exceptions, our modern educated youth equate the Islamic way of life with the
mere traditional customs of their elders. In their minds, Islam is identified
with the quaint, the ancient, the out-moded, and the dying. Strict adherence to
Islamic injunctions means to them "conservatism"
"backwardness", or the "reactionary fanaticism" "of
aged, white-bearded "mullahs." For more than a half-century, our
rising generation have been taught that an unadulterated Islam intrinsically
lacks appeal to the minds of today's young. If only they could know how
enormously mistaken they are!
My Lord!
Vouchesafe me of the righteous! So we gave him tidings of a gentle son.
And when his
son was old enough to walk with him, Abraham said,
Oh my dear son,
I have seen in a dream that I must sacrifice thee.
So what
thinkest thou?
He said: Oh my
father! Do that which thou art commanded!
Allah willing,
thou Shalt find me of the steadfast! (XXXVII : 100—102)
"gentle son" was none other than Hazrat Ismail (peace be upon him).
When this event took place he could not have been more than a child of twelve
or thirteen.
After his wife
Khadijah, the first to follow our Holy Prophet was Ali Ibn Abu Talib, at that
time only a boy of nine, living with them as their adopted son. When our Holy
Prophet asked the boy to believe in his message, Ali replied, "I will ask
my father". But the next morning he came up and said "God created me
without consulting my father so why should I consult him in order to serve
God?" When our Holy Prophet was commanded by God to make his message
public, he gave a feast and invited all his relatives, the great men of the
Quraish to his house and called them to God. When they had finished eating, he
said to them. "I know not any man of the Arabs who has brought you a thing
better than I have. I have brought you what will do you good in this life and the
next. And my Lord has commanded me to call you to it. Who among you will help
me in this affair"? There as only a silent rebuke as the great men of the
Quraish turned their faces away from him and resolved to leave him. But Ali who
was then still only a small boy, rose to his feet and said, "Oh Prophet of
God! I will be thy help! My eyes are sore and my legs are thin but I will stand
by you, Oh Messenger of Allah! I will fight him who fights thee!" In
subsequent years Ali was to fulfill his promise and much more.
And what was he
who brought Islam to India, led an army to victory and ruled the people with
such justice and righteousness but Muhammad bin Qasim, when he was but a mere
boy of seventeen! Should not he provide a greater inspiration for our youth
than the "teddies" or "Beatles”?
Lest our youth
spurn the heroes of Islam as relegated to the remote past, may they rest
assured they are not absent from the scene even today.
The most
outstanding characteristic of youth everywhere is their unlimited idealism. To
our youth so thirsty for high ideals, modern civilization has nothing to tell
them except, "Be happy! Have fun and enjoy a good time to the limit while
you can!" But deep down in their hearts, our youth are not convinced
because even they know that not everybody can be happy. What of those suffering
on their sick beds, in hospitals, mental asylums and prisons throughout the
world? How can they "enjoy life"! If there are no goals in life other
than happiness, prosperity and worldly success, what remains for these
unfortunates but to commit suicide?
According to
Islamic teachings, life is not a pleasure trip but an examination. Every minute
of our lives we are being tested and the suffering and misfortune we endure on
this earth is not the decisive calamity but only part of the testing. God did
not put us here to be happy and enjoy ourselves but that we may succeed or fail
in His examination, the final results which will not be known until the
Hereafter. Far from encouraging stagnation and decadence, Islam is the most
dynamic and revolutionary faith ever known. Were the Takbir implemented fully
now, how many monarchs would topple down from their thrones and dictatorships
crumble to nothingness? In their heart of hearts, our youth don't want comfort
and ease. They yearn the world-over for the excitement and challenge only a
sacrifice of self to a higher end can bring. The harder the struggle, the
greater the obstacles to overcome, the sweeter the ultimate triumph.
As a Christian we have the same issues with our rising generation. What was once accepted as wise traditions is now seen as outdated and irrelevant. But faith is built through trials and Abrahams experience is a prime example of that. May you be blessed for speaking these profound words.
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