Biddat and its meaning.

There are so many sayings of ulema regarding the meaning of Biddah according to dictionary and shariat, i'll write just a few.

a) According to Arabic Dictionary

Biddat is an arabic word which comes from the root word badaAh. In arabic dictionary it means to create something new without previous existence.

i) Ibn e Faris writes, "to make something without any previous example is called biddat"

(Mojam MakayeesalLughat, 1:209)

ii) Imam MurtazaZubairiHanfi writes, "to innovate something that was not in existence before"

(TaajulAroos, 11:8)

b) According to Shariat

i) Imam Yahya bin SharfNav'Vi writes "biddat means to innovate something which was not performed in the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him)"

(Tahzeeb Al-AsmawalLughat, 3:22)

ii) Shaikh bin Rajab Hambali writes "biddat means every new thing which has no roots in Shariat that will point toward it, but every new thing which has roots in shariat it, it would not be biddat according to shariat however according to dictionary it will still be biddat"

(Jamia Al Aloomwalhakam, 1:252)

iii) AlamaJirjani writes "Biddat is the innovation which was not done by Ashaba (companions of Prophet Muhammad) and Tabaeen (Muslims who saw companions of Prophet Muhammad), and neither it is proven by Shariat"


2. Word BIDDAH in Quran.

Make it clear word Biddah is not a bad word or attribute. Infect Allah used this attribute for himself in Quran.

Allah says

(2:117): .بَدِيعُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ وَإِذَا قَضَى أَمْراً فَإِنَّمَا يَقُولُ لَهُ كُن فَيَكُونُO

He is the One Who has originated the heavens and the earth, and when He wills to (originate) a thing, He only says to it: ‘Be,’ and it becomes.

(6:101): .بَدِيعُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ أَنَّى يَكُونُ لَهُ وَلَدٌ وَلَمْ تَكُن لَّهُ صَاحِبَةٌ وَخَلَقَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ وهُوَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌO

He is the One Who is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have children when He has no wife? And He is the One Who has created everything, and He has the best knowledge of everything.


3. Types of Biddah?

Instead of writing in my own words, I’ll like to post sayings of various ulemas regarding the types of biddah.

a) Imam Shafi writes:

“innovations include two types. First type of innovation includes such acts that are against Quran and Hadith or actions of companions (of Prophet Muhammad) or the consensus and agreement of the Muslim community. These kind of innovations falls in the category of “biddah e Zalala”(bad innovations). And second type of innovation includes such acts that are done for goodness, but those acts should not be against any order of shariat. Those kind of innovations fall in the category of  “biddahghairmazmomah” (good innovations). That’s why on the taraveeh (تراویح) in Ramadan, Hazrat Umar RA said “how good is this innovation” means this is something that was not done before and if it was done before then it would not be bad thing”

(Manaqab e Shafi (compiled by imam Bahaqi)

b) Imam Qurtabi writes:

“Every biddah done by people can fall in one of these two conditions that either its roots can be found in shariat or not. If its roots are found in shariat then it should be something that Allah made mustahib for people and Allah’s Prophet have mentioned about it. So this biddah will be good, no matter its example can’t be found before, like the works of generosity and other good works. Performing these kind of things are good innovations. It doesn’t matter even if no one has done those works before. And this thing makes this saying of Hazrat Umar stronger “how good innovation it is”. It was a good innovation…

And if that innovation is against the saying of Allah and his Prophet then it will be a bad innovation.”

(Tafseer e Qurtubi (also known as “Jamia al Ahkaamul Quran”))

c) Imam Bahaki writes:

“Innovations are of two types. First type includes such things that are against the saying of Quran, hadith, actions of Ashaba and consensus of Muslims. This type is called “biddat e zalala (bad innovation)” and second type includes such things that don’t go against the laws of shariat. This type is known as “muhadasa e ghairmozooma (good innovations)””

(Al mudakhalalilSunnan al Qubra, 1:408)

d) Imam Ibn E Tamia writes:

“Innovation which is against Quran o Sunnah, agreement of Muslims and saying of some companions of Prophet Muhammad is known as Biddat e Zalala (bad innovation, and the innovation which is not against anything mentioned above is known as biddat e hasana (good innovation)”

(Fatawa e ibn e tamia fil fikah, 20:16)

e) Imam Ibn e Qaseer writes

“biddat is of two types. Sometimes it is biddat e laghvia(bad innovation) like the saying of Prophet Muhammad “every invention is an innovation and every innovation is bad”. And sometimes its biddat e shariah(good innovation) like Hazrat Umar RA gathered people on taraveeh and to continue it he said “it’s a good innovation””

(Tafseer Al Quran Al Azam, 1:161)

So it’s clear that not every time there is an innovation, it must be bad. Just like wheel is also an invention so is a bomb too. But both are different. They both can’t be just right or just wrong.


