ الْمُلْكُۖ وَهُوَ عَلٰى كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيْرٌOاَلَّـذِىْ خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ وَالْحَيَاةَ لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ اَيُّكُمْ اَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيْزُ الْغَفُوْرُ (الملک:1،2)

Allah عزوجل mentioned, blessed is He, in who’s hands is Power all whatever the Kingdom is, he is the owner and he has power over everything.  So, he created death and life, this is referring to this earthly cycle, because there is another life as well, there was a life before we came here and there will be a life after that, but this part, this cycle of life

اَلَّـذِىْ خَلَقَ الْمَوْتَ وَالْحَيَاةَ لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ اَيُّكُمْ اَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا ۚ

That this has been created and you have been sent so that you may be tested, you may be examined, who amongst you is best in conduct.

So, two things are mentioned, one is لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ.  That you will be tested meaning, this simply means that you will be put into situations, that every situation, in this cycle of life and death in one way or the other is really a test for you.  You are being examined, there is a situation, there is an engineered situations you are placed in.  In order, to see your response.  That who amongst you, reacts in the best way.  So, second is, اَيُّكُمْ, that who amongst you, meaning you, you are the people that are in test,

The third is اَحْسَنُ. اَحْسَن means the best not just actually survive or mediocre, but best.  So, when everything is going to be tested here, examination here, how could it be that such a major part of one’s life, a human life, for example when they get into their twenties they get married and up to the last day they are married one way or the other.  So how can that be, that that equation of marriage, is out of this philosophy or this purpose which Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ جل و علا  is outlining.  It can’t be.  This means that it fits in with that it is part and parcel of the test, examine, examination.  So, its not going to be, smooth ride.  Tests are not actually smooth always.  If it is smooth that is also a test, if it is challenging that it is also a test. 

نعمۃ, meaning blessing or actually calamity, both and Allah جل مجدہ mentions there اَيُّكُمْ اَحْسَنُ, who amongst you who is best, so the purpose of this life is to لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ refers to that Allah will put us in the situations, we don’t have control over.  That when we are born, which parents are we born from.  Who is our uncle, who is our aunt, who is our mother, grandfather, grandmother, which country, which language we speak, our mother tongue, many of the things, we did not have control.  Similar, the situations everyday, who wanted to see or be in the situation of coronavirus or anything, so situation is not, weather changes, things changes, happens, many matters happen day and night, they are not… , so that is لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ that Allah جل مجدہ is engineering and con.…. that is known as Qadar. 

What is set by Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ are the tests, what is not set by Him, is the, reactions to those tests.  So different situations, so Allah جل مجدہ says اَيُّكُمْ, Who amongst you?  That, amongst you اَحْسَنُ, The Best, that they react in the best way.  So, from here we learn also, that the purpose of this life is to react in the most beautiful and the best manner to different, different situations be it be actually calamities, be it actually blessings, be it marriage, be it otherwise, whatever.  So this is like a total statement, an overall purpose of this life.  Beautiful and best.  That’s where the word احسان comes, that we should even worship in a beautiful manner.  We should, Allah عزوجلloves beauty. ان اللہ جمیل ویحب الجمال All ugly acts, that is why they are sins.  They are disliked by Allah جل مجدہ, they are not beautiful.   All good deeds, they are good, they are beautiful, they are positive, they are constructive, they develop you, higher and higher.  So, this overall purpose, that Allah جل مجدہ is indicating, اَيُّكُمْ اَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا (20.08)

So, in all matters I should be the most best, according to my abilities عَمَلاً my deed should also be the best.  My practice, my عمل, and then Allah said وَهُوَ الْعَزِيْزُ الْغَفُوْرُ after this. عزیز means the one who’s dominant no one can withstand so he is saying that if I want I can make you do things.  It is not that actually that I can not, but I have given you freedom, but yes یا رب العالمین we are still human beings, we may fall short, after trying.  Allah said وَهُوَ الْعَزِيْزُ الْغَفُوْرُ, I will cover if you turn to me, for any deficiency.  So after trying, human being is human being after all.  So Allah عزوجل  said I will cover, I will protect you from the evil consequences of your deeds once you turn to me, or any deficiency, any gaps, you do your best,  اَيُّكُمْ اَحْسَنُ You do your best and leave the rest to me.  You do your best and leave the rest to اللّٰہ جل  مجدہ. 

