Medicinal herbs & plants are very important since ancient times to the modern era. They can be used as a natural and harmless treatment because the herbal medicines are used keeping in view the weather conditions (hot, cold, humid), age factor and mood so that these home-grown medicines do not have any side effects. Traditional medicine has been used in China for almost 2,000 years. These herbs and plants are not only used to get power, strength, physical endurance but also to treat all diseases from simple cold to severe cancer. Treatment with a combination of herbs, diet and exercise is healthier, safer & easier.
For example, Fennel, Garlic, Ginger, Clove, Celery, Asgand, Nagar Moth (subiti-tumores), Kalonji (semina-earum-esum-illis) are some of the harmless herbal products which can protect a person from critical and chronic diseases. Further, with the development of modern science, they can now be tested and analyzed in high profile laboratories, and revolutionary changes can be made in this cheapest method of treatment.
Today, the WHO recognizes that herbs are an effective treatment and that traditional medicine is an effective treatment for contemporary diseases.
Yahya Aleemi
Yahya Aleemi
You are right the active ingredient is produced in a synthetic form, but it is also a fact that there is something leftover and sometimes in that leftover, there is a remedy for the harmful effects. No one can survive only on the essence. For example, vitamins, calcium, sulphate etc. extracted from food are very important for life but only there usage is not enough for the human body. The same case is with glucose. The nutrition after digestion is converted into glucose but, what will be the result if a person starts consuming only glucose? In my opinion, these things supplements, vitamins, glucose, etc. should only be consumed in any emergency. Otherwise, a person should use the food and herbs (those are scientifically prooved in a laboratory) in its original form as much as possible to avoid side effects.

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