4. Biddat e Hasana (good innovation) and its roots in Quran and Hadith

a) Quran

Now we know that bad innovation is obviously not something to follow so we are not going to talk about it here. Here we are going to talk about the second type of innovation, which is less understood. Biddat e hasana or good innovation.

Let’s see if there are any hints about biddat e hasana in Quran or Hadith or not. First let’s see in Quran.

(57:27): “…And they themselves invented the innovation of monasticism. We did not prescribe it for them. But they merely to seek Allah’s pleasure. Then they could not practically keep and maintain that check which was its due. So We paid those of them who believed (and continued the innovation of monasticism to seek the pleasure of Allah) their reward. And most of them (who left it and changed their ways) are disobedient.”

In this verse of Quran Allah is telling about Christians that they invented the innovation of monasticism just to please Allah. And even though it was an innovation but the thinking was not bad. It was to come close to Allah so who ever continued on it. Allah will give them their reward and who changed their way, they are disobedient ones.

Now let’s see what hadiths says about it.

b) Hadith

To surprise of many. Prophet Muhammad mentioned the good innovation too as well as he mentioned bad innovation.

Narrated by Hazrat Jareer Bin Abdullah that Allah's Messenger said: …He who introduced some good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he would be assured of reward like one who followed it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And he who introduced some evil practice in Islam which had been followed subsequently (by others), he would be required to bear the burden like that of one who followed this (evil practice) without their's being diminished in any respect.

(Sahi Muslim, vol 3, no 2299)

(SunanNasai, Book of zakat, no 2554)

(Ibn e Maja, al mukadma, chapter (sunnat e hasana aw Saiya), no 203,206,207)

So According to this Hadith and the Quranic verse not every innovation is bad. Infect if someone invented something good then he and the people who will follow it will get there reward from Allah. So how can we today put everything in a bad innovation category and deny its importance?


5. If anything is not mentioned in Quran and hadith, is it wrong?

(2:158): “...whoever comes up with good on his own, then Allah is Appreciating, All-Knowing.”

What people don’t understand is that not every action is just Halal or Haram, there is a huge category of things which are mubah too. Means they are not mentioned in Quran or hadith as halal or haram but they do exist and Allah gives you reward if it’s a good act according to the above verse.

Things that Allah and his Prophet has ordered to do are halal, and they must be done. And what Allah and his Prophet has stopped us to do are haram and should not be done. But about things that both Quran and Hadith are quite. They are allowed. And we muslims are not allowed to raise questions about those things. If Quran and Hadees have not commented,then it means that Allah want to give Muslims options.

“Abu Huraira (RA) reported: Allah's Messenger () addressed us and said: O people, Allah has made Hajj obligatory for you; so perform Hajj. Thereupon a person said: Messenger of Allah, (is it to be performed) every year? He (the Holy Prophet) kept quiet, and he repeated (these words) thrice, whereupon Allah's Messenger () said: If I were to say "Yes," it would become obligatory (for you to perform it every year) and you would not be able to do it. Then he said: Leave me with what I have left to you, for those who were before you were destroyed because of excessive questioning, and their opposition to their apostles. So when I command you to do anything, do it as much as it lies in your power and when I forbid you to do anything, then abandon it.”(sahimuslim, vol 2, no 764)

In this hadith Prophet Muhammad said that don’t ask questions about things on which Allah and his Prophet are quite because if Allah or Prophet will reply you for that thing then it would become Farz or Sunnat. And we muslims will be in burdened. So take those things as mubah or allowed.

Now let’s see to some other Quranic verses and hadiths regarding this.

i. Quranic Ayats:

1. "Oh you who believe! Ask not about things, which if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. If you ask about them while the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be made plain to you"

Al Maida (5:101).

In Islam, all acts and rituals are permitted unless Allah has forbidden them. This is because Allah does not want to burden the ummah as he is Rahman and Raheem. Actions and deeds about which the Qur'an is silent, they should not become a subject of useless questioning. Allah's silence is a mercy. If Allah has not prohibited it, then it is permissible for us.

2. "Those who believe and do righteous deeds, there is no sin on them for what they ate (in the past)"Al Maida (5:93).

Again, we are made aware that until revelation deems something haram, it is allowed. Before the Qur'an forbade alcohol, it was not just allowed but was consumed by the Muslims but, as soon as Allah forbade it, its consumption became haram.

3."Who has forbidden the adornment with clothes given by Allah which he has produced for His slaves and the pure foods?"AlAraf (7:32).

This verse again reveals that no person today has the right to declare a pure item haram. Prohibition is only proven through revelation.

