Before answering this question, I would like to write a short story. Once a king who was standing before a pond asked his minister how many cups of water there was in the pond. After asking the question he said that if he could not answer, he would be beheaded. (Not strange, he was a king of his time, now it depends upon him.) Wise & clever minister did not scare but smiled & immediately said, you’re Majesty it depends on the size and capacity of the cup.
If the cup is as big as this pond, then it will be only one cup. If it is half, then two cups; if it is a quarter of it, then four cups; if it is one eighth, then eight cups; if it is one-sixteenth then sixteen cups, if it is one upon 32 then 32 cup, by the same analogy.
The king smiled and said, "Hmmm, you survived."
Anyway, the same is my answer. It is not difficult to tell the exact number if you tell me the size and capacity of the cup.
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