Sometimes we meet people whom we dislike in our lives. We shouldn't hate them for our pride, honour or jealousy or any other negativity.
We only can hate them if they are cruel, wicked, brutal & vicious & corrupt people.
And they continuously discourage others (not to modify their behaviours but) to hatred & jealousy. They are of ill-nature can't see other people prosper in their life.
To me, a social boycott is the best weapon in this situation. It will modify the bad or poor behaviour of these people if any kindness is left in them. Strong & severe Social Boycott for a long, it matters a lot. It won't be a mere expression but will bring them down to earth. Here I quote a message given by an Urdu poet in the following lines
How we punish our enemy?
In a dignified & awesome way, we punish our enemy.
We say nothing with tongue or hand (no physical punishment).
But bring him down to earth by our furious eyes and facial gestures
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