The count of creation set with richest gems

Diamonds and rubies in value beyond ken

Unequalled it brilliance, unique of kind.

Art thou o Great Prophet! to all mankind

Most loving by nature and of most saintly mien.

A called thee the Trusty, the Al-Ameen.

Most loving to children, courteous to all,

To animals tenders alike to great and small:

Never on earth a nobler soul had trod,

Never had another showed a true way to God.


O sweetest flower that ever on earth did bloom

Matchless alike in divine beauty and perfume.

O whitest lily that human eyes have seen,

O loveliest rose that in the world has been

All nature join in homage, all men adore

Thee who brought light to a darksome world,

Thee whose teachings are as a necklace of pearls

Which when worm does radiant beauty impart,

Adding luster to body, to soul and to heart.

Ya Rasoolallah our dearest friend and guide,

May God's eternal blessings with thee abide.


From the Arabian deserts thou sounded thy call

To the worship of God, the Lord of all,

From the Arabian deserts thou taught mankind,

How the truest knowledge of God to find

Thy words flew as lightning the whole world around

Of Truth and Light they did fully abound,

And nations, acknowledging the power of their sway

Did find and follow the most truthful way

In the wake of thy words true piety did spring.

And great knowledge and virtue did truly bring.

Never on earth a better soul was born,

Never the world did a purer soul adorn.


Man was fast sinking in idolatry and sin

When thou thy great mission did first begin.

Then in place of darkness thou Light did give.

And taught mankind the noblest way to live;

And reformed the world as never before,

And unique blessings on it did bestow.

Praise be to Allah for this favour divine

In sending thee the wicked world to refine.

Search the world though we may from pole to pole

While the great ocean of time doth onward roll,

A more perfect Prophet never can we find,

Then thee who, thank God, gave Islam to mankind.

Yaa Rasoolallah! my homage I make to thee,

Yaa Nabiyyallah! my love I tender thee,

My life, my all, for thee i gladly give,

Thy Divine messages shall with me for ever live.

My love for thee no bounds doth know,

In my heart thy memory shall for ever glow.

May Allah shower His choicest blessings on thee,

May Allah grant thee peace for all eternity.



Joint Secretary

The Ceylon Muslim Missionary Society, Colombo.

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