Muhammad () Our Guide 

Muhammad Ali Khan

Guidance is a priority bestowed upon those, who, endeavouring to better their lot qualify in bettering the lost of others. Every Muslim is a guide unto the other in that he is supposed to convey to his fellow Muslim brethren that which he learns through others or of his own efforts. Guidance can only be given by those who received it.

The Holy Prophet () is the pinnacle of guidance. His guidance contains within itself the guide of a perfect, pious, and God-fearing man, who was chosen by God as His Beloved Messenger, and the recipient of a Divine Book - the Prescribed Code of Guidance for Muslims, nay, for all those who care to drink from its fountain of wisdom.

Now, one who guides another enjoys a certain degree of merit. Yet one who is chosen as a Guide (Messenger) to a nation enjoys a greater degree of merit, taking into consideration the number of people guided and the Divine Guidance received from God. But one who is chosen as a Guide to entire mankind, that is, the Guide of guides, enjoys a status unparalleled in the annals of the History of Mankind. He enjoys the status of a Universal Guide, one who graduates as the only human being to be awarded the Holy Qur'an. This is Muhammad () the Prophet of Islam.

History is a reflection of past events. The proof of the pudding lies in its eating. Has mankind benefitted from the Holy Prophet () as a Guide and the Holy Qur'an as the Universal Book of Guidance? Yes. Search through the world, count out the Muslims and the answer is yours. Muslims are those who accept the Holy Prophet () as a Guide (Messenger) and acknowledge the Holy Qur'an as the Book of Guidance. Describing the Holy Prophet (), Lamartine says: “As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured we may well ask, is there any man greater than he." After reading the Holy Qur‘an Goethe exclaimed: “if this is Islam, then every thinking man amongst us is, in fact, a Muslim."

The Prophet of Islam () is no more with us, but his teachings are still alive, as he left with us the Holy Qur’an. It will not be exaggerating to say that mankind is benefitting from the teachings of the Qur'an, as it has been translated into all the major languages of the world and man’s progress today reflects the teachings contained in the Qur’an. Moreover we have a complete biography of the Holy Prophet's () life with us. This is not only an added incentive, but a privilege to all who profess faith in a World Religion and a Universal Scripture, i.e., Al-Islam.

Those who wish to seek guidance should study the life history of Prophet Muhammad () study his teachings and the Holy Scripture and reflect upon them. If he finds an iota of good in them, then he should be inspired by the same to keep on studying it so that he can find from it the necessary answers to his day-to-day problems.

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