So now you have understood the overall picture, the overall picture is, Allah عزوجل is going to put us in situation, marriage, is also one of those situations, and events, and he wants to see the best conduct.  He didn’t say the best will happen to you, he said you should react and respond in the best way.  Necessarily, best or good things will, its not good things will always will happen to you.  There will be evil, there will be شیطان, there will be the evil of the نفس and ego and other people will be wronging you.  So Allah عزوجل said no this is going to happen, all I am saying is that your response should be at the best level and then leave rest to me.  I am وَهُوَ الْعَزِيْزُ الْغَفُوْرُ. 

So once you have this, clear, that all this game, this world, this life is test and to see my response.  Now, this thing to get out of your mind, that there is no fairly tale, just actually hundred percent romantic enjoy….relationship just actually, without any test, without any challenges or anything.  Now, you should understand, or and this reality, should dawn upon you, okay this is not, that is the one mistake, which many of us make and then we are finding something, we are finding, like fish in the air.  Fish are in the sea, if you are going to jump into the sea, and we are finding birds in the sea.  Something is not going to be present there.  So the bird of total, romance and love and other things, and that there will be no hardship actually, and we are living in the sea.  It will not be there.  This world has night and day, cold, winter, hot weather, cold weather, all these things.  So, once one does that, one knows this, then the next thing comes, if it is a test, then how shall I pass this test.  How shall I pass this test. 

That is where necessary guidance Allah جل مجدہ gave, Prophet علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام  gave and in the light of that Syaiddunna Abdul Azeez Dabbagh (رحمہ اللہ تعالیٰ قدس سرہ العزیز) one of the Great Auilya and one of the Great Gnostics the knowledgeable, he interpreted it, he made it easy, as a bite-size, for us to understand and act upon, and if someone does act upon, almost success is guaranteed, because his advice is based upon Quran and Sunnah and any person who follows they are to be successful.  So, once you have understood that, that it is going to be a test and challenge and I should be ready to respond in the best way.  One, Allah عزوجل has given a hint already of successful, for overall, for everything, not only for marriage or anything.  One hint is already given there, for success, and that is اَيُّكُمْ اَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا

That if you respond in the best way, not in an emotional way not how people are doing not actually how the norm is, outside not crowd following, not actually egoistic, not actually how you think, how others are telling, but know, best way which Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ mentioned, yes if your response is best way that is a hint that you can be successful, response is what matters.  So, this is important Allah جل مجدہ said in the Quran, the verses of Quran which I recited of Surah Nisa , where He said Oh people, be mindful يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ Be mindful of your Lord يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ

He Created You From a Single Person and Created his Partner from Him and then from the pair He spread countless men and women throughout the world be mindful of Allah in whose name you make demands from each other.  Allah watches over you. 

So, Allah جل مجدہ mentioned this, the concept of taqwa, be mindful, why is a person mindful, that they can save themselves, taqwa is also safe.  Save themselves from what?  Going out of the limits, responding in a bad way, not in a good way and in these verses which Prophet  علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم used to read, in kutbah of nikkah, these verses mentioned taqwa 4 times, be mindful of Allah, be mindful of Allah, be….  

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا

وَاتَّقُواللہَ الَّذِی

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَقُولُوا قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اتَّقُواْ اللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ

(Around 34.23)

Four times, and you will find that Taqwa is also related for practising, for thought, and in morals and in emotions, also there are four things, which need, we need to be mindful of using those four things.  Namely, the body, the actions, the physical.  The mind, the thinking, heart, the moral self, we need taqwa in relation to that which moral are we cultivating, what are our rules, and forth type of taqwa in relation to the nafs, emotion, how our, how our emotions, how do we manage our emotions, so body, mind, heart and soul.  Four times taqwa is mentioned and the مشائخ have said look it, four times its mentioned, and then there are four things really, where husband and wife are going to deal with each other. 