4. Those who continue to say that acts which the Prophet () did'nt perform are haram, then Allah announces

"Say, bring forward your witnesses who can testify that Allah has forbidden this"

Al Inam (6:150).

This verse clearly proves that everything is in essence permissible. Only those things are haram which Allah or the Prophet () decree as haram. If everything had in essence been haram, Allah would never challenge people to bring evidence against certain items.

ii. Hadees

1. Sayyadina Abdullah ibn Abbas said that "Whatever the Qur'an termed as halal is halal and whatever it deemed haram is haram and about which it remained silent, this is forgiven"(Abu Dawud Vol 2)

Shah Abdul HaqDehlwi, pioneer of the science of hadith in the subcontinent, says in relation to the above hadith that "The reason why ibn Abbas RA recited this was to let it be known that something can only become haram by way of revelation and it was not permitted to make anything haram through one’s own desires" (Ash'atulLum'aat Vol 3)

Therefore, to say that anything is haram without there being revelation about it is incorrect in itself.

Imam Shafi'i was asked what 'Kul' meant in the hadith of biddat e saiya, he replied that 'Kul' meant 'most'. If the Prophet () had meant that all new acts are bad, then why did he say in another hadith that "Whoever initiates a good practice in Islam and then acted upon it, he will be rewarded for it" (Muslim)

When tatbeeq (comparison) is done with these two Ahadith, it is found that the hadith where Prophet () said new acts are misguidance actually means that most of the new acts are misguidance because the second hadith tells us that new practices can be good. So he who says all new actions are bad, he has not read the Ahadith properly or he hasn't read them at all.

When a nation starts a biddat, a Sunnah like that dies. (mishkatshareef)

It means biddat is something which ends Sunnah when done. If by doing something, any Sunnah is not changed then it would not be called biddat.

So all the above mentioned Quranic verse and Ahadiths tells us that every act is permissible unless it is prohibited by Allah or Allah’s Prophet. So if you don’t found the root of anything in Quran or Hadith it doesn’t means Allah forget to mention it in Quran or Prophet Muhammad forget to teach it to ummat. It only means Allah and his Prophet are quite on it. And the things that Allah is quite are forgiven, means there is no sin doing them. Make sure they should not go against any Quranic verse or order of Prophet Muhammad. If this very condition is fulfilled, then it is allowed.


6. Did Ashaba (companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him)) performed any biddat e hasana (good innovation) and is it still done today?

Before going to this subject let me explain one thing.

Biddat e hasana (good innovation) have 3 categories.

i) Biddat e Wajiba (Compulsory Innovation)

ii) Biddat e Mustahiba (Recommendatory Innovation)

iii) Biddat e Mubah (Permissible Innovation)

i) Biddat e Wajiba (Compulsory Innovation) are the things which according to Arabic dictionary are innovations but they become part of religion in such a manner that if you will separate them then religion will be effected in a bad way.

For exampleaarabs (اعراب) on Quranic verses, to understand Quran, the knowledge of sarf o nahav, usool e tafseer, asool e hadith and fikah etc. None of these knowledge was there in the time of Prophet Muhammad and his companions. They were developed in later years, which make them an innovation, but now if you will not get proper education in these, you will not understand Islam properly. So these are compulsory innovations.

(Al AtaSam by Imam Shatibi, 2:111)

ii) Biddat e Mustahiba (Recommendatory Innovation) are those innovations which again according to Arabic dictionary are innovations but shariat haven’t banned them. And neither they are wajibs (واجب). Infect normal Muslims do it to get reward from Allah and to get close to him. There is no sin in not doing these kind of innovatory acts and neither not doing them will effect religion in any way. But if you do it then Allah will give you reward for that.

For example, building schools, building resting places for travelers and celebrating milad (میلاد). If someone will not do this innovatory acts, he will not be a sinner. But if someone will do it then he will be rewarded according to his intentions (نیت).

(Tahzeeb al asmaawalLughat by Imam Navevy, 1:23)

iii) Biddat e Mubah (Permissible Innovation) are those innovatory acts that normal Muslims do because they are allowed without expecting any reward from Allah.

For example eating delicious foods. Shaking hands with Ulema.

There is no sin or reward in doing or not doing these kind of acts.

(Al Fatawa Al Haditia by Imam Ibn e HijarMakki, 130)

After understanding the types of biddat e hasana. Let’s see few biddat e hasana that the companions of Prophet Muhammad () have performed.

