Sermons of Imam Hussain (RDA):

An Asset for Followers

Farhat Hussain

With the birth of Imam Hussain (RDA), the news was also spread that he would be martyred. Hadhrat Umm-e-Fazal the mother of Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Abbas, who had fostered Imam Hussain (RDA) says, “One day, I took Imam Hussain (RDA) to the Holy Prophet (3) who kissed and dandled the child. In the next moment, the Holy Prophet () burst into tears. I was very embarrassed to see the situation, but asked the Holy Prophet () the reason behind his weeping. The Holy Prophet () said that the angel of Allah, Hadhrat Jibraeel (A.S.), had come to him (The Holy Prophet ()) and had given the dreadful news that his grandson would be killed by his Ummah when he would be just 57.1 surprisingly asked, “Whether your this son”? The Holy Prophet () replied positively and said that Hadhrat Jibraeel (A.S.) had also brought me the soil of the place where this son of mine would be martyred.”

The golden era of Khilafat-e-Rasheda ended and Amir Muawiya made his son, Yazid, the ruler. But it was an un-Islamic government which was absolutely based on tyranny and dictatorship. It was purely an aristocratic form of government which demanded Imam Hussain (RDA) to accept it by giving his oath of allegiance, but the Imam turned down this demand.

On the invitation of Kufans and the message received from Hadhrat Muslim Bin Aqueel, the Imam (RDA) decided to move towards Kufa, the city which was made the capital of the country by lmam’s father, Hadhrat Ali (RDA) during his caliphate. The governor of Kufa, Ibne Ziad received the news of Imam’s departure for Kufa, who sent his troops to stop the Imam from moving forward. Ibne Ziad’s forces compelled lmam’s caravan to stay at Karbala, the place where the famous tragedy of Islamic history took place on 10th Muharram, 61 Hijra.

Imam Hussain (RDA) is not only the grandson of the Holy Prophet (), son of Hadhrat Ali (RDA) and Bibi Fatima (RDA), brother of Imam Hassan (RDA) and Bibi Zainab and Sayyid-ush-Shuhada (leader of martyrs), but also a great orator who delivered different sermons to his fellow people and also to the forces of Yazid on various occasions.

On the occasion when the governor of Madinah, Walid Bin Utteba, called Imam Hussain and asked for the oath of allegiance in favour of Yazid, the Imam said:

“Oath of allegiance is not a secret act. When you call all other people, also call me then.”

Listening to this, closely sitting to Walid, Marwan Bin Hakam advised Walid to kill Imam Hussain (RDA) as it was the most suitable time as if he (Imam) left, they would not be able to get such a golden opportunity. Marwan maintained, either administer the oath of allegiance from Imam in favour of Yazid or kill him now.” On this, the Imam said:

“We are Ahl-e-Bait-e-Nubuwwat (Members of the Holy Prophet’s () family),

quarry of Risalah (Prophethood) and birth–place of angels. Yazidiis sinful and debauched person. He is a drinker and a killer, so a man like me cannot give the oath of allegiance to him.” After delivering the sermon, the Imam came out of Darul Amarah. If analyzed, Imam’s one sentence is a guidance for forthcoming generations that, “A man like me cannot give the oath of allegiance to a man like you." It means no Hussaini can accept a Yazidi as a ruler.

While travelling from Makkah to Kufa, the Imam received the news of Hadhrat Muslim Bin Aqueel’s martyrdom at a place called Sa’albia. On the occasion, the Imam delivered a sermon:

“O people! the circumstances have turned into a critical position and what you are also witnessing. The world has changed its attitude and all its virtues, excellence and kindness have ended. Alas! today no one follows the right neither tries to prevent from wrong. Now, the time has come when a Momin (believer) should believe that death of martyrdom is auspicious. I want to be martyred, as living with under such cruel conditions is itself a heinous crime. See the Kufans who resorted to perfidy and disowned us. They killed our Naib and messenger. They are the same people who administered the oath of my allegiance and also vowed to support Haq (the right). But now all have deviated, so I mention clearly that we have no supporter or helper in Kufa and the situation has completely changed and deteriorated. In such an unfavourable situation, I allow you to go back without any hesitation and we will not be incensed with it, and neither shall we level any allegation.”

The caravan of Imam had just crossed Qadsiya that Hur Bin Yazid Tamami appeared commanding a force of one thousand soldiers. The Imam (RDA) delivered a speech to Hur and his colleagues:

“O people! be afraid of Allah and know the right of deservings. If you do so, it will be in your favour and salvation. I had not decided to come to Kufa until hundreds of your letters and scores of your representatives had reached me, inviting me to come to Kufa as they had no true Imam and did not want to accept the un-Islamic and unlawful government of Yazid. Your messengers had further told me that you deemed Ahl-e-Bait the worthy of Khilafah (caliphate) as perhaps Allah gathered you on the centre of Haq and Hidayat (right and guidance) through me. So I have not come here myself, but have brought here

by your requests. If you fulfill your promise and satisfy me in extending your cooperation in establishing Deen-e-Haq, I am ready to enter your city and if you have changed your opinion and consider our arrival unpleasant, we are ready to go back willingly.”

No one answered the sermon. In the meantime, Adhaan of Asr was called and all offered their prayers in the Imamah (leadership) of Imam Hussain (RDA). After the prayers, the Imam (RDA) again delivered a sermon:

“O people! if you resort to abstemiousness and recognize the right of deserving, it will be the pleasure of Allah. We, the Ahl-e-Bait-e-Rasul, are more deserving for caliphate than these claimants. They have no right to rule as they are tyrannizing. But if you do not like us, do not recognize our right and you have changed your opinion which you had showed in your letters or through your messengers, I am ready to willingly go back." (Tibri- Vol VII).