Through these four faculties, body, mind, obviously they are going to think, heart and actually soul.  So, don’t have unrealistic and superficial, artificial view of marriage, don’t have, because you are going to face reality.  You can have fake and artificial and partial view but the situation you are going to be facing is not, will not be fake, it will be a real person real situation.  So yes, the Quran mentions in the سورۃ الروم, that  وَمِن آیَاتِہ (36.15).

That amongst His signs is that He Created you from yourselves, mates that you may find tranquillity in them and he placed between you affection and mercy.  Indeed in that are signs of people who give thought.  So Allah عزوجل already placed some affection and mercy.  If that is the case, that Allah عزوجل has already placed affections and mercy and this is the mess which we are making.  Imagine if it was not there even. 

Now, like for example, there are certain things which Allah جل مجدہ to a level, programmes people, like for example, like opposite gender is attracted to the opposite gender, there is some attraction there.  There is attraction or you may say some affection in between brothers, between brothers and sisters, mothers relatives there is some affection some love and things.  It is not necessary every brother gets on, they have brotherly love, but its no necessary they (get on).  Every sister gets on every child gets on with parents, every relative gets on with another relative, though they have blood relations, they have some affections which Allah عزوجل has already placed in.  But now to enhance and build on top of it, that is up to me.  Similarly, husband and wife, Allah جل مجدہ mentions, that I have already placed some affection and love in there, tranquillity in them, there is, but now how to develop, enhance, and protect it, so that is the verse, but in other verses Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ also mentions at the same time what if a spouse, a wife is rebellious, husband is rebellious or disobedient to each other, which is called “نشوز”.  Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ also refers that as well.  So in the fourth chapter of the Quran, Allah addresses if a women get out of line how a man should interact with his wife.  If she goes beyond what is considered normative in Islam.    So that, verses are also there. We also find in the Quran that Allah advises the women how to handle the situation, Allah says to the men and live them with in kindness.وَعَاشِرُوهُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ (النساء: 19)

Then also Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ mentions in the Quran وَعَسَىٰ أَن تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ ۖ(البقرۃ :216) (39.05)

For if you dislike them perhaps, maybe you dislike a thing and Allah, and there is goodness for you, that there is goodness in you, in that thing for you.   وَعَسَى أَنْ تُحِبُّوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَكُمْ (البقرۃ :216) (39.19)

And maybe you love something and there is شر in you, this is mentioned in relation to husband and wife.  So that you dislike one thing but maybe there is goodness, overall there is goodness for you.  So these verses are also in the Qur’an so know, Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ is recognising that yes these issues can happen between people, and then there is a full surah in the Qur’an. 

There is a joke, not a joke, but a real thing as well, like some people, have funny ideas.  I am, so one person comes, I am having problem between me and my wife, I should take some guidance and someone told me that open the Qur’an and put your finger on and whatever that is guidance نصیحۃ for you to do, that’s what you should do, this or that or whatever, be nice or speak truth or whatever.  I said look there is nothing like this, this is an example I am giving you, some of it.  So I said to him look this is not the way, the Quran gives particular guidance for situations its not like people have made fun of استخارہ, meaning opening the Quran and putting fingers on it.  He said no no, I just want you to tell me the meaning, what it means.  I am going to do it anyway.  Okay it’s up to your but this is totally out of order.  So he opens the Quran and there comes سورہ طلاق.  I said look now, the matter is I don’t need now give any interpretation or anything its in front of you now.  “No no I don’t want to give Talaq” that’s it then, that’s what he said.  So, meaning, there is proper, there is actually what I meant to say that there is a whole surah of Qur’an, which is named سورۃ الطلاق, the Surah of Divorce, the chapter of Divorce.  So this means Allah جل مجدہ recognises that yes, there can be a divorce situation, there can be a نشوز, which means rebelliousness, each other going outside boundaries, there can be a mismatch in some ways, that they say we don’t like, this aspect of someone and Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ has given guidance.  But there is aspect of mercy, compassion, care for each other, there are all.

