

 Prof. Abdul Aziz



 1.       What are poetic or literary devices? آلات شاعری)  (

Ans: A poem or a poetical piece of literature is composed out of Poetic or literary devices consist of: structural, grammatical, rhythmic, metrical elements.

2.      What is a Rhyming scheme?  (قا فیہ بندی )

Ans: A rhyming scheme is the pattern of sounds that repeats at the end of a line or stanza. The rhyming scheme can be changed line by line, stanza by stanza, or can continue following the same pattern throughout a poem.

3.      What is Meter?  (بحر )

Ans: Meter is a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem.  The study and use of meter in poetry is known as “prosody” علم عروض.

4.      What is a Metaphor?     (استعارہ / کنا یہ)

Ans: Metaphor is a comparison between two different things without using the words “like” or “As”.

For Example:

ü  The world is a stage.

ü  He is an iron will.


5.      What is Simile?   (تشبیہ )

Ans: A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things using words such “like” or “As”.


For Example:

ü  The world is like a stage.

ü  Her voice is as sweet as honey.


6.      What is Blank Verse?   (بے قافیہ نظم)

Ans:   Blank verse is a poem or prose that employs consistent meter but has no formal rhyme scheme. Blank verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter. Iambic pentameter refers to the meter of a line of poetry. The line has ten syllables, and the emphasis on the syllables alternates every other syllable is stressed.

 For Example:

ü  Robert Frost “The Mending Wall”



7.      What is free verse?   (آزاد نظم )

Ans: Free verse is a literary device that can be defined as poetry that is free from limitations of regular meter or rhythm; such poems are without rhythm and rhyming schemes. In this way, the poet can give his own shape to a poem, yet still, provide literary artistic expression.

For Example:

ü  Song of Myself by Walt Whitman


8.      What is Hyperbole? (غلو / مبالغہ آرائی)

Ans: Hyperbole is an obvious exaggeration overstatement to stress or emphasis a point.

For Example:

ü  I was so hungry I could eat box.

ü  I have million things to do


9.      What is personification? (تجسیم شخصیت )

Ans: Personification is when a writer gives human qualities to animals or objects.

For Example:

ü  Lightning and thunderbolt scared and me fall.

ü  My alarm clock yells me to get out of bed every morning.


10.  What is Ballads?   (منظوم قصہ / گیت )

Ans: A ballad is a poem or song that is usually about a romantic or sentimental topic. These are type of poem that tells a story and are written with intention of being sung.

For Example:

ü  The Rime of the ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge۔


11.  What is a sonnet?    (طربیہ )

Ans: the word sonnet is derived from the Italian word “Sonetto”, which means a “little song”. Sonnet is a type of poem that has fourteen lines in length and follows a rhyme scheme of iambic pentameter.

For Example Shakespearean sonnets, Petrarchan sonnets.


12.  What is Elegy?       (مرثیہ )

Ans: An elegy is a poem or song written to lament or commemorate a deceased person

For Example:

“I hold it ture, whate’er befall; I feel it when I sorrow most; Tis better to have loved and lost/ Than to have loved at all.

ü  In memoriam A.H.H by Alfred Lord Tennyson


13.  What is Ode?   (غزل)

Ans: The literal meaning of “Ode” ((غزل is to converse with beloved. It is a poem containing minimum 5 verses and maximum 25. An Ode is a kind of poem composed in lyrical stanza usually praising a person, event or thing.

For Example:

ü  Shelley’s Ode to west wind

ü  Shelley’s Ode to Autumn


14.  What is Alliteration?  (ہم آواز حرف)

Ans: Alliteration is a literary device in which a series of words begin with the same consonant sound.

For Example:

ü  She sells seashells by the sea-shore.

ü  All Adam ate in August was apples and almonds.


15.  What is Oxymoron?( اجتماع ضدین)

Ans: Oxymoron is a when two contradictory qualities in a same thing at same time.

For Example:

ü  Known secret

ü  Clearly missing

ü  Fully empty


16.  What is Imagery?    (تمثیل / تصور بندی)

Ans: Imagery is what a writer uses to create “mental images” by invoking or drawing on the five senses namely taste, touch, sight, smell and sound.

For Example:

ü  It was dark and stormy night.

ü  The fragrance of red roses deeply etches in mind.

ü  The sound was so loud my ears rang for days afterwards.


17.  What is Irony? (طنز و طعن)

Ans: Irony is a mode of speech in which the real meaning is exactly the opposite of that which is literally conveyed, mean surface meaning is different from the intended meaning.

For Example:

ü  The police station gets robbed.

ü  A marriage counselor files for divorce.


18.  What is Paradox?           (خلاف قیاس / متضاد گوئی)

Ans: A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself and still seems to be true.

For Example:

ü  I know one thing; that I know nothing.

ü  This is the beginning of the end.


19.  What is Allegory (تمثیل نگاری /بیان حکایت)

Allegory is a figure of speech in which abstract ideas and principles are described in terms of characters, figures, and events. It can be employed in prose and poetry to tell a story, with a purpose of preaching truth, morals or explaining a broader idea. The objective of its use is to teach some kind of a moral lesson.


20.           What is an Anecdote? (پر مزاح کہانی)

Anecdote is defined as a short and interesting story, or an amusing event, often proposed to support or demonstrate some point, and to make the audience laugh۔


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