Filling the Gap

Justice (Retd.) Salahuddin Ahmad

The main cause of the downfall and degradation of the Muslims can be summed up in one word "Hypocrisy”. It is the gap between profession and action. If we want resurgence and renaissance, we must fill this gap at the earliest. Back to the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet () we must retrace our steps. This should be our slogan and action.

The first important step in this direction is to be honest to oneself. The society too must perform its duty by approving the individual’s efforts in this direction, The society should se behave as to demonstrate that it has no place for hypocrites and dishonest people. The Imams of mosques, the real Alim, and men of understanding can play a useful role in this direction. Mosques, Eid-gahs, and religious gatherings like marriage and funerals, provide a good occasion for projecting such ideas.

Even now, village society is much better and there people who commit evil are boycotted.

Coming to the Holy Qur'an in Sura AL-Imran V. 103, Allah says;

"And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves."

Again in Sura Baqara; V. 143, All ah says; "Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced."

In Sura Rum, verse 31 and 32, the injunction is;

"And be not among those who join gods with God, those who split up their religion, and become (mere) sects, each party rejoicing in that which is with itself." In Sura Anfal 5:46, Allah says;

“And obey God and His Apostle and fall into no disputes lest ye You lose heart and your power depart,”

Unity is thus a key factor in the progress and development of the Unmah, internally as well as externally, We must in all seriousness concentrate on unity in our own country, and first put our own house in order. Unless we do this we will not be able to attract much attention from elsewhere.

A graceful and patient approach should be made to evolve unity. In this respect again the Qur'anic advice should be usefully followed, that is, it should be done through politeness, and good manners. The practical lesson of unity and brotherhood as taught to us while saying prayers in the mosque and in the congregation, and while performing Haj should be followed and demonstrated in thou­ght and deed.

In Sura Al-Hujarat, 5:10, we are told;

"The faithful are surely brothers; so restore friendship among your brothers and fear Allah, you may haply be favoured.”

We must learn to emphasise on points of agreement rather than difference. The difference should be referred to the Holy Qur'an and the Holy prophet as advised by the Holy Qur'an.

In Sura (V) 5:59 Allah says:

"If you differ in anything among yourselves refer to Allah and His Apostle () if you do believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is best and most suitable for final determination.”

Vituperation and foul language should be eschewed at all cost, and individuals and parties should be given due respect.

As regards inter-Ummah relations it should be mutually agreed that all disputes and differences should De resolved by dialogue and negotiation in a spirit of under­standing and goodwill, always keeping in view the aforesaid advice of the Holy Qur'an. On no account should Muslims go to war with one another. Patience and tolerance should be the keynote in inter-Ummah relation. If mutually agreed upon, a world Muslim court may be established to resolve disputes.

Besides the OIC I would suggest that the Muslim member states of the United Nations organisation should get together and decide on a common appr-oach to problems that are Drought for consideration before the U.N.O, always keeping in the forefront the interests of Ummah as a whole. Only thus can the Ummah successfully meet the evil intentions of powers directed against the Muslims and the Muslim states.

Equally important and urgent for the Muslims is to follow faithfully and scrupulously the Islamic injunctions that help develop man spiritually as well as material! y. Not only the art of warfare, but most importantly, the art of maintaining peace and tranquility in this disturbed world should be acquired and practised.

We should pray to Allah for adding to and increasing our knowledge, for unless Allah so wills no knowledge can be acquired.

Under no circumstances should the Muslim lose faith in Allah and despair of His mercy.

History is replete with instances, and the Holy Qur'an mentions many instances of accomplished and powerful people decimated and destroyed.

In the context of the threatened new world order of a particular brand, the Muslims should renew faith in Allah and ask for His help. They should ponder on verses 45-48 of Sura Al- Haj of the Holy Qur'an

 "How many a habitation given to wickedness have We destroyed, whose roots tumbled down, and now lie in ruins, how many a well lying idle and neglected and castles lofty and well built; Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts and minds may thus learn wisdom — yet they ask thee to hasten punishment. But God will not fail in His promise. And to how many population did I give respite which were given to wrong doing: In the end I punish them. To Me is the destination of all”.

(DAWN, 13th March 1992)

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