So a person who recognises the overall picture, which is it is going to be apart and parcel of the test and marriage will be full of tests.  Its not, just a rosy picture, that everything is going to be fine.  A fairy tale, or like in films and dramas sometimes it is shown and recognising that all situations can be there and I have to deal with it is a serious matter and that I should not take that view.  Because if you have that view then no one is going to fit on that view and so never you will be able to live happily or even survive.  Because your view is totally unrealistic. 

Some people have an unrealistic view of spouse, before marriage some actually, after marriage there are two types of things.  Some people they have an unrealistic view before marriage, they have unrealistic view.  Some people after they get married, they have unrealistic view, both are actually in trouble, because it is not going to be like that. 

Unrealistic view, let me give you an example, one person came.  I am looking for a spouse.  Okay, what is your demand, what is your acceptance, what is your requirement, anything that you want to (mention).  Yes, the son says, he didn’t not say verbally, he said, he said I have written it down.  Here we are.. and that’s a list, that how the, age, the height, and the hair colour, and the body and all these things actually how.  So that person, that son, said that son, do you pray five times a day. “Yes”  Well, good, now start praying Tahujud, because no these dimensions, you will get حور in Jannah.  That heavenly women will actually fit your criteria, not anyone on the face of the earth.  So you do pray, good and well, start Tahajud so you get there and you will get it there. 

Here, in this earth you do not get this type of thing and there are many, many people who are sitting at home and going over the marriage age because they have been waiting for their, you know, princess of their dream or the prince of their dream or life.  That’s only found in dreams, its not real anyway, and now they actually have reached age, reached thirty, then above thirty.  Then now, they are ready to even accept an average person, an average person is not ready to marry them, because they have gone over the age.  Firstly, they reject, oh no I don’t like this, I don’t, he has, to fat, he is too thin, he is too tall he is not this etc etc etc and now they say let anyone come, and now nobody wants to actually, as such, entertain them. 

Then there are people who after their marriage they have this fairy tale type, actually, concept which is contrary to reality and then you see, if you are expecting something and it happens, you can deal with it very easily, because you are expecting.  That this thing is going to happen, if you are expecting a road bump, when you are driving, so you know there is a road bumps here, so the road is not smooth.  So you will drive according to, slower speed, mentality be prepared.  But if you are not, mentally prepared, you think it is a smooth road, like a motorway, at motorway speed you are going over road bumps, what is going to happen.  The car will get out of control plus you will injury ourselves.  So this is the situation for those people who think its like, going to be a very fairy tale type relationship, romantic and all one hundred percent everything rosy and things.  Because they expect like this and then unexpected things happen, which is, tests come, it is very difficult, they cant, they say cant stand it or we are actually, we are shattered now, it is our inner selves and our minds are blown and you know we never had this happen etc etc  Until they actually they come down to the reality. 

So Allah جل مجدہ, in this verse mentions four times, as Prophet علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام used to recite.  Now, Allah جل مجدہ mentioned as I am saying, He Created Us يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا (47.37) from one from male and then actually another from partner from it etc and then from many men and women from there.  So what is this verse saying.  This verse is saying, this is purely the فضل of Allah, the Grace of Allah that Allah has created humanity and number of humanity and it increased.  So we didn’t deserve it.  So it is, we should be, rather thankful that actually there are other human-beings.  We didn’t deserve.  If there was no Adam علیہ السلام , was alone and Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ created سیدہ حوا رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہا.  The other human-beings now we are living, we take them for granted, but it is really فضل of Allah that we did not deserve.  We should be thankful to see human-beings.  