In the sermon, which Imam Hussain (RDA) delivered at a place Baiza, the Imam (RDA) clearly declared that he and his colleagues did not accept the monarchic and patrimonial government of Yazid which was founded unlawfully. In his historic sermon, the Imam (RDA) said:

“Listen to me. No doubt, these Yazidis have accepted the devotion of Satan and have abandoned the obedience of Allah. They have spread a revolt and commotion in the country. These rulers have suspended the Islamic Jurisprudence and divided the wealth of the nation in an un–Islamic Way. They term the legitimate forbidden and term forbidden legitimate. So I have the right to object on their activities. I received your letters and met your messengers who told me that you had accepted my allegiance and that you would never leave me alone and helpless. If you keep your promise, you will reach the right path. I am Hussain, the son of Ali and Fatima Binte Rasul. My personality is a model for you. If you violate your vow and withdraw from my allegiance, it would not be a strange thing as you have done so before me with my father, my brother and my cousins (i.e. Hadhrat Ali, Hadhrat Imam Hussan and Hadhrat Muslim Bin Aqueel respectively). One who is defrauded by you, is swindled completely. You have set a very bad example with your act. One who violates a vow, destroys” him- self with his own hands. (Ibne Aseer Vol. IV and Tareekh-ul-Umamul Malook Vol VI).

In the same sermon, the Imam (RDA) said: “If you are frightening me of my death, I will give the same reply which was given by a companion of Holy Prophet () to his cousin who wanted the companion to be away from the support of Holy Prophet (). The cousin had said that if the companion fought in favour of Holy Prophet (), he would be killed. The companion had replied, ‘I will soon set out and when the intention of a man is virtuous and he fights like a Muslim and sheds his blood on virtuous people and be away from the culprits, he does not hesitate in sacrificing his life. If I survive, I will not be ashamed, and if killed, will not be reproached. But living in misery, is very shameful’.”

Yet on another occasion, the Imam (RDA) delivered a sermon addressing the enemy forces:

“O people! remember my family background and consider who I am. Then do a little heart-searching and bring your conscience for accountability and deliberate thoroughly, is it better for you to kill me? Am I not the beloved son of your Holy Prophet’s () daughter and his cousin Ali, who embraced Islam when he was very young? Is Hadhrat Hamza not my father’s uncle and is Hadhrat Jaffer-e-Tayyar not my uncle? Have you not listened to Holy Prophet’s () quotation which he had said in favour of me and my brother Imam Hasan (RDA) that, Hasan and Hussain are the chiefs of youths of heaven? If this statement is true and definitely true as Allah knows well that I have not told a lie throughout my life, then tell me whether you should give me a reception with drawn swords? If you do not have confidence in me, you can verify the statement from those who are still present among you or ask the companions of Holy Prophet () like Jabir Bin Abdullah Ansari, Abu Saeed Hazri, Sahal Bin Sa’ad Sa’idi, Zaid Bin Arqam or Unas Bin Ma’alik. They will all tell you whether they have or have not listened to the Holy Prophet () saying that I and my brother Hasan are the leaders of heaven’s youths. Can this statement of Holy Prophet () not stop you from shedding my blood? I swear by Allah that no other grandson of any Prophet besides me is present in this world. I am the only grandson of your Prophet. Do you want to kill me because I have killed someone, have shed someone’s blood, have usurped someone’s property? Tell me what is the matter? What is the crime I have committed?”

In the night of Ashurah (night between 9th and 10th Muharram), the Imam (RDA) gathered all his fellows and addressed them. He said:

“O my colleagues and friends! I do not know whether there are more faithful companions than my friends in any corner of this world or does someone else have such sympathetic Ahl–e–Baitas do I. O brave colleagues! May Allah bless you. The promised time has reached. I think, a decision will be reached between me and them tomorrow. After deliberation, it is my opinion that you go back to your towns and villages with your souls and bodies unhurt and do not put yourselves in this fire of extermination. The enemies have conflict only with me and not with you. I willingly liberate you from my relation of allegiance and obedience and allow you with my free consent and pleasure to leave me. You are free to go anywhere and take advantage of night’s darkness.”

Imam Hussain’s companions listened to his sermon but decided to have the honour of being martyred the following day with Imam Hussain (RDA). The day of Ashurah appeared and after offering Fajr prayers, the Imam (RDA) addressed the Syrian armies as a fulfilment of a condition. On this occasion, the Imam said:

“O people I do not be hasty first let me say something, then you shall have the option; If you accept whatever I say and deem it true, and do justice, then you will be lucky and there would be no way out for me to oppose you, but if you do not accept whatever I say and do not do justice, and you all agree on a point what you have to do and then do whatever you Want to do with me, and do not give me respite. Allah is my helper who revealed the Book (Holy Qur’an) and who is the Guardian of pious people. You we can see how the situation has shaped up. The world has been devoid of virtues and only little life is left. Alas! you do not see that Haq (the right) has been pushed back and wrong is being openly followed. There is no one to stop wrong-doings. I Want the death of only martyrdom.”

Till Asr, all the male companions of Imam Hussain (RDA) had been martyred. Now, the Imam (RDA) himself went into the battlefield and started the war. While combating, the Imam (RDA) was also delivering a sermon to the enemies. He was saying:

“Today you people have gathered here to kill me. I swear by Allah that after me you will not kill such a man whose murder will make Allah more displeased than my murder. Allah, by disgracing you, will honour me and hence will take revenge from you.”

Imam Hussain (RDA) , who was trained and graduated from the school of Prophet (), raised the voice against the atrocities and cruelties of yazid. He was not only against Yazid but against a system of vice. He adhered to his stand till to the end, and was martyred for the same cause.

(Courtesy: The News International)










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