Synopsis of a Speech

Dr Fazl-ur-Rahman al-Ansari al Qadri in Answer to Question


What are some of the qualifications of the Head of an Islamic State?

The question relates to the Political Philosophy of Islam which deals with the pattern of the state, its rules and regulations and the mutual relationship between the Head and the common citizen.

Let us be frank and admit, that there exist no Islamic State these days in the strictest sense of the term. There are, however, certain states administered by Muslims. The Islamic State is that which is based on the spiritual and moral values of Islam. The social and economic pattern of the state strictly follows and is derived from these values. In short, the entire machinery of the state is guided and inspired by Islam alone.

When the constitution of Pakistan was made, it was named "The Islamic Republic of Pakistan". But it remained Islamic in the name alone, not in character. The contents of the bottle will remain the same though you may stick to it a label bearing a different name.

The Head of the State should strictly follow the pattern of life and action of the Holy Prophet (4£). The Holy Qur'an says:

"Say: If ye do love God, then follow

me God will love you" (3:31)

To love God is the object of life in Islam, for it is the essence of faith. The Holy Qur'an says:

"Those who believe, love God the Most (11:165) But the Holy Qur'an has set a criterion for judging one's love for God, it is obedience to the Holy Prophet and following his model as closely as possible. If it is a common rule for every Muslim citizen of an Islamic State, it is more so for the Head of the State..

The Head of the State is the most honourable person in the State. But honour in Islam is based on the attribute of 'Taqwa'. This term is generally explained as 'the fear of God. It, infact, contains a wider meaning: it means the cultivation of that spiritual faculty, which forces one to abstain from acts which might subject him to the displeasure of God. The Holy Qur'an says:

"Verily, the most honoured of you, in the sight of God is the most pious of you" (49:3)

Hence, as the most honoured citizen of the Islamic State, the Head of the State should be the most pious of all citizens.

Among the most prominent qualifications of the Head of an Islamic State, there is yet another qualification stressed by the Holy Qur'an. When the Sons of Israel requested that one of them might be appointed as a king to rule over them and administer their affairs, God chose Talut' (Saul) as their ruler. Despite all his qualifications, he was a poor man and the Sons of Israel were surprised at this choice. As they had a great love for the material wealth they wanted a rich man to be appointed as their ruler. But God pressed on them His choice saying that he had the necessary qualifications of a ruler, namely:

"Wide knowledge and Physical Power". (2:247)

Consequently, the Holy Qur'an has established the following qualifications as necessary for the Head of an Islamic State:

1.    Piety

2.    Implicit obedience to the Holy Prophet (££)  and following his model.

3.    Comprehensive knowledge.

4.    Sound in physical prowess.

Hazrat Imam Hussain and his followers laid down their lives and attained martyrdom only in order to assert that these are the requisites of the Head of an Islamic State. Kingship does not agree with the Islamic Political Philosophy, as the son of the ablest man need not necessarily possess sufficient capability to rule. The appointment of Yazid after Amir Mu'awiyah can be cited as an example.

Wealth is not a necessary qualification of a ruler. It is necessary that he should possess knowledge and power. Islam prefers knowledge and power to riches, while we regard wealth as the criterion of honour. In this respect, we are following the Jewish mentality and not the Islamic pattern of thought.


As regards the duties of the Head of an Islamic State, His Eminence said that the Head should enforce complete Islam in the State. Islam does not stand for prayers and fasting alone, it is a complete code of life, including also the social and economic aspects. The Islamic State should be administered according to the dictates of Islamic values.

Yet another duty of the Head of the State is to preach and propagate Islam. The Holy Qur'an says:

"You are the best people evolved for mankind: you enjoin Good and forbade Evil and you believe in Allah. (3:110)

The preaching of Islam should not be merely confined to sweet words. On the contrary, it should be backed by sound logical arguments and strong physical and political power, because, for overcoming the power of evil, in addition to sound arguments, force is also needed to keep them within reasonable limits. No ideology can thrive and prosper today without the backing of power, be it Western Capitalism or Eastern Socialism. There is yet another verse in the Holy Qur'an the speaks of the necessity of preaching backed by power: It says:

"It is He Who hath sent His Apostle with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans detest (it). (9:33)

The doctor forces the medicine down the throat of a patient, whether he likes it or shows a distaste for it. Evil uses its full force to destroy virtue and it is not possible for any virtue to hold its ground except with the use of equal or greater power.

But even sound arguments and the backing of power will fail in producing desirable results unless the entire Muslim society is moulded to fit into the framework of Islamic Moral Values. It is human nature to be more impressed by practical and living models than mere sweet words. The credit for the spread of Islam in East Pakistan goes to Muslim traders who were living models of Islam. Their trade mainly stood for service to humanity of mustering wealth and sucking the blood of the masses. The character of the Muslim merchants so impressed the masses that they embraced Islam in large numbers and the land finally became a part of the world of Islam.

These days, Islamic preaching can hardly be expected to make any progress. I can say so without discredit to the ability of any of our preachers. Non-Muslims look at Islam and judge it from the personal character of Muslims in general, in which they are lacking, so the Head of the State should take every pain to see that the moral values of Islam are properly enforced in the society.


We were created individually, we shall die individually, we shall be resurrected individually and shall be judged individually; so says the Holy Qur'an. It is therefore quite logical and reasonable that we should pay our entire attention to our individual good which lies in the following of Islam in its perfect form.

People complain that the entire society is corrupt, so how can we be honest individually? Well, if you cannot be honest, you will be doomed together with others. If you want to save yourself you should be honest, despite the fact that filth is all around you.

No Islamic State is possible without people who can be worthy citizens, because it is individuals who make the State. It is, therefore, their duty to mould their thought and action in accordance with the dictates of Islam; to exert their best efforts to see that social and economic justice is established in the society. Mere implementation and enforcement of the Islamic Penal code does not make the country an Islamic State. The spirit of Islamic Political Philosophy is democratic and consultative: no state can be termed as an Islamic State if it is devoid of that spirit.

It is also the duty of the citizens of an Islamic State to be always prepared to sacrifice all they have, including their lives, for the cause of Islam, as the Holy Qur'an says:

"God hath purchased from the Believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of Paradise). (9:11)

They should exert their best endeavours to see that the Islamic State becomes the most powerful and prosperous State of the world, free from all evils and mischief mongering.

Let us always bear in mind, that no Islamic State can come into being unless individuals train and discipline themselves as worthy of that State despite all obstacles and hardships that might come in their way. When a worthy society is created, it will lay down the foundation of the Islamic State. This is the very procedure adopted by the Holy Prophet (4&); he first created the society by training and disciplining individuals, then the Islamic State came into being with centre in Madinah.

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