Moral Lessons from the Tragedy of Karbala

Wali Kamal Khan

No historical martyrdom of the world presents so numerable moral lessons, ethical virtues and golden deeds for mankind as the pathetic Tragedy of Imam Husain at Karbala.

Out of the “three martyrdoms” as told by some of the historians, the death of Husain tops the list — a historic martyrdom about which, the famous historian, Gibbon, says:

“In the distant age and climate the tragic scene of the death of Husain will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.”

He further says, “Husain’s death was the most pitiable one that human imagination can conjecture.”

The Tragedy of Karbala, as admitted unanimously by all the historians, is no ordinary event of history. It is a tragedy which stands out unparalleled in the annals of the world for the depth of its pathos as well as the intense stone – heartedness of the “vile perpetrators of the horrible outrage on any unoffending and innocent member of the Family of the Holy Prophet (), nay the whole of the surviving members of his illustrious family."

It is a pathetic, heart - rending event which carries in its bosom not one, but a thousand and one moral lessons for those who have eyes to see. It is an event which records the brave and undying deeds of those who lost their valuable lives in the sacred cause of righteousness and humanity and thus gave it an eternal lease of life.

This is why Moinuddin Chisti has well said:

حقّا کہ بنائے لا الہٰ است حسین

By God, I can say that Husain is foundation of “There is no God but Allah.”

The Tragedy of Karbala, in short, is an event which possesses cultural and educative values. Great religious, spiritual, historical, economical, political and philosophical values are attached to it; yet due to the shortness of time and space, I leave them apart and would discuss with its moral and ethical values only. The moral values mentioned below are not all in all. There are a few among those, which if compiled together, form a voluminous book. I shall hint upon them and you shall, I hope, fill the gaps by your own imagination and historic information.

(1)        Patience — Patience, as you know, is a moral virtue. It is of great help in our daily life.

Husain proved himself the trueIdeal of Patience. He saw the pitiable death of his followers, comrades and relatives: saw the sorrowful martyrdom of his brother Abbas, heart - rending death of six months’ poor child Asghar by name, the miserable, condition of the ladies of the family. He bore the heat and scorching sunshine of the sandy deserts of the too-hot country of Arabia. He lived for three days without water, saw the relatives dying before his eyes, witnessed the heavy and huge military forces of Yazid, and yet he bore all these silently and patiently as he knew well that patience is the armour and conquest of the godly.

(2)        Obedience — to God, to Religion, to the Lord, to Truth – Obedience is another moral virtue that has been taught to us by the Great Imam Husain remained faithful to the orders of the Holy Prophet ().

(3)        Loyalty to God, to Faith — Faith must be followed with Loyalty to God; otherwise it is a body without soul. Husain displayed this virtue well in the battlefield of Karbala.

As God has said, (ان اللہ مع الصابرین) No doubt, God is with those who bear patience, he, therefore, being loyal to God, carried the order successfully.

(4)        Minority and Majority — Minority, if on the right path should never fear by majority, is another lesson that has been taught by Husain on the battlefield of Karbala.

(5)        Expulsion of Physical Fear — Fear is the heroic lesson that we get from the Tragedy of Karbala. Husain never feared the worldly powers. He saw them face to face. He feared God only and no one else.

(6)        Courage — Courage is a moral virtue. It is of great importance in our worldly life. The Great Imam, through his own actions has taught us to be brave and courageous at the time of troubles and calamities just as he himself did on the battlefield of Karbala before the cavalries of Yazid.

(7)        Bravery — Bravery, as we all know is undoubtedly a moral virtue. It is a virtue that has been counted as one of the fundamental elements of a perfect man.

Imam Husain proved this practically. He was brave at every time, on every occasion and at every spot. He taught us that absence of bravery in one self means the black spot of cowardice on one’s character – a thing too ugly for one who calls himself a “man.”

There was no force and fear on the mind of Husain, the Faithful. He was face to face with the thousands of his enemies and yet he showed no fear, but was as firm as ever.