1. Writing Quran in the form of a book. (it was first done in the era of Hazrat Abu Bakar and then Hazrat Usman RA.

2. Saying the taraveh (تراویح) prayer as a group (it was started on the order of Hazrat Umar RA)

3. Addition of second call of prayer before Juma prayer (it was started on the order of Hazrat Usman RA)

4. Jahad against the people who refused to pay Zakat (it was the era of Hazrat Abu Bakar RA when some tribes refused to pay zakat even when they were Muslims)

5. Banning marriage with non-Muslims (it was done on the order of Hazrat Umar RA)

There are so many things like that done by the companions. And still in modern era there are so many innovations we are doing but we don’t realize it

For example

1) Building beautiful mosques

2) Adding loudspeakers on mosques

3) Doing dawa o Tableegh(دعوہ و تبلیغ) on internet

4) Eating different foods that were not there in the time of Prophet Muhammad.

5) Wearing these cloths, traveling in cars, sleeping on beds

6) Getting knowledge of fiqah, tafseer. Principles of tafseer and hadiths to get the better understanding of Quran and hadith to make ourselves better Muslims.

I mean there are so many things which are actually biddats in their reality but we are doing some thinking its good and we do some thinking its normal. Now if we will disallow every biddat then just imagine where our lives would be today.


7. understanding the hadith “If somebody innovates something in deen, then he/she is accursed."

Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, " If somebody innovates something in deen (religion), then he/she is accursed."

(Sahi Bukhari, vol 1, no 2584)

To understand this hadith, we must know what deen is. And who else can tell us about deen better then Prophet Muhammadhimself.

Narrated Abu Huraira: One day while the Prophet was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked,

"What is faith?" Allah's Apostle replied, 'Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islam?" Allah's Apostle replied, "To worship Allah Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly, to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan." Then he further asked, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allah's Apostle replied, "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you." Then he further asked, "When will the Hour be established?" Allah's Apostle replied, "The answerer has no better knowledge than the questioner. But I will inform you about its signs.

1. When a slave (lady) gives birth to her master.

2. When the shepherds of black camels start boasting and competing with others in the construction of higher buildings. And the Hour is one of five things which nobody knows except Allah.

The Prophet then recited: "Verily, with Allah (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour--." (31. 34) Then that man (Gabriel) left and the Prophet asked his companions to call him back, but they could not see him. Then the Prophet said, "That was Gabriel who came to teach the people their Deen (religion)."(Sahi Bukhari, vol 1, no 49)

So according to this hadith Prophet Muhammad divided deen (religion) in 3 parts. 1. Faith, 2. Islam and 3. Ihsan (perfection).

So in very simple words if anyone will try to add or subtract anything in these 3 parts. That kind of innovation is the cursed one. Otherwise Prophet Muhammad said himself that “Narratted by HazratJareer Bin Abdullah RA that Allah's Messenger () said: ……..He who introduced some good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he would be assured of reward like one who followed it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And he who introduced some evil practice in Islam which had been followed subsequently (by others), he would be required to bear the burden like that of one who followed this (evil practice) without theirsbeing diminished in any respect. (Sahi Muslim, vol 3, no 2299)”. So we can’t think every innovation as evil. Because that will be contradictory to hadith itself.


8. Conclusion

Therefore, dear Muslims, acts such as celebrating Meelad-un-Nabi (میلاد النبی), organizing gatherings to remember the Miraj-un-Nabi (the night journey), are all permissible acts. The Prophet () or the Sahaba may not have performed these acts but what we have to look for is that is there anywhere in Quran or hadith that they are prohibited? if not then 2nd thing we will look for is that are they going against any order of Quran or hadith? if not that either then 3rd thing we will see that are we doing this to get closer to Allah and his Prophet or we are doing it for show off? if our intention(نیت) is just to get reward from Allah, then that act is allowed.

If something is not mentioned in Quran o Hadith then nobody can tag or mark it as haram or halal. Because Sayyadina Abdullah ibn Abbas said that "Whatever the Qur'an termed as halal is halal and whatever it deemed haram is haram and about which it remained silent, this is forgiven"(Abu Dawud Vol 2)

If someone will still insist that they are not allowed or forbidden, then verse 6:150 of the Qur'an pleads

"Bring forward your witnesses who can testify that Allah has forbidden this".

Can those people who say that celebrations are forbidden provide us with even one proof that Allah has forbidden it? They cannot. So, according to Qur'anic and Prophetic teachings, the celebrations and other such actions are totally permissible in Islam and those who object to them are certainly astray.

Also, I think the word "biddat" is heavily misused to misleadMuslims from any activity which can be used in good way and can help someone to come close to Allah. Like you use computers and the internet. It was never done in Islam's early days, because it was not there. And so if you use them, no harm, no foul because many people are using it for knowledge. and only if you will use it for sin only then it is not allowed.

May Allah bless us all with the right knowledge of Deen e Islam

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