Bliss of the Month

The root of word Sh'ab in Arabic means a branch or offshoot. Sh'aban is derived from it and naturally suggests the springing up of branches in various directions as luxuriant trees always do. It is a sign of growth and flourishing. Keeping in view a well grown tree, one would derive the idea of a multitude of branches, an evident sign of abundant increase. This leads to the association of the month of Sh'aban with profusion or multiplication of some sort. A Tradition reported by Hadrat Anas (R.D.A) leads to the inevitable inference. He said that the Prophet ^ said: Sh'aban owes its name to the fact that those who keep fasts during if find abundant reward and felicity from Allah who showers His grace and bounties on them very liberally. The felicity and well-being of these persons witness phenomenal growth, branching out in so many directions and providing a shady cover of Divine Beneficence. This clearly shows the august nature of this month. It stands at the threshold of the Ramadan held sacred for so many things, particularly because of the ritual fasting, It is therefore right to consider Sh'aban as a symbol of felicity. With the lush branches of good deeds and Divine favours descending as beneficent showers, the process of growth and .expansion increases manifold ushering us into the very portals of Heaven.

With such striking promises Sh'aban provides a good incentive for performing virtuous deeds. In fact there are very attractive promises of munificent rewards as these are presented to Allah for showing his bounty. Even the Prophet^ used to say that he would like it far more that his deeds should be presented to the Almighty when he was going through a course of fasting.

There is something very interesting about the Sh'aban. Just as parents show their fancy for their children by the father or mother associating them with each other, similarly some months have particular association with Allah or the Prophet &, Sh'aban is reputed as the Prophet's month. This is borne out by Hadrat Aisha's (R.D.A) statement that the month is graced by its association with the Prophet ^. It is reported by Hadrat Anas (R.D.A) that as the month of Rajab approached, the Prophet 4£ used to say: O Allah, make this month and Sh'aban full of bliss for us; shower Thy bounties on both, and make the month of Ramadan all the more felicitous for us.

In view of its association with the august person of the Prophet 4£, it is but natural that the Prophet should have special affinity with it. There are numerous reports in authentic compilations of the Traditions like Bukhari, Muslim and Abu Daud about the Prophet's practice in fasting. Sometimes he would commence a series of fasts and continue them for days together so that it appeared as if the course would never end, and when he stopped keeping them, it looked as if he would keep them no more.

Thus the practice was not regular; it was rather haphazard. It is however supported by strong testimony that he used to keep more fasts in the Sh'aban at times throughout the month. It appears he relished these fasts more than those at other times and the course went right upto the Ramadan. His precept to his followers was that they should try to perform good deeds to their utmost capacity as this would fetch boundless reward from Allah. In fact Allah likes them the more you add to them; He has never enough of them. It is only you who lose the fervour and capacity. A particular distinction attaches to the good deeds performed this month. These are directly presented to Allah. This is why the Prophet ^ used to express the wish that he should appear before Allah when he was observing a fast and was spiritually in the most intense state, an embodiment of purity and sublimation.

The Prophet ^ had another reason also for keeping numerous fasts this month. It is the month in which the duration of men's lives and the moment of their departure from the world are decided. In addition, other matters like marriage and proceeding on Hajj are also decided. It was with this in mind that Hadrat Aisha (R.D.A) advised a woman to fast in Sh'aban for it would spell greater felicity for her. The 15th day of the month is believed to be the day when the list of those who are to die next year is handed over to Izrael (AS)' the Angel of Death. In fact the specification of this month goes much further. According to a Tradition reported by Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.D.A): Allah appears on the nethermost heaven

of the world on the 15th of this month and grants pardon to all sorts of sinners. The only exceptions are of those who place partners with Him in the form of deities or idols. The same applies to those who are vindictive and prove themselves to be inhuman in their callousness and hardness of mind. The announcement by the Divine Being is the very soul of clemency and beneficence: Is there anyone who seeks forgiveness of his sins and evil deeds so that he may be forgiven? Is there anyone seeking means of livelihood so that he should be granted an ample provisions? Is there anyone suffering from some affliction and trouble so that he should be granted security and peace of mind? Allah is thus keen to demonstrate His love, affection and kind-heartedness to men. Hence He continues raining down His favours and bounties on those who seek them to the utmost limit of lavish ness. It is the month of the exercise of Divine Wisdom. Therefore all matters which need deliberation and pertain to cosmic policy are decided in the Sh'aban.

That being so, it is understandable why Hadrat Ali (R.D.A) attached great importance to the fifteenth night of the month. It is said he used to come out on this particular night and raising his head used to make earnest supplication to the Almighty.

The importance of this fifteenth night is further supported by the fact that the Prophet^ is reported to have said: Hadrat Jibrail (AS) came to him and said this is the night on which the sinners are forgiven even if their series are as countless as the hair of the goats of the tribe named Bani Kalb proverbial for the numerical figure of their goats. The exception is only those of the heinous offenders and blood­suckers of humanity: sorcerers, sooth sayers, occultists, astrologers executioners, fortune-tellers, musicians and drummers because all of them leave a tainted type of life harmful to humanity and flourish at the expense of other in a perverted manner. Thus the emphasis is throughout on these prsuits which lead to a healthy moral and spiritual state.

Whomsoever Allah (in His Plan) wills to guide, He makes his breast wide open to Islam. (6:125)

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