Fariduddin Ahmad

In the fifth  and  sixth centuries the civilized world stood on the verge of chaos. The old emotional cultures that had given some san­ity to the civilization and the sense of unity to man were crumbling down. Nothing was available adequate enough to take their place. It seemed that civilization that had cov­ered a journey of thousands of years to its present state was on the verge of disintegra­tion. The mankind was returning to those conditions of barbarism where every tribe  and  sect was against the next. Law  and  order was unknown.


The sanctions created by Christianity were working division and destruction in­stead of unity  and  order. Moral  and  religious cor­ruption was found among the Christians  and  Jews who for ages have established them­selves in Arabian Peninsula. The scattered branches of Christian churches in Asia  and  Af­rica were at variance with each other and were engaged in perpetual controversies. People were committed to various ideolo­gies. Relics and carved images were objects of the most fervid worship with each tribe having its own idol-god. They used to say that their ideology be accepted without rea­son, in order to attain some sort of salvation. The age of Jahiliyah had become a global phenomenon.

Idol worshipping, nature worship, super­stition  and  mythological characters were com­mon in a polytheistic culture among the Ar­abs. Different religious communities were confining the field of virtue  and  goodness to their places of worship and seats of learning.


Yet despite of so many diversities and ethical differences the human mind had reached to the level where it was thinking of transcendence of divinity and monotheism in­stead of a multitude of gods. Having passed through various stages of developments, imaginations and conjectures it had attained a certain amount of maturity to question as to who is the creative being. '


The mind was being coerced repeatedly towards the conception of a comprehensive idea about divinity that was guiding them to­wards a conclusion that there was a God who is superior to all gods. Man's mind was no longer ready to contemplate that life  and  throb­bing of the heart and the creatures surround­ing him can be produced out of a lifeless power. If the power is itself lifeless how can it grant life to matter?


The learned and people of intelligence were confused about many other problems that the civilization, develop to that time, had brought along with ensuing benefits  and  com­forts. These problems were of two types. The first were intricacies of life viz. "what am I", "from where the human being come", "what is the nature of human life", "the purpose  and  end of human life". The other were of nature like the immediate personal needs, relations among the communities, tribes and nations.


Apparently the problems were such that these could be solved by taking guidance from science, religion  and  philosophy. But the physical sciences and the philosophy itself, in their nascent stage of development, were not capable enough to give sure  and  accurate an­swer to these and many other questions. These were themselves not free from errors. Their solution models were doubtful, incomprehensive  and  in particular where hu­manity was concerned. With their limited scope and character whatever was being of­fered was just an approximation or partial truth which the Holy Quran later called as conjectures in the following verse:


"And they have no knowledge thereof. They follow nothing but a guess and lo! a guess can never take the place of truth." (53: 28)


Thus if science and philosophy having failed in guiding the humanity in solving the problems then the only way left was the way of religion which could be the pace setter of values that give the society a direction. How­ever the claim of religion to answer questions about the existence of human individual and other related problems depend on the "Sources of knowledge". Among the various religions of the world, it is only Islam that gives a massage of hope and provides a con­vincing guidance to arrive through a sure knowledge about the ultimate facts of life.


Islam emphasizes the fact of revelation, which is the divine means to acquaint man with himself, his Lord  and  His universe and a way to regulate his life and teach him how to deal with his fellow men  and  his Creator. It con­firms the existence of God and say that He is the Creator of universe. Also He is all-power­ful, all Knowing and Omnipotent. He pos­sesses the knowledge  and  functions of every­thing".


For the faithful, the phenomenon of rev­elation is the clear manifestation of the conti­nuity of divine care. The creator could not leave man on his own whom He had created. For this God, the merciful out of His kindness and wisdom choose certain individuals to communicate His words to them. He prepared them with His kindness to shoulder His mission. He provided them with spiritual readiness, psychological perfection, mental maturity to make them able to carry the bur­den of the acceptance of divine trust and spread the divine will on the earth.


