H. I. Dobinson

Politically, Islam is not committed wholly to either Capitalism or Socialism, with their attendant Press and other media and pressure groups, or for that matter to any other "ism". Islam, by its very nature, advocates a mixed economy, rejecting outright Capitalism, where the average man seems to be ultra-individual­istic in outlook, caring little for the welfare of his fellow-man and thinking he alone is sufficient to provide for his own happiness, and not bothering about ethical or spiritual considerations. In a Capitalist state, with its class boundaries and status symbols, there is constant confrontation between the Capitalists and the Trade Unions which is both unseemly and unnecessary. Under this system, the employer and the worker is out for the maximum profit, in terms of money, for the minimum of outlay in capital and labour. It is the philosophy of extreme economic greed and the "doctrine of convenience" which prevails and predominates ' throughout it. The objection to Communism, with its running warfare between the aristocracy, or "establishment", and the bourgeoisie, or middle -class, is that it is divisive and stifles private enterprise and creative endeavour and thereby lowers all-round efficiency; fails to provide sufficient incentive to individual creative genius, and, above all, upsets the natural, social and economic order of things which have evolved throughout the ages. It is a non-productive, non-creative, artificial and charlatan philosophy, essentially atheistic and materialistic in character and similarly rejected by Islam.


Islam, on the other hand, is the natural religion and way of life for mankind, and, ethically, economically and politically presents to him the most reasonable code of life the world has even known. There is no problem affecting his daily life, be it political, personal or religious, national or international, at peace or at war, which cannot be solved by the provisions of the Shari'ah or Muslim Holy Law. These problems are solved by Islam in a manner most satisfactory to man's reason. To quote the Muslim scholar, Abdur Razzaque, on the subject "The Principles upon which the Islamic code of conduct are based are most worthy of universal application because of their scientific character and liberality or outlook; they are applicable to all times and to all places. Islam is the standard religion for mankind, vide the Holy Qur'an, Surah 30:30: "Set thy purpose (O Muhammad) for religion, as man by nature upright, in the nature framed by God, in which He has created man. . There is no altering the Laws of God's Creation. That is the right religion, but most men know-not". The whole scheme of God, as unfolded by Islam, is an endless process of progress for man. No other faith accords so completely with human reason. Islam, therefore, offers the best solution to the problems of the spiritual and material life, and promises the most satisfactory reward for the human soul, namely, Peace and Progress.

Let it be pointed out with emphasis that, in the socio religious system of Islam, no distinction whatsoever is made between the sacred and the secular, or between the religious and the mundane; Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) originated the whole concept of pure communism and the true equality of man, irrespective of his social position, race or colour of skin. In Islam, all lawful work, however menial, is tanta­mount to being an offering to God and service to the community, and is therefore possessed of dignity and carries social, econo­mic and religious value. In fact, in Islam, the only thing which is a real value is how righteous a man is and how good a Muslim is he, not his wordly wealth nor his social status, and all honest work is a veritable jihad, or Holy War, so says the Holy Qur'an. In Islam, all lawful sustenance is of good repute, however it is come by.


Muslim states therefore largely tend to be left-of-centre po­litically and economically, though they endeavour, to the best of their ability in this modern world, to be independent of the big Power Blocks, siding, so far as is possible, with neither the Capi­talist West nor the Communist East. Only in this way can they maintain any semblance of dignity and independence, and preserve the essentially Islamic character of their way of life, and indeed, justify their claim to be a significant "Third Force" in world affairs.

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