Ramadan: The Month of Spiritual Re-Armament

His Eminence (Late) Dr. Muhammad Fazlur Rahman Ansari Al-Qadri (RA.)


The month of Ramadan has come again, bringing all the spiritual blessings and benefits that Allah, in His infinite Mercy and Grace, has placed in it and apportioned for those Faithful Servants who are blessed with the will to observe its rigorous and re-invigorating Spiritual Discipline faithfully and conscientiously. It is the month in which Allah’s Final Messenger () to Mankind and Alchemy of Happiness and felicity, the Holy Qur’an, came, in its first showers of mercy, to Allah’s Final Messenger () and mankind’s First and Last World-Teacher, the Holy Prophet Muhammad () (Allah’s choicest blessings be with him for all time to come!). That being so, it was, and is, only natural that this blessed month should form a land-mark in the spiritual endeavour of every individual Muslims, even as it forms a land-mark and a mile-stone–verily, the greatest and the most important–in the entire history of human spiritual progress.


Fasting, with all its pangs of thirst and hunger, and extra prayers of Tarawih, with all the physical fatigue that they mean night after night, have been prescribed merely as an act of abstention from the physical and carnal appetites but also as a dynamic struggle for cleansing the self from all forms and all types of moral and spiritual impurities. For, the Holy Prophet () has made it amply clear that the act of fasting would not be acceptable to Allah and will not bear fruit if, side by side with abstention from physical appetites, it does not mean abstention from all forms of moral and Spritual wrongs. Indeed, there is a very clear line of demarcation between "starving" and "fasting"!


The entire life of a Muslim has been conceived by Allah and His Holy Prophet () as a life of discipline, for Islam means DISCIPLINE—spiritual, moral, mental and physical.   This discipline  attains   its  climax  every  year  during  the  month of Ramadan  when  the  tempo  of the  Muslim's   spiritual   struggle increases and his entire endeavour during the preceding eleven months   crystallizes   into   a  stepping-stone   for  further   spiritual progress.... Verily, Islamic life is a life of progress—continuous and virtually unlimited—in this world as well as beyond the grave!


All the rigorous discipline of the month of Ramadan is meant to make us better human beings,—with the final aim of making the world a better world. Let us not, therefore, waste this great and golden opportunity. Our spiritual re-armament is a dire necessity today more than it was ever before. The world is in turmoil.  The world   is   in   dire   distress.   Humanity   is   confronted   with an unprecedented catastrophe and collapse. Let not the Muslims fail themselves and the world-at-large at this stage. Let them gird their loins for spiritual re-armament. Let them rise to do their duty before it is too late.

(Courtesy: The Voice of Islam: Vol. 3, May 1955)

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