Globalization Has Grown Beyond Economic Implications

 Arif Mateen Ansari.

As defined by Collins Globalization is the "process enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications". Over the last 2 decades, globalization has grown beyond economic implications to very far-reaching effects on the social and moral structures of societies. It all started with businesses importing goods and services, but now it has transformed into civilizations bringing in ideals, values, and morals that are often contrary to the traditional beliefs and practices of the target societies. In these present times of media, including television and the Internet, it has grown into a monster devouring religious, cultural and ethnic identities. Every child of our society is exposed to the same mind-numbing, valueless, morally corrupt material as a child in any other western society. As children and youth scramble fast to become 'Westernized', members of the older generation struggle to maintain their ethnic, cultural, and religious identities leading inevitably to all sorts of differences generally termed as “generation gap”.

Moreover, the family structure is also weakening, with divorce, separation and single parenthood becoming the norms rather than the exceptions. Children spend more time watching television programs and playing computer games than in meaningful conversations with their parents and elders. As a result, families spending less time together than at any point in history. As a result, basic morals and values are fading from society. Immorality is becoming an acceptable and familiar way of life. Cheating, telling lies, and other immoralities have become the norm in many parts of our society. In relation to children and families, disobedience, deceit, and disrespect have become epidemic moral diseases of this era. Children and teens no longer find it important or necessary to obey and respect their parents. They will disobey or be deceitful in order to please their friends or to gain some worldly pleasure. They do this with little thought or feelings of guilt.

 The most significant worry is the impact that these events are having on the Islamic values of families and societies; for it is these values that are suffering the most. The long-term concern is that with each generation, these values will become weaker and weaker.

The solution to these social evils and troubles is within the hands and hearts of each and every Muslim. It is within reach and can be accomplished with sincere dedication. The answer, of course, is Islam and a return to the virtuous and honourable principles of life. Any other solution that has been attempted has fallen short of its goals.

This is not a new notion or a proposal, it is not an experiment in a laboratory or idea of a philosopher rather it is the divine solution of a complete code of life given to mankind through our last Prophet Muhammed (). For centuries righteous men and women, and scholars have called people to the true meaning and purpose in life and warned them about the deception that is present within it. The challenge is in persuading everyone to take the medicine, for it requires effort and earnest commitment. Additionally, it is a lifelong process of treatment that does not end until the time of death. Those who have taken the remedy from the tender age of childhood will find it easy to follow it throughout their life. It will naturally flow and progress as the person develops and grows through each phase of life. In actuality, children have within them a very special seed known as the “fitrah”. The “fitrah” is the innate, inborn tendency to know Allah, to believe in the oneness of Allah, and to develop “eeman”. The seeds of “eeman” are already planted. “The Minaret” provides nutrition to these seeds to be nurtured in order to grow into beautiful, flowering plants.

This is not just another magazine on Islamic preaching or focusing only on basics as to how to be a good Muslim. It is rather targeted to spread awareness and knowledge for parents to be able to teach the next generation to have a stronger “eeman”. In the process, they will find path of “taqwah” and “eeman” for themselves as well.

  The mission of “The Minaret” is to make the readers exemplary callers to Islam, sincere seekers of knowledge, fearless soldiers, societal reformers, righteous wives and caring mothers and to implement Islam completely in life, within themselves, within their families, and within society. This implementation will lead to the restoration of values in society and a return to the authentic peace that Islam represents. …….

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