1.    What needs to be broken before you can use it?[1]

2.    Not many people have stepped on me. I never stay full for long. I have a dark side. What am I? [2]

3.    I have branches, but no fruit, trunk, or leaves. What am I?[3]

4.    I have no life, but I can die. What am I?[4]

5.    It's the only place in the world where today comes before yesterday. Where is it?[5]

6.    What goes up and down but doesn't move?[6]

7.    Where does one wall meet the other wall?[7]

8.    I make a loud sound when I'm changing. When I do change, I get bigger but weigh less. What am I?[8]

9.    What can jump higher than a tower?[9]

10.                       I'm full of needles, but I can't sew. What am I?[10]


[1]                               An egg

[2]                               The moon

[3]                               A bank

[4]                               A battery

[5]                               Dictionary

[6]                               A staircase

[7]                               In the corner

[8]                               Popcorn

[9]                               Anything that can jump because towers

[10]                             A Pine tree.

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