Hazrat Umar Farooq (RDA)

(Courtesy: The Muslim World, June: 2011)

Before he passed away, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (RDA) consulted the senior Sahaba and elected Sayyiduna Umar (RDA) as the second Caliph of the Muslims.


Umar (RDA) was the son of Khattab and is famous in Islamic history as "Al Farooq" or "One who Distinguishes between Right and Wrong."


As a Caliph


Sayyiduna Umar (RDA) was a very brave and straight-forward person. He was tough and uncompromising in Islamic principles. He was a great and talented ruler. During his Khilafat, vast areas of the Roman and Persian empires and the whole of Egypt were brought under Islamic rule. He was also a gifted orator. He was concerned for the welfare of the Muslims. He left an honourable legacy for Muslims after him.


Defeat of The Persians


Sayyiduna Khalid bin Walid (RDA) had left Sayyiduna Muthanna (RDA) in command of the Muslim forces on the Iraqi front when he rushed to Yarmuk. Sayyiduna Muthanna (RDA) was finding it difficult to counter the enemy and went personally to Madinatul Munawwarah to ask Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (RDA) for re­inforcements. Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (RDA) had by that time passed away.


Sayyiduna Muthanna (RDA) absence from the Iraqi front made things worse there. The Iranians regrouped under the command of Rustam and recaptured the lands taken by the Muslims. Rustam sent two columns of his army, one to Hirah and the other to Kaskar.


Sayyiduna Umar (RDA) who was now the Caliph, sent Sayyiduna Abu Ubaidah (RDA), as Commander, to deal with the situation. Both the Persian columns were defeated. Rustam sent an even larger army and defeated the Muslims.


Sayyiduna Umar (RDA) then raised another army and defeated the Persians. But the Persian court sent yet another and larger army, and forced Sayyiduna Muthanna (RDA) to withdraw. The report of the new situation was sent to Sayyiduna Umar (RDA) and reinforcements under the command of Sayyiduna Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RDA) were sent.


The Persian and Muslim army met at Qadisiyah. After a long battle on several fronts, the outnumbered Muslim army defeated the 120,000 Persian soldiers and recaptured Hirah and their areas in the year 14 A.H, (636 C.E).


Defeat of The Romans


Muslims had laid siege to Damascus during Sayyiduna Abu Bakr's rule as Caliph. It continued, after he passed away, and lasted 70 days during the rule of Sayyiduna Umar (RDA). After the long siege, Sayyiduna Khalid bin Walid (RDA) took the Romans by surprise and entered the city. The Governor surrendered and a peace treaty was signed.


Conquest of Jerusalem


Meanwhile, Sayyiduna Amr ibn As (RDA) was laying siege to Jerusalem. Sayyiduna Khalid, Sayyiduna Abu Ubaidah and other Sahaba (RDA) also joined him. The Christians had little hope and decided to give in. They also suggested that the keys of Jerusalem be given to Sayyiduna Umar (RDA) himself personally. Sayyiduna Umar (RDA) went to Jerusalem. An agreement was signed that guaranteed the safety of the city and the safety of the Christians.




In a short space of 10 years, Sayyiduna Umar (RDA) had been well-known for his outstanding achievements and reforms in Islam. Some of these reforms were:-


1. He established the "Baitul Maal" (People's treasury for the state and public).

2. Courts of justice were setup in the country. Judges and magistrates handled all cases.

3. Establishment of an army head-quarters for the defence of the country.

4. Construction of roads and canals.

5. Schools were established. Sala-ries for Imams, Mu'azzins and Ustaads were fixed.

6. Masjids were improved and new ones built in Makkatul Mukarra-rnah and Madinatul Munawwarah. This included facilities for the Hajis.

7. Police Stations and prisons were built.

8. Establishment of the first Islamic Lunar calendar beginning from the Hijrah.

9. Introducing of proper weights and measures.

10. Population census undertaken.

11. Orphanages and welfare homes were built.

12. Slavery was banned.


Personal Life


Simplicity and devotion were the main characters of Sayyiduna Umar (RDA). He used to wear clothes that had many patches, he received governors, convoys and ambassadors in the same clothes. He took just enough allowance from the State to have a simple meal and wear simple clothes. At times he was very poor. He used to visit the old people and sick and even do their house work. He used to visit the houses of the soldiers and inquire about their families. He stayed awake at night in Salaah and often fasted.


Sayyiduna Umar (RDA) was stabbed during Fajr Salah by a Persian slave Feroz, 'Abu Lulu', and passed away three days later in 23 A.H. He was also 63 years of age at the time of his death. He ruled Islamic state for ten years, six months and four days. 

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