"Allah chooseth from the angels messengers and (also) from mankind. Lo! Allah is hearing, seeing. (22 : 75)


Preceding the revelation of the Holy Quran, God had sent a large number of prophets  and  messengers from time to time throughout the history to remind all people to be grateful to God. He sent His warners to every community on the earth to warn them to submit to God and to obey God's spiritual laws. About this God declares in the Holy Quran:


“And verily we have raised in every na­tion a messenger (proclaiming): serve Allah and shun false gods........” (16:36)


Thus by sending messengers for man's guidance God left no room for man to make excuses that he has not received any divine guidance.


Before the advent of Muhammad ()  all had abandoned the principles of their religion to indulge in never ending wrangling and upon dogmas of secondary importance. The Arabian people were unable to see that they had lost sight of the most essential point of religious doctrine, the true worship of God. In the history of the world the time has arrived for the appearance of a deliverer.


In 571 AD was born in Makkah, in Arabia, our Prophet Muhammad (), the son of Abdullah, the most exalted among men, who of all men exercised the greatest influ­ence upon the human race. Soon Arabia was flooded with new light whose rays were beamed everywhere.


The Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad () who was unlettered. He was simple  and  ordinary looking. His sole teacher was God and no one else:


"............ Allah revealeth unto thee (O! Muhammad) the book  and  the wisdom and teacheth thee that which thou knewest not, Allah's Grace unto thee is immense." (4: 113)


The Holy Quran is based on literal inspi­rations in the form of prophetic revelation (Wahi) and is not the result of Prophet's own intellectual or spiritual awakening. In it is God Who addresses human being including the Prophet himself.


The Holy Quran emerged in Arabia and though it claimed to be the message of God for the entire humanity, very naturally its im­mediate encounter was with Arabs who pos­sessed a philosophy, a system of religious rituals, an ethical outlook along with Ka'bah in Makkah still enjoying the status of Arabia's central holy place under the control of descendents of Abraham. Arabs had been known for their habitual contradiction of any thing they heard, either in verses or prose. Quran was a challenge to them yet because of their inability to produce any thing of like they could not dispute the Quran. Thus the Quran's challenge to Arabs remained unan­swered despite their allegations that the miraculous nature of the Quran had been in­herent in certain unseen and hidden power.


The Quran descended upon the "heart" of the Holy Prophet () not metaphorically but literally. In fact, in the form of language in which it was subsequently transcribed by the scribes. It was undoubtedly the source of knowledge for human civilization and the break through that man has made in science and general knowledge. Arabs and all those opposing the Prophet could not answer even the smallest challenge by the Quran nor could produce anything like Quran. The Quran mentioned most of the accounts found in previous scriptures telling us about events as if it witnessed them. These accounts came precisely as they were found in Torah and Gospel sent down to Prophet Jesus. It con­siders Jews, Christians and Muslims to be "people of Book". It honours all of the proph­ets  and  messengers of the "Old  and  New Testa­ments". Neither Christians nor Jews were able to belie it. They have to concede that ev­ery word of that book is the word of God which was communicated to Muhammad () through the process of revelation:

"Say (unto them O! Muhammad); He Who knoweth the secret of the heaven and the earth hath revealed it............" (25:6)


Quran is the source of governing and legislating the life of all the humanity. It is the fountainhead of concepts, beliefs, morals and good conduct. It is also the criterion used to measure everything large  and  small in the human life. Quran emphasizes that (i) it is the word of right and the word that expresses the law of existence as it was created by Allah, (ii) it is source of Shariah and law. It is the guide and leader, the spring of thought and awareness that built the social life and culture of Muslims.


The Quran deals with life, death the planets and plantation. It urges man to explore the secrets of nature, to search for truth and to think deeply in all matters. It can al­ways be interpreted in the light of modern sci­ences. Science can not disown the verses of the Holy Quran nor could they cast any doubt on their meanings. This is due to the fact that Quranic verses, style and meanings are so flexible that they can reconcile themselves with various explanations of all times.


As for the Muslims it keeps them on the correct path and preserves the principles of right and justice from being distorted or falsified.

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