AI-Qur'an - What is it?
To consider the Holy
Qur'an merely as a book inscribed by some Divine Pen is, I think, a concept
that denies the Qur'an its due respect, status and honour and is one that
stands in need of revision. The Holy Qur'an is not merely a book. Books are
written and compiled by someone. The Holy Qur'an was never written, even by a
Divine Pen: It was spoken and the spoken word was passed on to the Holy Prophet
The Prophet
himself did not copy down what was told to him. The Spoken Word was spoken by
him to the Muslims of those times. The Holy Qur'an is the "KALAAM",
i.e., the "WORD" of Allah. It is the Divine Commandment and not a presentation
of the Divine Commandment.
When someone writes or
compiles a book, he has an idea, a philosophy, a something that he wants others
to know. The Holy Qur'an is not something which
Allah wanted or needed man
to know. Man himself had asked for it when he was groping in darkness, the
darkness of evil. In frustration and despair, man had cried out for help (as he
still cries out for help).
"Owner of the Day of
Judgment; show us the straight path." -AI-Fatihah.
Divine Guidance.
The Beneficent, the Merciful
would not endure that man, the man He Himself had created, whom He had ordained
above all His creations, should perish. He came to his aid. He Himself spoke out
and directed man from the snares of darkness into which he had fallen. He led
him step by step, telling him what to do and what to avoid. He led him away
from his strayings in wickedness, back to the path that is straight and that
would save him. This lead was provided to man through the Holy Qur'an. through
the "WORD" of Allah:
But the Qur'an does more
than only leads us after we have strayed. God is All Considerate. He did not
abandon man after bringing him to the straight path. Man is human and subject
to error. He cannot pass through the vicissitudes of his worldly residence
without a guide. Man's Guide and Safeguard against the pitfalls that lie ahead
of him is also the Holy Qur'an. As man precariously steps forth on his
appointed course, he constantly encounters cross-roads, At all such
cross-roads, man will always find Almighty Allah at his side to direct him. And
these directions come to man through the Spoken Word of God, through the Kalaam-ullah,
through the Holy Qur'an.
Infinite Theme
In books, as I previously
stated, some idea or some philosophy is expressed. The scope of books is
invariably restricted to the topic of their dealing. Always they are limited.
The Qur'an essentially differs from books in this. Its theme is not limited but
unlimited, not finite but infinite. The scope of the Qur'an is not restricted
to any single aspect, but is universal. Being the Word of the Divine Being, its
coverage, too, is Divine. There is nettling that the Qur'an omits or forgets to
tell us. In the Qur'an, we get acquainted with the worlds (not world), with the
Heavens and with the expanses of Space. The Qur'an tells us of the deep-buried
treasures, the deep-running waters and the deep-stirring winds of this earth.
Here we find solved the intricate mysteries of life -- of its origin, of its past,
of its present and of its future. Here is explained everything of which man's
brain can never conceive and here are elucidated points about which man may
ever doubt. This universality of theme is something which is Unique, which no
book enjoys or can even share with the word of our Creator.
The intellectual powers of
man being limited, he is not free and cannot soar beyond his limitations. To
explain anything, he builds up comparisons between the thing he is explaining
and the things that are common and of which he has experience. He selects the
qualities of one thing, the properties of another and the attributes of still
another and, in the light of these, tries to convey his meaning to his fellows.
This parallel fails in the case of the Holy Qur'an.
It is indisputable that
the Holy Qur'an is the Word of Allah. Hence, it is something Divine, that which
is radically different from everything in this material universe. It bears no
comparison and possesses no quality, property or attribute that is twin to any
man-made product. The Holy Qur'an is, in essence, supra- natural and, hence,
cannot and should not be compared with an object so slight as a book.
Beyond Comprehension
Indeed, what the Holy
Qur'an is, no man can tell. Such comprehension is beyond our intellectual
powers and capabilities. All I can say is that to me, it is a Dispensation, a
Mercy that He has bestowed on me by virtue of which a link is formed between
His Greatness and my smallness. The Qur'an is His Love and His Greatness and my
smallness. The Qur'an is His Love and His Guidance. It is that by which He
manifests Himself in order that He may seem more actually besides me. To me the
Qur'an has never been a mere book. It has been something infinitely
transcendent, and, in it I have always found all things.
Whenever I am sad and my
heart grows heavy, I take up the Holy Qur'an and find in it comfort and solace.
When I am happy and joyful, I recite its verses. My joy is enhanced and
happiness grows greater. When I am undecided, I look for guidance in the Qur'an
and it has never failed to direct me. When I am in doubt, I resort to it and my
doubts are resolved for me. When the glare of modern scientific advances blinds
me, the Qur'an opens my eyes to still greater expectations. It is my source of
wisdom, my code of ethics, my guide through marshes, my light in dark alleys,
my sense of security, my hope in death and, above all, my very life.
And yet, even though it is
all these things to me, when you ask me to define what the Qur'an really is,
its intrinsic essence and the fact of it, I find that the Holy Qur'an is beyond
the confines of my comprehension and abashed stand before you with a mind grown
blank and a tongue tied to answer the question I myself have asked you in the
beginning:"AL-QUR'AN ---WHAT IS IT?"
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