Menderes, The Martyr.

S. Qasim Hasany


In a Sunday magazine at glancing a scene,

So moved was I with sentiments keen,

Tears trickled down from saddened eyes

As set at the scene under Istanbul's skies.


It was Menderes reburial with state honor

With a pair of cabinet colleagues dear.

A great reformer was he and city builder,

A proud nation's charming leader.


The dead were given full military honors:

The President, cabinet, army leaders

And other dignitaries and the dead's followers

Followed the coffins, borne by soldiers.


Why all the three innocents were hanged

And thus the doors on democracy were banged?

Though I will try to give you an answer

In a parable form, a stanza latter.


But answers to the questions lie

In history's most paradoxical tie

Of persons and events, that be-lie

Wise historians searching and critical eye.


The parable is: a gallant guard of a house

After repelling the robbers from the house,

Also turned out the owner of the house

And posed himself as the master of the house.


He turned the house into a club of friends

Of alien nature and awkward trends

Throwing out family relics, religious books

Which were disliked by his companion crooks.


The same fate befell the Ottoman Empire

When It's gallant guard set afire,

Many precious aspects of the Empire;

Religion, culture, system, sage or sire.


A military oligarchy ruled in guise of a republic

To conceal their nature from the public,

With a rubber stamp assembly prefixed "grand"

To display despotic actions as democracy brand.


So a great nation whose empire was on continents three

Prestigious and free as a nation could be free,

Was reduced to be an aimless people

Made to ape merely the culture of rival people.


But how long a gallant people like them

Could be held under the usurpers at the helm?

The people's Menderes[1] took up the cudgels with them,

Though lost his life but won the right to hold the helm.

[1] Adnan Menderes: Prime Minister Turkey, during late fifties

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