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 Spiritual Benefits of “Siyam” - Fasting

Dr. Ebrahim Kazim

Fasting is an institution for the improvement of the moral and spiritual character of man. The purpose of the last is to help develop self-restraint, self-purification, God-consciousness (Taqwa), compassion, the spirit of caring and sharing, to love humanity and to love Allah. As soon as the fasting programme is over, some Muslims throw to the wind whatever good and hard-earned qualities they mighty have gained as a result of that exercise, and sooner or later return to their vicious habits and practices of their pre-Ramadan days, be they of thoughts" words or deeds. Ramadan is not meant to be a 30 – day last ending on Eid with a least to beat all feasts. Some of the greatest achievements in Islam were made during Ramadan, e.g. the Battle of Badr.

In Islam, lasting is obligatory in the lunar month of Ramadan, a lunar month being 29.53 days during which there is complete abstinence from food, drink, smoke, marital relationship, and any evil thought, word or deed.

Ramadan is derived from (رمض) Ramd, which means “to burn away". In this month, all sins are burnt away and annulled. In tact, this is the month in which Allah grants amnesty to all. the believers, to all fasting Muslim men and women. (33:35). But for us to be eligible for that mercy and that forgiveness, we must also look upon our fellow human beings and show them forgiveness and compassion. Prophet Muhammad (), said: “Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind”.

The month of Ramadan suffuses the whole environment with a spirit of righteousness, virtue and piety. The Prophet () used to become unusually kind and generous during Ramadan. No beggar in this month left empty-handed from his door and as many slaves as possible were set tree. Prophet Muhammad () defined the good and felicitous man as one whose career adds to the total value of the universe and who leaves the world a better place than in which he was born. The only permanent thing in this word is change.

Fasting has been prescribed by Allah as a form of worship, and also as a training period to develop Taqwa and piety, as well as to show gratitude for the great favour of the Revelation of the Holy Qur'an during Ramadan in Lailatul Qadr. And the best way to show gratitude for a favour is to fulfill His Commandments (2:183-185)

Fasting is the most rigorous of all spiritual disciplines imposed on every adult Muslim man and woman. Fasting frees oneself irom egoism, replacing it with an indescribable peace within the person which makes the person accept human differences. The aim of the spiritual exercise is to enable man to achieve proximity to Allah and obtain His pleasure. The Holy Qur'an, says in (2: 181)

“O you who believe, tasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed tor those before you so that you may guard against evil.” This is also translated by others as “... you may learn self-restraint” or "... you may develop Taqwa (God-consciousness)”

Note the word “may”. There is NO guarantee that a fasting person would definitely develop God-consciousness and piety or enough will-power that he could guard against evil. In fact, the lasting person cannot develop Taqwa it he continues to backbite, slander, tell lies, harm others, deceive people and show malice, anger and hatred towards fellow beings. It is easy for any belittler, slanderer, tyrant or businessman who gives short measure or a miser who does not disburse Zakat money which in reality does not belong to him but belongs to the poor and the destitute, to starve himself for the day. How can such a person develop God-consciousness and divine qualities? Such persons, besides committing sins of commission and omission may be wasting their time by fasting. Shall we spend a month every year in which we starve and become thirsty, fast and eat, white our condition does not change? Our rich will remain rich and our poor will remain poor. Prophet Muhammad (),warned that poverty may lead to unbelief. This is why a person who steals food while facing starvation is not to be punished according to the Shari’ah.

Please note that Allah says that lasting has been prescribed tor you. It is a divine prescription which is different to a medical doctor's prescription. If a person lasts for temporal motives only e.g. slimming according to a doctor's prescription, he will be far from performing his religious duty or achieving nearness to Allan or obtaining His pleasure. Besides hunger, thirst and carnal desires, we must be in full control of the tongue, of the mind and of the rest of the body. Hence, Muslims call Ramadan a blessed month, a month of compassion and mercy, a month of sell-purification and re-dedication, a month of commiseration with the poor and the hungry, the majority of mankind. It is a unique month of self-analysis, of taking stock of one's moral and spiritual assets and liabilities and of examining critically one’s spiritual portrait.

Fasting is a duty and an ‘Ibadah (worship) which is tree from hypocrisy and show. Fasting, unlike prayers, Zakat and Hajj, is strictly private since no one can know about it unless the tasting person mentions

it. The mere fact that fasting has been made compulsory in Islam, goes to show that it must be having multiple and colossal benefits to the body and to the soul, both in this life and in the Hereafter. Allah says (2:t84): “it is better for you to fast, it you only knew”.

Why is it that we last in the daytime and not, for our own convenience, at night? This is because the human personality ONLY develops when a person is exposed to maximum social conditions. Hence, Islam puts stress on family life and community life, a community called the Muslim Ummah. Islam does not advocate monkery i,e. to become a monk, or leave the family and retire in a desert with all the solitude and the solitary confinement. Islam does not advocate running away from society and committing suicide.

Fasting is an institution by which an individual and by extension a community, may benefit physically and morally. The Islamic fast strengthens the disposition of the individual to obedience to laws and respect for social order. Islam lays stress on submission to Allah and consequently, lays stress on submission to authority beginning with example in the home.

Ramadan is considered to be the most holy month for all Muslims. During this month during a night called Lailatul Qadr, the Holy Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (). The spiritual exaltation that takes place, whether the fasting person is alone or in congregation, gives him that sensation of nearness to Allah, that feeling of close attachment to the Almighty. On such occasions, the realization takes place that every man has a better man within himself and he becomes conscious of a higher life, a life different to eating and drinking, a life called the spiritual life, where the person can easily overcome any new temptation that he encounters in his everyday life.

During this month each year, we celebrate the most important anniversary to mankind, viz, the Revelation of the Holy Qur'an in Lailatul Oadr, the night of Power and Glory, which is equal to 1000 months or more than 83 years. If Prophet Muhammad (), had laboured for over 83 years without having received the revelations of the Holy Qur'an he could not have achieved the desired result. The Holy Quran leads us into the Straight Path and guides mankind from ignorance to knowledge. Allah's blessings are showered down in this night through the angels. What should we ask Allah on this night of Lailatul Qadr? This was the question asked by ‘Ayesha (RDA) and Prophet Muhammad (), replied: “Say. ‘Oh Allah. You are the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful. You love to forgive. So forgive my errors and sins’.”

(Courtesy): “Qur’anul Huda)



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