Qur’an and Nuclear Phenomenon

Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel

It will be learned with no mild surprise that the Qur’an has only and exactly translated the term “Thermonuclear" as is applied by the scientist himself when it (the Qur’an) says, that the “nuclear energy is a fire which leaps up over the hearts.”

How is it? The word “nuclear” is the adjective of “nucleus”, which means “heart”, thus the word “nuclear” means “something connected with heart". The complete term that is “Thermonuclear" would then mean, “A fire which is related to the heart". The scientist has coined this term with amazing aptness and has indeed said exactly what the Qur’an has said in this respect. The scientist says, “a fire related to the heart". The Qur’an says “a fire which appears over the hearts”. (Al-Humazah-6-7) Such an act of anticipation on the part of the Qur’an would seem nothing short of a marvel. We can prove the view of the Qur’an by merely uttering the term nuclear indeed.

The Qur’an says: “Woe to every backbiter defamer, who amasseth wealth (of this world) and arrangeth it (against the future). He thinketh that his wealth will render him immortal. Nay, for verily he will be cast into Al-Hutamah. And what could teach thee what Al-Hutamah is? It is fire of Allah, enkindled, which leapeth up onto the hearts. It is (a fire) closed in on them in out stretched columns”. (Qur’an, Al-Hutamah 7)

The Qur’an says “Hutamah is a fire which leaps up into the hearts”. The atomists have used the word nucleus, while the Qur’an has used the word “Heart”. Nucleus and heart are synonymous. Arab lexicographers have translated the nucleus as “heart”, and there exists characteristic and functional resemblance between the two. The death of either the nucleus or the heart means the death of the body. Delicacy and sensitivity is the feature associated with both. It is the atomists themselves that call the nucleus as heart. Edward Teller, in 1939 spoke of obtaining energy from the heart of atom in a lecture on atomic energy delivered by him, (Vide the Hydrogen Bomb by James. R. Sheply and Clay Blair Jr. pages 48-49) while passages like the following meet one's eye when reading the standard text books of atomic physics: “Each fast particle comes from the breakup of very heart of a single atom – The Nucleus of the radioactive material". (Vide Physics, Physical Science study committee –second edition – D.C. Heath  and Company Lexinton, Massachusetts, July 1965 page 130).

And, “How many heartbeats are in the lifetime of a radioactive nucleus which lasts only billionth of a second” (Vide IBID page 21 Short problems) Even the part of the atomic reactor wherein the process of the atomic energy generation takes place is called the heart of reactor (Vide Our Nuclear Future by Edward Teller and Dr. Albert L. Latter 1958, from a photograph of the reactor).

Atomic fire leaps up onto the hearts. After the identity between the nucleus and the heart is established, let us show how the atomic fire leaps up onto the hearts. Both in fission and fusion process of the generation of the atomic energy it is the nucleus of the atom that is involved. In the fission process the atomic particle leaps up onto the nucleus of the atom, and disintegrates it, and energy is released. For instance the Neutron leaps up onto the Uranium – 235 atom and ejects two neutrons from the nucleus that is the heart of the atom. The broken nucleus like the broken heart is disintegrated, and energy is released. The two ejected neutrons in turn leap up onto the nucleus of other uranium atoms in the lump, and do exactly as the first neutron had done, to wit, that they attack the nucleus of an atom each, and eject there from two neutrons each. The nucleus is disintegrated and divided and energy is released. Thus the neutrons keep doubling and ejecting the neutrons from the atomic nuclei and the operation continues till the whole of the lump of uranium explodes. In fusion process the nuclei of several small atoms, say four, are crushed together and the energy is released. Fusion of an atom is not possible until a heat with a temperature of the order of millions of degrees is available. To produce such a temperature is not within the reach of chemical processes. Atomic fire is therefore required and is provided by means of a fission device. The heat thus produced is directed onto the fusile material, say hydrogen. This process is called as the thermonuclear process and perhaps provides the best example of atomic fire's leaping up onto the hearts. Hydrogen bomb is the example of the thermonuclear process. A fission bomb is placed inside the fusile material, and hydrogen is spread around it in a shell. When the fission bomb is detonated, the tremendous heat liberated leaps up onto the nuclei that is the hearts of the hydrogen atoms and fuses them is groups of four, and the energy is released. And there we see very clearly how the atomic fire leaps upon onto the hearts. This nuclear trait is exclusively of atomic fire and is its distinct feature. However, by just uttering the names of nucleus, the point of leaping upon the hearts is established, because the nuclear energy is the energy produced from the nucleus that is hearts.

Atomic radiations too leap up onto the nuclei that is hearts. Atomic radiations attack the nuclei of atoms. In inanimate matter they cause transmutations of atoms by disintegrating and changing the order of the nuclei. In living bodies they eject nucleons from the nuclei of atoms, while in the nucleus of the cell they break the chromosomes.

The effect of radiations is beyond the brain at the level of the heart of life itself. Radiation’s effect the coordination of function at the level where it is beyond the control of the brain. it may be said that they attack the very heart of life itself.

Radiation’s exceptional attraction toward all that is related to heart in the body. The decided attraction of radiations for all that which is related to heart in the body as against the brain, the nerves and muscles is a fact. Bone–marrow which forms blood corpuscles, and also all the blood forming organs are far more sensitive to the effect of radiation than the brain, the nerves, and the muscles.

Further, it may be noted that all the multi-cellular organism, that as a rule are possessed of more elaborated and more perfected circulatory and respiratory system than all the unicellular organism, are more sensitive to the effects of radiation than the unicellular organism. The relation of the circulatory and respiratory system to heart through blood is obvious. It may further be noted that the action of radiations in the absence of oxygen is retarded. And again the relation of oxygen to heart through blood is well known. Just as is the relation of blood with heart.

The heat flash and radiations of atomic bomb explosion too leap up onto the nuclei that is hearts. Heat–flash of the atomic bomb explosion burns the skin of the exposed persons dark or brown, but it has no time to penetrate further into the body of its victims, yet it kills those who happened to be within a certain distance from the zero point by applying shock to the heart of the victim. The atomic radiations whether emitted by the explosion itself or whether emitted by the fission products, also leap up onto the nuclei of the atoms both in the inanimate matter and in the living body, and do also attack the nuclei of the cell and break the cell chromosomes.

Atomic fire a nuclear crusher. The Qur’an has said “Hotama is a crushing fire which leaps up onto the hearts (Qur’an, Al-Homaza: 104). The atomic fire crushes the nuclei of the atoms; hence it is a nuclear crusher that is the crusher of hearts. Atomic fire is a thermonuclear crusher. The Qur‘an says: “Hotama is a fire which leaps up onto the hearts”. The atomists use the term thermonuclear for Hydrogen bomb, for, in the hydrogen bomb, heat is generated by an inner fission device and then the heat is directed onto the outer wrapping of the fusile material, say hydrogen, where the heat impinges on the nuclei of the fusile material, and causes them to fuse together in groups of, say, four. Here we see the atomic fire leaping up unto the nuclei of the atoms of the fusile material in a clear manner. This term thermonuclear proves the anticipative and scientific miracle of the Qur’an, and the term thermonuclear it is that brings credit to the atomists for the marvel of a term which is indicative of a proper understanding of the phenomenon and the appropriateness in choosing the term to express the phenomenon. The term thermonuclear and the Qur’ans word, namely, “A fire which leaps up onto the hearts", have been found to be the inter-translation of each other, while the thermonuclear process is the one that shows in the clearest of colours the phenomenon of a fire.







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