You see during the lockdown people went out in the streets, they said oh we don’t like to walk there is no one.  They go to parks there is no one.  They go to restaurants, if there is no person they don’t want to go.  They go to the shopping centre if they are alone, if they are alone in the town, there is no one in town, everyone leaves it all your houses, it will seem like a ghost town.  So people are actually, great blessing, that they actually help you, they actually are the you may say, on the face of the earth Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ spread them, they are like ornaments of the earth, without them there is no, not much attraction in anything, a lonely person will, get depressed anyway, but what we are doing is fighting, quarrelling, hitting and disputing and causing all to these people and if they are not there, we are fighting over, piece of land or things actually and if the person the people are not there, then what will you do with land, who are you going to show, what are you going to do on all of this land for example fifty acres, a hundred acres, what are you going to do?

So think, Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ mentions that this is, that I am, the One which actually did, Created you from a single person and created a partner from him and then actually from there that pair spread, countless men and women, meaning in abundance, men and women.  So this is فضل and Grace of Allah, so when a person knows it is a test, and my marriage is going to be a test and plus it is فضل of Allah, if this person was not there, if those people were there, I was living alone.  Adam علیہ السلام, it is said, felt lonely in paradise when there is every blessing there.  When سیدہ Hawa was not there, so imagine here, if you, okay you say I don’t like this and I don’t ..and you accept, and there is no one, no one, no women exist on the face of the earth and you are alone, you say I don’t like anyone, what will you do face of earth (49.14).  You will die in loneliness.  Yes they are human-beings, they will, women and men both, they will have actually imperfections, as the Prophet علیہ الصلوٰۃ والسلام mentioned.  كلُّ بني آدم خَطَّاءٌ

So in relation to this, the advice which, and the نصیحۃ which سیدنا عبدالعزیز دباغ (رحمہ اللہ)  gives, which I want to, wanted to share with you, few, one or two points in the six seven, discourses.  It is such, that a person, will be in the best, he will be practising the best reactions and best deeds and thus having a good successful married life, which will fit within the higher purpose, is to pass in the test as well, which Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ has created, the overall purpose which is as well Pleasure of Allah سبحانہ وتعالیٰ as well as, also this life, but just before we finish for today this was the first session so I thought give you an view. 

One of the reason, why people fail is.  If you ask them, what does Nikkah mean, they don’t even know that.  What is the actual meaning of Nikkah, people don’t even know that.  Those who are sat here, do any know what the meaning of Nikkah ?  If you do raise your hand.  What does literally the word actually Nikkah means literally. 

Marriage is not its not meaning.  That is like a figurative meaning.  Those who are sitting here no one is putting, and those who are listening I don’t know if you know.  You should type in there.  Look at this, how will we find success, how will we find happiness.  If we don’t know what we are doing.  That is just like crowd following, if others run, they have run, if others falls then they fall. So listen to the meaning of Nikkah.  Literally meaning, then the شرعی meaning, that’s how we are actually …..

Nikkah comes from the Arabic word,  as you know, it is very clearن ک ح  .  نکح.  نَکَحَ النُّعَاسُ.  Which means sleep intermingled with his eyes, or the two meaning, one is, how eyes meet with sleep.  Eyes and sleep how it meets.  Like eyes meet with sleep.  Like brother Siraj’s have met (referring to audience) .  So how the eyes meet with sleep , this is one meaning.  Eyes, they meet sleep or they do not?  They meet sleep.  But how do they meet sleep?  How is that relationship.  Ie how eyes meet with sleep, sleep and eyes get married, understand like that.  So how would it happen.  When eyes are closed, sleep comes, the eyes and sleep, how did a relationship they have.  It is so deep and subtle relationship, that they eye opens then sleep comes to an end.  It happens like this also, some people are sleep walking, but actually normally, open your eyes, the sleep is gone as well.  So eyes have a relationship with…. This is one meaning or also the other meaning, it comes نَكَحَ الْمَطَرُ الأَرْضَ

