Abdul Razzaq
Islam embraces all aspects of human knowledge. Islam has always
played its universal role to prompt the communities to proceed towards
progress. Unfortunately, societies have not always adhered to the essentials of
this religion and, as a result, we are witnessing the huge chaos in the world
Some communities have adopted material sciences, at the expense of
spiritual values. Others have tried to benefit from spiritual aspects while
ignoring material welfare. Consequently, some nations have made tremendous
advancements in modern technology but have ignorantly deprived themselves of
spiritual benefits. The reverse is also as true and as tragic.
This social imbalance which the human beings have themselves
created, is a main source of the current chaos in today's world community.
Groups of materially prosperous communities have made their technology a weapon
to wage wars of suppression against smaller communities. The spiritual values
and moral standards taught by Islam call Muslims to campaign against such
injustice. Today's Muslims, however, neglecting their obligation to partake of
the material benefits and resources of the world, endowed by the Almighty
Allah, are unable to keep the Muslim Community strong and powerful to challenge
such cases of injustice.
Islam is a complete way of life and embraces all that mankind
requires for prosperity both in the world and in the Hereafter. Islam is
capable of invoking Allah's hidden forces in aid of the suppressed communities.
In order to aid the suppressed communities of today, the Muslim Community ought
to abide by all the dictates of Islam : It ought to progress in all aspects of
life. It is Allah's will that man should prosper by exploring His given
resources, by adhering to his commands and by living in harmony. The Muslims of
today are called upon to act accordingly.
History brings all evidence for us to be certain that those
mujahidin and soldiers of Islam who spread Allah's rule over various parts of
this earth, brought with them culture, art, administration, architecture and
all the useful sciences for the benefit of the various communities. During the
dark ages of the West, students from all over the world used to come to our
Muslim scholars to learn Geography, Agriculture, Construction, Mathematics and
Philosophy, among other things. When Muslims had all sciences in their hands,
the world benefited from those sciences as well as from the best cultural
values. In today's world, however, a group of tyrants and pharaohs are leading
the West to destruction by manipulating and misusing the same sciences.
During the golden age of Muslim science, al-Biruni and al-Kindi
explored theories in Physics. AI-Khwarazmi, al-Fazari and al-Nayrizi introduced
Astronomy and telescopes. Umar Khayyam, al-Misri, al-Tusi and al-Battani
contributed to the science of Mathematics. Jabir, Ibn Sina, al-Razi and
al-Zahrawi worked in the medical field. AI-Yaqubi alongside others gave
momentum to the science of Geography. Ibn Khaldun contributed to Sociology
while Jalal al-Din Rumi, Sa'di of Shiraz, Hafez, Umar Khayyam and Farid ad-Din
Attar left masterpieces in poetry and literature. By no means can one give a
full account of all those pioneers who rendered such useful services to the
world community in the name of the Almighty Allah The aim of the author is to
remind fellow Muslims that we are committing a grave negligence about our
heritage by ignoring modern sciences.
"All praise is for Allah, Lord of the Worlds". Hoy
This is the very first verse in the first surah (The
Opening) of the Holy Qur'an. Prophet Muhammad (£&) immediately invites the
attention of mankind to Allah and His universe. We ought to observe this
universe with a deep sense of gratitude to our Lord and then proceed to explore
Allah's given resources. The Almighty Allah wants us to add our sincere and honest
efforts in improving the beautiful scene of the earth. Prophet Muhammad (&),
who is the unique observer of the world scene, has brought for us all that
we need — for our whole life. We have to make the best of it. Unless we make
the best of it, how will we be able to stop the present disorder
which has been caused by the maniacs of society who now look
bewildered. They do not know how to introduce reforms. They have done enough to
tear the world society apart.
Islam instructs Muslims to be self-reliant. Our forefathers
carried out the instructions and, as a result, were independent. They did not
depend upon others for their welfare : Allah (S.W.T) and His Noble Prophet
(«&) sufficed for them. They obeyed Allah and all the hidden fores of
nature were ordered to be at their service. If we are ever to invoke the same
blessings of Allah, we have to re-assess our attitudes, thoughts and actions.
In the Holy Qur'an, the Almighty Allah instructs Daood (A.S.) to
arrange his armour for defence in proper measures. Here is a lesson for us that
we must learn all the ways and means for our defence against the enemy. We must
proceed towards progress and perfection. The more knowledgeable we are, the
more effectively we are able to move forward, the stronger we are and the
easier we can defend the honour of Islam. We have to become self-sufficient.
world today, led by the wrong classes of people, has been brought to the brink
of conflagration. We Muslims must prepare ourselves to welcome a perfect
revolution which the Mujahidin of Islam are about to accomplish.
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