
(The 2nd Month of Islamic Calendar)

Hamid Ali Aleemi


Literal meaning of Safar is “Empty”. In Pre-Islamic days during this month the houses used to be empty and deserted because the ban on going to war in the Month of Muharram came to an end and the restructions from going to battle were up lifted.

Safar also means to be “Yellow”. When the names of the months were being given, it was the season of autumn and the leaves of the trees were yellow.

Month of Safar during the Days of Ignorance:

The Muhaddithin (the Scholars of Hadith) have recorded many of the superstitions harboured by the Arabs during the Days of Ignorance. A few of them are mentioned below:

1.     The pre-Islamic Arabs believed Safar to be a snake which lives in the stomach of human being and bites the person, when he feels hunger. This is the discomfort one experiences when gripped by the pangs of hunger.

2.     Some said: Safar are worms which originate in the liver and ribs due to which the colour of the person becomes yellow, a condition we know today as jaundice.

3.     According to some, the month of Safar flanked by Muharram and Rabiul Awwal is full of calamities and misfortune.

With the advent of Islam and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (), all such incorrect beliefs common in pre-Islamic times were discarded. (Masabata-Bissunnah).

Month of Safar in Islam:

Safar-ul-Muzaffar is one of the most precious month because the Beloved Prophet () used to keep fast the during 13th to 15th of this month and because of the Urs (Death Anniversary) of the Great Pillars of Islam, who dedicated their lives for the Cause of Islam and passed away in this month. Their Urs is celebrated every year with great respect and reverence throughout the world, some of their names are mentioned below:

1.     Hazrat Bahauddin Zakariyah Multani (RA) on 7th day.

2.     Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhita’i (RA) on 14th day.

3.     Hazrat Daa’ta Gang Bukhsh Ali Hujwiri(RA) on 20th day.

4.     Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Qadri (RA) on 25th Day.

5.     Hazrat Imam Hasan Mujtaba (RDA) got martyrdom on 28th day.

6.     Hazrat Mujaddid Alfi-Sani Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi (RA) on 28th day.

7.     Hazrat Peer Mahar Ali Shah (RA) on 29th day.

Superstition & the Month of Safar:

To believe that the month of Safar is inauspicious, and particularly to believe that its first thirteen days are “bad luck” – in Urdu known as “Tera Tezi” - or that it is harmful to marry or propose to marry or undertake a journey, etc. during these days are beliefs which are against the teachings of Islam.

In pre-Islamic days people considered the month of Safar to be evil and ominous. Our beloved Prophet-Muhammad () strongly rejected such beliefs and ideas. The truth is that no time, day, month or date is in itself evil, but the deeds of people are either good or bad. The time spent in the performance of good deeds will be auspicious and the time spent in sins and the disobedience of Allah Almighty will be evil and ominous.

The month of Safar is not ominous. Evil deeds and incorrect beliefs are ominous and should be given up and repented for it is incorrect to postpone or delay marriage or its proposal or a journey, etc. because of such beliefs.

Now-a-days, some of the Muslims hold incorrect beliefs regarding the Month of Safar, as:

1.     Nikah (marriage ceremony) performed in this month would not be successful.

2.     This month is full of misfortune and calamities.

3.     To commence any important venture, business etc. during this month will bring bad luck.

4.     The first to the thirteenth of Safar is ill-fortune and evil.

5.     The person who distributes food or money on the 13th of Safar will be saved from its ill-fortune.

Some of the people argue that it comes in the Hadith that “whoever gives the good news of the ending of the month of Safar, the Holy Prophet () will give him the glad tiding of entrance into Paradise”. This is a baseless Hadith. (Kashful Khifa: 2418, Vol: 2).

The polytheists believed the month of Safar up to the 13th day to be inauspicious; hence, Rasulullah () rejected this superstition. It is therefore wrong for Muslims to adopt the ways of the non-Muslims and to entertain the very beliefs which he had come to change. The teachings of Allah Almighty and His beloved Prophet Muhammad () give us clear guidelines on such incorrect beliefs. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an: “No calamity befalls but by the leave of Allah. And whosoever believes in Allah, Allah will guide his heart. And Allah Knows everything”. (11 : 64)

These erroneous beliefs have also been condemned in the context of the following Ahadith:

1.     There is not superstitious owl, bird, no star-promising rain, no bad omen in the month of Safar. (Sahih Muslim: 4118).

2.     There is no bad omen in the month of Safar and no Ghouls (evil spirits). (Sahih Muslim: 4120).

3.     There is no evil omen, no superstitious owl, bird and no bad omen in the month of Safar. (Sahih Bukhari: 5316, 5378)

The above Ahadith clearly refutes all incorrect beliefs and superstitions regarding the Month of Safar. These incorrect beliefs flow from the pre-Islamic period of Jahlliyyah (Days of Ignorance) and unfortunately still continue in our society.

What to do....?

1. To shun all types of erroneous beliefs and superstitions regarding the blessed Month of Safar.

2. To understand that the most unfortunate person is he, who disobeys the Commandments of Allah Almighty and His Beloved Prophet () for example: he does not observe the Obligatory Prayers five times a day, nor he pays Zakat (Islamic alms-fee) etc.

3. We should understand that all conditions which befalls us, good or bad, favourable, or unfavourable are from Allah Almighty (as a result of our actions). He Says: “And whatever affliction reached you is due to what your hands have earned; and He pardons much.” (42 : 38).

4. In order to gain blessings of Allah, on the first night of the month of Safar, after lsha Prayer, every Muslim should try to offer four Rakats (nafll prayer) in the following manner: In the first Rakat after Surah Fatiha recite Surah Kairoon 15 times and in the second Rakat Surah lkhlas 15 times and in the third Rakat Surah Falaq 15 times and in the fourth Surah Naas 15 times. After completing the prayer recite 4th verse from Surah Fatiha once in Arabic, then read 70 times Darood (Blessings upon the Holy Prophet ()). Then seek Allah Almighty protection from every tribulation and difficulties and Allah (SWT) would give him great reward. (Rahat Al Quloob).

May Allah protect all Muslims from tribulations and difficulties in this world and hereafter, and grant the ability to accept and practice all the beautiful teachings of our Beloved Prophet () Aameen .......!








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