The Builders of Kaa'ba
S. Qasim Hasany
About a few miles from Red Sea coast
Huge airliners from four corners of the
Converge on Jeddah Hajj terminal,
Bringing pilgrims of all climes and
races several.
They come by sea, buses, cars and on
camels, on foot.
Thus the white clad throng at Mecca
above two million shoot.
Within a month or two, throughout the
These million men and women prepare and
And reach for pilgrimage to beseech
pardon and seek
Their Lords pleasure, and bounties seek
Of here and hereafter. Circling round
the House of God,
Singing His praises and chanting their
arrival to their Lord.
God is everywhere, everyone knows the
fact hard.
But what is the charisma of Kaa'ba and
its courtyard,
That people tight their belts to reach
it once in life
As a single prayer there is equal to
prayers of life,
And a well performed Hajj wipes out your
And makes you chaste like a child
without sins.
What event made this place the center of
Lord's attention?
In barest words for you the event I
Forty centuries back in the arid Meccan
A strange scene was seen by the hills
and the sky.
A firm footed bright faced man of
To his young wife with his suckling son,
said. "Goodbye"
The lady casted her woeful glance around
On the black rocks and inhospitable
Clutching the suckling to bosom with
love afire
Questioned the white clad aged sire.
"Without wherewithal on whom you
are leaving us?"
The patriarch answered, "On Him who
created us."
Thus Prophet Abraham left his Egyptian
In that waterless valley, without a tree
or trace of life
This severest test of obedience of
husband and wife
Involved the old man's love for both and
their life.
The loving mother ran for water between
Till a stream gushed out under thirsty
infants heels.
The prennial stream caused the nomads to
Around it, with provisions, tents and
their cattle.
That was the beginning of Mecca, Islam's
"Total submission to Divine
Will," to all a reminder.
Yet that was not all for Lord's choosing
a friend
A greater sacrifice from old Abraham was
At one of his occasional visits to wife
and son,
When his infant son Ishmael was by then
of years dozen,
The father visioned slaying him for
pleasure of God,
Asking the boy of his will, who agreed
to be killed, giving a nod,
He took him away on a rock, his hands at
the back tied,
Laying the lad on chest, to cut his
neck, hard he tried.
The dagger refused to cut, the rock
trembled and split
At the grim act, a father tried son's
neck to slit.
The act was accepted by God, as the boy
As instead of him, angels brought a ram
to be sacrificed.
Years later at His will, they built
Kaa'ba, the House of God
A symbol of sacrifices to please our Lord.
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