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Sometimes asking is not good, others may mind this, but a person may guess the health condition of others while looking intelligently observing his body state.

Be careful in hypothesis, it must be based on ground realities, nor like a ward boy of Doctor whose story I am going to tell you.

It is said once, a doctor visited a patient, the doctor asked him you ate mango, some soup and rice, or likewise this, the patient nod his head positively when the doctor and boy came out from the patient house, ward boy asked, sir, how did you know this, Doctor replied, o foolish, you did not saw mango peel and other left things under his bed, from that I came to know about his food.

Next day, doctor send ward boy to visit the patient and said try to know what the food he took. Ward boy saw under the bed there was a donkey’s hide lying. He asked the patient did you eat donkey, he slapped him, he came to Doctor sadly, Doctor asked what happened, he said I guess in the same fashion as you did it, and asked the patient whether he has eaten donkey he slapped me.

Be sharp enough, in guessing, and asked in a dignified manner, before you are ashamed.

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