The secret of progress and prosperity of any nation is hidden in mental abilities and power of action of their people. In other words it is hidden in its firm solid and dynamic educational system. Western Nations progress and prosperity is dependent upon their firm solid and dynamic educational system & scientific research. But in Pakistan there are two separate systems with no relation to each other i.e. two different entities having no relation with each other Madaris System of Education & Secular System.

The evolution process of present curriculum of Madaris is stretched to centuries back about a thousand years old.  Madaris have played a significant role in educating the masses by preserving Islamic values and traditions. Due to such a major contribution, Madaris got a remarkable position in the history of Islamic society. It also played this role in the lives of millions of Muslims of the Subcontinent from eighth century A.D. & onwards. The Madaris system of education reached at its peak during the Muslim rule in India. Time does not stay on a single pattern; rather, it changes with its passage altering worldly things and feeling of people, resultantly. Things which fail to modify with the passage of time, face down fall or even disappearance.

 The same happened, after establishment of British colonial rule here, a modern system of education was introduced. That modern education system, by default, became a rival of Madrassas. They opposed it tooth and nail, and it was regarded as non —Muslim. The modern education also threatened the traditional hold, role and authority of the religious leaders. The division between the two institutions increased manifold with the passage of time. This split impacted every aspect of Muslims of Subcontinent lives and shaped two politically opposed ideologies amongst those who studied in the different educational systems. The same bipolar system of education was inherited by Pakistan after its independence in 1947. The process of Madaris reforms remained almost passive since the creation of Pakistan. However, Madaris and its education system came under discussion in government policies and educational conferences to some extent. Madaris and their role in educating the public was debated in first educational conference held right after birth of Pakistan in 1947.

The tremendous technological advancement has turned the world to a global village where one can contact and interact with others in seconds. Life has gone very speedy and time is most precious gadget in the present age. In such a revolutionary world, Madaris are clinging to its old curriculum and teaching techniques Modern and secular subjects are almost overlooked in Madaris, while adhering to centuries old books are stressed, viewing the worldly subjects worthless. In short, Masjid and parliament have become two separate entities and both have their own directions to follow. Those who are closely associated with after the colonial period have nothing to do with the business of the state and on the other hand those who are running the government and its affairs have nothing to do with the pivotal role of masjid.

This situation was destined due to the oversighting of Muslim Intellectuals especially Ulemas who portrayed only one side and it too was negative picture of modern educational system.

Muslim intellectuals themselves could not find any feasible solution for the survival and progress to meet the challenges of the modern time.

At that time One of the most influential Muslims with towering personality and sparkling ideology, Dr. Ansari the sign of Muslim Renaissance chalked out Educational reforms in his book “The Present Crisis in Islam and our Future Educational Programme” which was first published before the partition of India. He was an intellectual, a versatile genius, a touring missionary, and an orator of the highest caliber who brought about a universal awakening throughout the world of Islam. He moved about in the countries of world — lecturing, discussing and writing about his mission, leaving behind him a huge number of disciples who continued his work even after his death.

When he got opportunity he established a well-known institute (AIIS) in 1958.AIIS has taken initiative in bridging the gulf between secular educational system and Madaris through introducing of various Modern subjects in the curriculum, philosophy, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Islamic banking and computer training programs etc.

This institute is not like the other Madaris, where research activities are rare.  He was of the opinion that a graduated scholar should have knowledge of modern terminologies as well as modes of business etc.  That’s why he provided Resources for Research activities and established a well-versed library to boosts research activities in the Institute.

The teaching method is not like other Madaris which is still traditional one & book oriented as a teacher comes to class and focuses all of his efforts on explaining the text of the book but AIIS has initiated steps in this regard, in 1958.has appointed trained teachers & staff who were equipped with the teaching methodology, Madrasah management & organization, evaluation techniques, individual differences, and Psychology etc.

In short he not only chalked out a scheme for Muslims but successfully practiced it in Aleemiyah which are expected to be followed by the Madaris throughout Pakistan.

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