Or the way, in which raindrops get absorbed in the ground.  The way, which the raindrops get absorbed.  Like raindrops, absorbing in the ground.  Rain goes inside the ground.  That in Arabic, when there are rain drops, when they are absorbed by the ground.  That process is called نَكَحَ الْمَطَرُ الأَرْضَ.  This is said, when the rainwater passes through the dry exterior and reaches the lands interior, which is soft and damp.  So what does it mean, 2 meanings now.  The meaning of Nikkah, like the Nikkah means, like relationship, the eyes have with sleep, or when the rain drops actually absorbed in the earth.  These examples illustrate, what the Quran designates as a family matter between man and wife. Through wedlock which is called Nikkah.  Now comes the word Nikkah, from there.  What it means, it means, that a relationship between a husband and wife, should be like a relationship of eyes and sleep.  Husband and wife should be figuratively, be absorbed into each other as sleep gets absorbed by the eyes.  So, like the sleep gets absorbed by the eyes.  So husband and wife’s relationship should be as such.  That they absorb each other.  Or in the way in which the rainwater is absorbed by the ground.  Husband and wife relationship should be, like sleep is absorbed by eyes, or the rainwater is absorbed by the earth, ground. 

This sort of relationship can last a lifetime only if the couples, values and beliefs are the same, as and their way of thinking is alike, this is a basic condition for a successful, Nikkah. 

So if Nikkah happens it should be like this actually.  See how relationship with eyes and actually and the rain drops sinks, that a deeper relationship, not a superficial relationship, like here people, normally there are, there are many kinds of physical marriage, spiritual marriage and mental marriage, phycological marriage, emotionally being married, there are all these things actually as they say, but if it is superficial one, rain drops are coming but they are not being absorbed there’s not going to be any vegetation and things.  It will just….and eyes do not meet, they do not absorb sleep, a person will be sleepless.  He has closed his eyes but cant sleep.  So that relationship is not right.  So this is to understand the subtle relationship that actually, that ones gets absorbed, what does absorbed mean?  Absorb means actually that a person should understand the other person.  Understand the other person.  Eyes like they absorb sleep, that they understand, there is a link between, eyes and sleep that actually when eyes, when you don’t have sleep, you close your eyes and slowly slowly the sleep follows. 

Or when you have overwhelming sleep, the yes actually start closing, they follow.  Look, there is a relationship...  When, how eyes meet sleep or how the rain drops actually are absorbed. So the example of rain drops are absorbed, that one new people, new things, husband and wife they were separate entities.  Rain is something separate, ground is something separate, so when they are absorbed, the ground absorbs and then actually, how much pleasant, the ground becomes, greenery, fruits, flowers that’s how the marriage becomes if there you get absorbed. 

If you do not let the, actually, understand each other, have a deeper relationship, meaning to know how people think, how the other thinks, how the other actually, what are the fears, what are the, anxieties, what is the emotional state of the person etc etc.  All these things actually fully actually absorbing, understanding and then, actually one can benefit, and if sleep… Similarly, eyes and sleep relationship.  If eyes and sleep both meet, then how peaceful the human being lies and sleeps.  Peaceful, how much freshness, how much peace the person gets when actually, eyes and sleep meet a person is getting refreshed.  A person is getting, having tranquillity... … and those who have superficial relationship, just for show, ie eyes are closed but not asleep this sort of cheating.  Like in a marriage there is a connection but only for show.  Then for them like the body tires they also tire as the sleep requirement has not been met.  Then there is going to be a problem. 

Similarly, if the rain drops and the ground does not let the water absorb, there’s not going to grow anything, there will be no result, good result in that marriage.  So it is, Qur’an also gives another, وَاَنْتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَّهُنَّؕ (49.19)

هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَّكُمْ وَ اَنْتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَّهُنَّؕ

 Gives the analogy of dress, that لباس, that you are there لباس.  So this means, this is not the guidance from Quran and Hadith, which Syidunna Abdul Azeez (رحمہ اللہ) what they said.  This is just the literal meaning, where the word Nikkah comes from.  Actually, first a person should understand this.  That, actually, I have to absorb, understand, open myself, accept, consider and all these things and then inshallah there is going to be some fruitful result.  So todays session we will finish here and if you have any questions then inshallah in relationship to what has been said because there will be as I said, that inshallah I am going to share, some specific advice, and all the topics we have mentioned, conflict resolution and other things and how to avoid conflict, how to etc etc do things but basic concept should be clear, first. 


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