Dreams are a
fascinating experience of daily life. Psychologists are trying to understand
the symbolism and meaning of dreams, and have come up with various theories. The
first question we must try to answer is: what exactly is a dream? Sigmund
Freud's psychoanalytical theory of dreams in his book, The Interpretation of
Dreams, was based on the premise that repressed aggressive and sexual
instincts find an outlet into the conscious mind through symbols, and hence
find fulfillment. He also established a link between dreams and insanity. His
theory popularised dream interpretation. Carl G. Jung broke away from Freud
and the Psychoanalytic Society, started a more humanistic approach to
psychology, saw dreams as part of a natural process of healing, and explored the
meaning of dreams through mythology, symbols, etc., that connect to our
imagination and soul.'
However, when one
looks at the Qur'an and hadith, one finds that dreams are a serious part
of the Muslim belief. During sleep, the soul is supposed to leave the body temporarily
and roam around in different spheres. Its experiences are seen and felt by the
body in the shape of dreams, which sometimes convey information from the
unknown. The more elevated the soul, the higher its sphere of spiritual
In Surah al-An'am,
the Qur'an says, 'He is the One who takes up your souls at night, and knows
what you earned during the day, then raises you from it (sleep), so as to
complete the time fixed (for you to live)' (VI:60).
Surah Al-Zumr says.
'God captures the souls at the time of death as well as those whose time has
not yet arrived, in sleep. Then He keeps back those whose death has been
decreed and sends back for an appointed time, the others' (XXXIX:42).
In Islam, the soul leaves the body in sleep but remains connected to the body.
it so that, at the slightest stimulation, it jumps back into it. When God
decrees a person's death, the soul is held back permanently, causing the
physical body to die, while the soul lives on eternally. Dreams are mentioned
several times in the Qur'an.
Ibrahim (AS) dreamt that he was asked to sacrifice what he loved most. Knowing
that this was God's command, he spoke to his beloved son Ismail (AS), a
prophet-to-be, who consented to be sacrificed. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was
successful in his trial and the boy was replaced with a ram (XXXVII: 100-108).
Yusuf (AS) saw a dream as a child: 11 stars and the sun and the moon
prostrating before him (XII:4). The meaning of the dream was made evident after
decades when his stepbrothers and parents joined him in Egypt. The king of
Egypt also related his dream in which seven lean cows devoured seven fat cows
(XIl:43-44). The king was impressed by Prophet Yusuf's gift of dream
interpretation and made him the minister in charge of the treasury. His planning,
based on his interpretation of the king's dream and his own wisdom, saved Egypt
from famine.
Muhammad (AS) started seeing true dreams before receiving revelation (Bukhari).
The Prophet (SAW) said that after him nothing would be left of prophecy,
except for a true dream. He also said that dreams are one in 46 parts of
prophethood (Bukhari) and, 'Whoever sees me in a dream has truly seen me, for
the devil cannot impersonate me' (Bukhari).
of the greatest desires of a true Muslim is to see the Prophet (SAW). The
Prophet (SAW) saw the conquest of Makkah in a dream (XLVIII:27) in 6 A.H., two
years before it happened.
Prophet (SAW) said there are three
kinds of dreams. Firstly, meaningless dreams from one's nafs or ego,
secondly from Satan, and thirdly, prophecies of good news from God (Bukhari).
Muhammad (SAW) would listen to his
followers' dreams after Fajr prayers (Bukhari) and would interpret them. The
Prophet taught that dreams should be recounted only in front of a person who
loves you or a person who is wise and has some knowledge of their
interpretation (Bukhari).
Companions of the Prophet (SAW) used to confide their dreams to the
Prophet or to Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RDA) (Bukhari). The walis, or
saints, were also given the gift of the interpretation of dreams; as
well as spiritual guidance through them.
Abdul Aziz bin Umar
reported that he asked his deceased father in his dream which of his deeds did
he find to be most sublime (or useful). The father replied, 'Istighfar (asking
for forgiveness)' (Zauqi Shah).
Abdul Wahab Shirani
saw Imam Ghazali in his dream after his death and asked him how his Lord had
treated him. Ghazali replied that He had forgiven him because of his patience
in his act of writing. If a fly came and started sucking the ink from his pen
he would wait until the fly had" flown away of its own accord (Zauqi
Contrary to the
common concept that one goes to sleep at the time of death, Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
said that human beings are asleep in this world and at the time of death they
will wake up (Ibn Al-Arabi). Life in this world might well be a dream. The
life to come might be the reality that is hidden from us and will become
apparent on awakening in the hereafter.
[The writer is a
scholar of the Qur'an and writes on contemporary issues].
(Courtesy: Dawn, 16th
March, 2012)
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