(8)        Righteousness — “Hunger and thirst for righteousness” is the ethical teaching that has been taught by the Great Spiritual Imam Husain, practically on the battlefield of Karbala. He was hungry and thirsty for righteousness with the result that he gave up his own life for the cause of Righteousness.

“Live and die for Righteousness” is, therefore, the lesson we get from his golden deeds.

(9)        Humbleness — Humbleness is the everlasting garment of the godly. It is a virtue and a precious jewel in human nature.

He was the ideal of humbleness. He agreed to leave Arabia for India whereupon the ruler of the time, Yazid, would be at perfect liberty to do what he liked.

The humble request of the Great Imam resulted in no fruit. It, however, laid an example to follow him in the godly virtue of humbleness.

(10)    Humility is also a golden virtue. The character of Husain possessed the jewel of Humility also. He plainly told the comrades to leave him if they liked or hesitated to sacrifice their lives to the cause of Islam.

(11)    Peace — “Blessed are those who are peacemaker”. Peace is the keynote of Islam, the religion of Peace. Peace is the meaning and significance of Islam, the religion of the universe, the religion of humanity and righteousness.

This was the lesson taught by Husain. He, himself, lived peacefully throughout his lifetime. After the death of Moavyia and the accession of Yazid on the throne, he kept on leading a peaceful life of retirement caring little, as he did, for worldly kingdom or leadership.

(12)    “Follow Your Ideal” — Husain followed his Ideal of Faith and as such, due to the beastly character of Yazid, he disagreed with him.

Better it is to sacrifice than to give up your ideal just as Husain, himself did for the sacred cause of Islam on the plain of Karbala.

(13)    Duty — Duty is the “morning star” of mankind, the lesson that we get from the practical life of the hero of Karbala who, being the true and the faithful Imam of the Holy Prophet () abided by the teachings of Muhammad. As Muhammad had said to be Faithful to God, the Almighty, to be loyal to religion, to be patient and fore-bearing as “Patience is half Faith,” and to guide the Muslims on the right path being their true Imam, he, therefore, having the deep sense of duty, acted and abided by the orders of Islam.

(14)    Spiritual power is more powerful than material one. Better it is to create spiritual power than to bend towards material one as done by Husain.

It was due to his spirituality and power of his holy, pious, innocent and sinless spirit that he, though being an old man of aged 56 fought with 30,000 soldiers alone with the result that single – handed he put 156 men to death.

(15)    Determination — Do, if you have determined to do a work. Will-power as told by Psychologists, is the most important thing that plays an important part on human actions, nay it is the key – root of human character.

Husain presented before us the perfect example of “Iron Determination.” He determined to be on the path of truth and did it. His determination was absolutely invincible.

(16)    Be sincere and faithful to your God, your Ideal, and your comrades as Husain was, as sincerity is the key of all the treasures.

(17)    Be Humane — Serve human beings as Husain did. Humanitarian activities are the best. Husain in order to serve human beings on the path of righteousness, gave up his own life.

(18)    Courtesy and Generosity — Courtesy should be the habit of a gentleman and generosity the ornament of the godly. The Karbala’s martyr, the Great Husain, was courteous and generous. The incident in the course of journey will go to show and teach us Husain’s courtesy and generosity to a party of the enemy under the command of Hurr which met him in that barren, sandy and isolated forest. The men and the horses of the party fell extremely thirsty. On seeing their pitiable plight, Husain the Great, ordered his followers to give them all the water they had in reserve and the Iater drank to their fill.

Meanwhile, another horseman who had stayed from his party arrived feeling very thirsty. Husain had then no water except that which he had reserved for performing “Wazu” (ablutions). The generous Imam ordered it to be given to the man. And when he saw, he was unable to drink it himself; the Great and Blessed Imam helped him in drinking it, thereby showing to the world at large how overflowing with the milk of human kindness he was and how the laws of humanity and righteousness required such noble treatment even to a foe.

What a fine character Husain had and what a noble example of generosity, courtesy, humanity and kindness has Husain, the Imam, presented before us!

(19)    Peace-making attitude is the best. Be Peacemakers as, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be the children of God.” Husain was a peace-maker who tried, though unsuccessful, his utmost to get rid of the ruler, Yazid, with a view to remain peaceful throughout his life.

(20)    Love — Love of God should remain supreme on the mind and heart of one who is godly. It was the love of God that remained supreme over Husain’s heart and his comrades with the result that he never cared for the secular authority and Imperialistic powers of Yazid for the cause of God the Almighty.

(21)    Never follow an adulterer and a usurper like Yazid. Be honest and follow one who has moral and Divine virtues like the Great Imam of Karbala.

(22)    Avoidance of Quarrel should be “the guiding star” of every man’s life as Husain did at Karbala. He liked to avoid Quarrel with Yazid’s army as did his elder brother, Hasan with Moaviya. But sorry, the savage army of Yazid attacked him first with the result that he was forced to defend himself and the members of the Holy Prophet ().

(23)    Nobility of Character lasts forever. The character of Husain was idealistic, perfect, gentle and noble in its nature with the result that it lasts up till now and we remember him to this day as well.

On the other hand, Yazid has no position, no respect and no regard in the eyes of a Muslim.

It was the nobility of Husain’s character that he “got the upper hand over Yazid. The late Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar has well said:

قتل حسین اصل میں مرگ یزید ہے

اسلام زندہ ہوتا ہے ہر کربلا کے بعد

Meaning thereby that the murder of Husain is in reality the destruction of Yazid. Possess, therefore, the nobility of Character and the loftiness of manners, and you shall get the eternal life, peace, joy and eternity — Nobility of character lasts forever!

(24)    Walk on the Path of Truth, sincerity and righteousness as it directly goes to the garden of the paradise of eternal life, peace and joy.

(25)    Never be a slave of passions as was Yazid: but be a master of your beastly passions as did Husain.

As Yazid was a slave of passions, he is now, therefore, rebuked and condemned. But as Husain over-captured the passions, he, is now, therefore, respected, praised, honoured celebrated and considered as one of the greatest Imams of the world.

Be a follower of Husain and try to imitate his golden virtues.

(26)    Have a will to die — “Die before you die” was the saying of the Holy Prophet (). Husain carried this order successfully.

When he at first smelled the land of Karbala he himself said, “Karbala the land of calamities and misfortunes.” This shows he knew his death. But as, due to the saying of the Holy Prophet () was ready to die before his death, he, therefore, liked to suffer inconceivable tortures and cruelties.

(27)    Love of Truth, Honest, Liberty and Fidelity — are the four moral lessons necessary for a superman. Create it and you shall see Light. Husain loved truth, honesty, liberty and fidelity. In other words, he liked the liberty and freedom. Liberty of thought, liberty of opinion, liberty of religion and the liberty of action.

Husain imparted a new life to the love of truth and honesty, of liberty and fidelity. History does not record any parallel to the Tragedy of Karbala where a small band of the comrades devoted to love and truth against and under extreme sufferings of heat and thirst vied with one another in laying down their lives to save that of their chief.

(28)    Submit yourself to the love of God. Submission to the Almighty is a moral virtue. Be a follower of Husain who submitted himself to the love and service of God.

(29)    Love for all the creatures of God is necessary and essential for one who wants to be godly. Husain also loved every creature of God: the horse, the man, the woman, the child, the friend, the foe, the relative, the enemy and all without exception.

(30)    Conduct with the Relatives — Husain plainly told us by his own examples the methods according to which we should behave with our relatives, friends, comrades and followers. The noble behaviour of Abbas, the conduct of Husain, the magnanimity of the ladies of the family and the illustrious behaviour of one member of the family with another records the practical examples and lofty lessons of ethical teachings, moral virtues and practical lectures on morality.

There is a vast lesson of human morality where the pearls of ethical precepts are innumerable. To get it out is our task work, go through it and you shall get it. The illustrious family of Husain is an Ideal family of love, friendship, unity, cooperation, sincerity of love, healthy understanding of one another, and the harmonious life of humanity and mankind.

It is, in short, a historical family of the most illustrious Ideal, as regards the loftiness of human character, greatness of moral virtues and holiness of divine attributes.

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